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Should a Christian …………….?

I have been asked a few questions throughout the years and am wondering how you all would react or answer them.

Here are a couple.

Should a Christian attend a gay wedding?
Should a Christian attend a bar/tavern/nightclub?

Then the best part of it is the question some ask when these topics come up: “Would Jesus attend?”

It seems to me, to ask if Jesus would attend, hasn’t been thought out.
I’d have to ask, would we act and react as Jesus would, also?
I think we would wear out our welcome quite fast and be asked to leave if we did.

I mean, would you attend one of theses places to proclaim the gospel?
The Salvation Army do go into pubs, however they wear their uniform and people know why they are there, to hand out their paper and a collection.

In some countries those places are social gatherings for the locals, families and friends. They have a meal and share news.

Depends on why you would go there.
I have been asked a few questions throughout the years and am wondering how you all would react or answer them.

Here are a couple.

Should a Christian attend a gay wedding?
Should a Christian attend a bar/tavern/nightclub?

Then the best part of it is the question some ask when these topics come up: “Would Jesus attend?”

It seems to me, to ask if Jesus would attend, hasn’t been thought out.
I’d have to ask, would we act and react as Jesus would, also?
I think we would wear out our welcome quite fast and be asked to leave if we did.

I mean, would you attend one of theses places to proclaim the gospel?
Likewise, as already posted, No & No. Jesus would not attend a gay wedding. Gay weddings, etc.., are God's wrath for a nation which has abandoned God. Pastor McArthur has a sermon showing the judicial abandonment of America, and how God has indeed already judicially, as per Romans, already abandon America. For me this thread had already become too long for me to read, so I skipped it all, so I am sorry for what I have missed, but this MaCarthur video is must addition to this discussion.'
this MaCarthur video

Pastor MacArthur has an odd interpretive style, stringing together scraps of verses to support his ideas. Given that he's got plenty of time -- his sermon is an entire hour! -- I'd have preferred if he'd taken the time to read the entirety of Romans 1-3 at the beginning of the hour, and then preach on the overall message that Paul is trying to communicate.

However, at 26:39, he made an interesting statement: "There is no surer and no sadder evidence of a corrupted, wicked, abandoned society than when that society will not tolerate anger against sin. Our society won't tolerate anger against sin. Our society feeds on sin and wants no one to deny it its iniquities." I thought this was an excellent description of the backlash that we've seen in the U.S. against the social justice movements of the last two centuries.