Marilyn C
Well Known Member
The Salvation Army do go into pubs, however they wear their uniform and people know why they are there, to hand out their paper and a collection.I have been asked a few questions throughout the years and am wondering how you all would react or answer them.
Here are a couple.
Should a Christian attend a gay wedding?
Should a Christian attend a bar/tavern/nightclub?
Then the best part of it is the question some ask when these topics come up: “Would Jesus attend?”
It seems to me, to ask if Jesus would attend, hasn’t been thought out.
I’d have to ask, would we act and react as Jesus would, also?
I think we would wear out our welcome quite fast and be asked to leave if we did.
I mean, would you attend one of theses places to proclaim the gospel?
In some countries those places are social gatherings for the locals, families and friends. They have a meal and share news.
Depends on why you would go there.