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Private Messaging Re-Opening

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Mod 5

Private Messaging Re-Opening

The Private Messaging (PM) service is being re-opened. Private Messages should be used to discuss topics found in the threads in private between two (or more) forum members and other collaborative content. PMs are not to be used to correct poster's conduct. In cases where a poster has violated the forum's rules the post should be reported, and the moderators will evaluate that content and respond accordingly. Similar abuses occurring in private messages should also be reported. This includes PMs having to do with "You insulted me....," or "You offended me....," personal demands for change, and/or threats of shunning or other punitive action. The PMs were turned off due to abuses and it has been decided to limit their use to the discussion of thread content on a voluntary basis due to challenges associated with regulating private messages. The standards for using the PM system are the same for that of the public boards:

Keep the posts about the posts and not the posters.

And please try to take a conciliatory approach when discussing disagreement.
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