Some people believe that they chose God
Some people choose to repent of sinning as God commands all sinners everywhere to do.
because they prayed to God one day and God responded,
And because they repent of sinning for God's sake, then He keeps His promise to give the promised whole new heart and life of Christ.
or they felt as though when God was drawing them to Him
Some are drawn by God to repentance, with His godly sorrow granted by grace.
Others remain stiffnecked against the conviction of the Spirit of grace.
And yet others are drawn to their own measure of repentance for sake of religion.
they were utilising their free will to believe or have faith in God.
And some utilize their free will to remain stiffnecked unrepented sinners.
And some others try to justify themselves in unrepentance.
This is just the very first baby Christian position.
The first newborn babe position is repented from sinning for Jesus' sake.
The first baby religion position, is repenting in thought, but not in deed and in truth.
When a person that has been born again who doesn't know much of the Bible starts to study it,
And begin to learn how to continue being a born son of God with obedience.
Some unrepented children of disobedience can become converted to religion for the unrepented.
they will discover that God loved and chose them first,
And some others learn how to change the Bible into being saved by faith and unjustified by works.
God loved us first, not chose us first.
It is only unfamiliarity with what the Bible actually states and says about salvation in many different ways
They will learn such things as different ways of salvation, which is always apart from first repenting of all dead works as commanded by God.
The one main way, that all the other ways circle around, is being saved by faith alone first, and then gradually repenting some at leisure.
that can induce people to adopt the contrary idea that it was their own power that saved them and not God and His power.
Which is convincing themselves of being saved along with their own partial repentance, and denying the power of God to repent of all sins and trespasses at once.
After all, if the Bible says God chose an elect before the universe was created, how can that be denied?
The god of this world did choose for all men to sin, and to repent not of sinning.
The God and Creator of all men in His own image, chose for all men to please Him at all times. When all men chose not to, He chose His own Lamb before the world began to redeem them that repent, and please the Father through the Son at all times.
Many are called to repentance by hearing of the word of truth, and few are chosen by doing the word and repenting for Jesus' sake.
Them that choose to repent not God's way, still please the devil whether doing good or evil, so long as it's not doing good all the time.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
It can't, except in pride and hubris.
Pride and hubris is saving oneself by one's own faith alone, and offering up a bloodless religion of one's own measure of repentance at leisure.
And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
In their minds they are sorry, but in their deeds they are rebellious.