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Looks like the debate was a disaster for Biden.

I watched a few clips this morning.
Biden seemed confused.
Well here is a good read on his options...

'Can Biden be removed from the ticket?
It would be difficult. Biden faced minimal opposition in his party’s primaries and has secured 99% of the pledged delegates to the convention. Those delegates will be chosen in large part for their loyalty to the president. Absent extraordinary circumstances — and a backup plan — it’s unlikely they would remove him from the ticket.

Any challenger to Biden would have to announce his or her candidacy before the formal vote, publicly challenging the incumbent in a high-stakes attempted party coup.

How soon must a decision be made?

The Democratic National Committee had already planned to move up Biden’s nomination via a phoned-in roll call ahead of the convention to satisfy an Aug. 7 ballot deadline in Ohio. The Republican-led Ohio legislature has extended that deadline, but the Democratic Chairman Jaime Harrison has said the party will go forward with the early roll call anyway, making the convention — which begins August 19 — a mere formality.

What if Biden steps down after the convention?
The decision to replace him would be made by the members of the DNC. But then the party would face another hurdle: Printed ballots with Biden’s name already on them.

Laws vary by state about how a vote for Biden would be counted if he’s no longer the nominee, but his votes would likely go to his replacement when the Electoral College meets.

Who are the possible successors?
Vice President Kamala Harris is the most logical heir apparent, but it wouldn’t be automatic.

Other candidates waiting in the wings — who deferred to Biden and continue to publicly support him — include California Governor Gavin Newsom, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.'...
'Can Biden be removed from the ticket?
They're trying.

It was their plan to display Joe early prior to the convention...so they could show Americans just what they have been hiding, covering up in the MSM....that is Joe is OK and sharp as a tack.

So they sent Joe out to debate....to fail, and fail is exactly what Joe did. They basically turned off Joes political switch. "click".

Apparently Obama....who pretty much is really in charge....is through with his x-vice prez...but has to get by Dr. Jill who has been accustomed to 1600 Pa Ave. She's wears the pant suit.

The question is, how will they get Dr Jill to say ...OK. Joes out.

So, who's in? I'm going with Roger Stones quess....Big Mike Obama.
They're trying.

It was their plan to display Joe early prior to the convention...so they could show Americans just what they have been hiding, covering up in the MSM....that is Joe is OK and sharp as a tack.

So they sent Joe out to debate....to fail, and fail is exactly what Joe did. They basically turned off Joes political switch. "click".

Apparently Obama....who pretty much is really in charge....is through with his x-vice prez...but has to get by Dr. Jill who has been accustomed to 1600 Pa Ave. She's wears the pant suit.

The question is, how will they get Dr Jill to say ...OK. Joes out.

So, who's in? I'm going with Roger Stones quess....Big Mike Obama.

Do you think Kamala would go along with this?
Technically speaking, she is "next in line."
Do you think Kamala would go along with this?
Technically speaking, she is "next in line."
Kamala will do what she has been told to do. It's obvious she was selected in the first place...as she didn't merit the position on her political savyness.

Maybe they'll throw her a bone and give her a position in the California government.
I watched the whole debate.
Biden was his usual classy eyed, stammering, and disoriented self.
The pollsters were correct to declare Trump as the hands-down debate winner.
Serves the Dems right, talk about a collusion, oops, I meant a collision. lol
Looks Like the debate was a disaster for Biden.

I didnt watch the debate as it has reached a level of politics that I dont care for, but the newscasters this morning were almost cataclysmic of the shocking feedback they are getting. We can see it in the headlines... [multiple links]
"Disaster" is too strong a world. If Bill Clinton can survive exploiting his power to solicit sex from a 22-year-old intern and a statement as stupid as "That depends on what the meaning of "is" is," then Biden's dementia is not a disaster.
I think Biden will have to refuse the nomination and they pick another candidate other than Kamala Harris, it cannot be seen as anything but a catastrophic failure.
Biden is not going to do that.

The greatest power the media has is the power to ignore. That's true of both liberal and conservative media. Which means what we're hearing is some kind of diversion, a news cycle that fills the audience's attention instead of something more important. One of the things NOT being said is the fact Biden has every right to run and no one can stop him from running. Keep that in mind every time the word "replace" comes up. Not only can he run, but he's got the money to do so (or deep-pocketed friends to help) and he's still the establishment candidate. Another thing NOT being said - and this is perhaps the more serious of the two matters - is the fact all this talk within the same party is decidedly undemocratic. For months we've been hearing about Trump being an "existential threat" to democracy when 1) we have a representative republic, not a democracy, and 2) the republic is much stronger than Donal Trump. The republic will not cease to exist if Trump is elected, They are lying to everyone when they say that. The notion the party can stop Biden from running against his will is undemocratic. It's tyrannical and that is a threat to both democracy and representative republicanism. Every time the word "democracy" is used instead of "republic" they are lying!

In the Democratic Party they do not require a nominee to have a majority of the electoral votes. They can nominate whoever they like but they can't stop Joe from running if he wants to run. Biden's dementia is not a logistical problem; it's a legal one. Legally, the Democratic party does not have time to get someone else registered and on the ballot in all fifty states. Besides, I think they expect him to when and they do NOT expect him to finish the term. The first black woman will be president, a person who could not possibly get elected on her own merits.

(shhhh... 🤫🤫🤫 no one's talking about that)
@Josheb , and the 25th (Art 4) Amendment if Biden does not pass a cognitive test?...

Section 4​

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
"Disaster" is too strong a world.....
Oops! That's supposed to be "word," not "world."
@Josheb , and the 25th (Art 4) Amendment if Biden does not pass a cognitive test?...
I believe I already answered that question. Assuming Biden gets re-elected (which appears to still be the current plan) then he will step down at some point because of cognitive impairment. The VP will then become POTUS and everyone in the Democrat party will be happy and celebrate America's first black, female president. I have some mild suspicion that's the actual plan because Harris could not win the office on her won via a public election. She'll continue policies supporting globalization (psst.... that's code for Marxism) and the left will be overjoyed.

If the question is meant to inquire about what happens before the nomination, then, of course, Biden would have to resign and be replaced, but that would entail a few weeks of propaganda sufficient to create public support on the left (conservatives will say, "we told you so") to coerce a pysc evaluation, and impeachment hearing, the swearing in of the VPOTUS, and then the DNC formerly nominating a new candidate. They do not have time for that.

Btw, it might have been in another forum, but in one of these posts somewhere ;) I was discussing the debate before it happened and suggested Trump (or the moderators) work in question pertaining to "orientation." Physicians and psychologists assess a patient/client in three or four "spheres" (person, place, time, and sometimes task). Does a person know his name, the name of another? Does he know where he's at, physically? Does he know what day of the week it is, and the approximate time of day (without looking at a watch or cell phone)? Does he know what he is doing? In fact, both candidates could have been asked those questions. Just imagine Trump asking something like, "What are we doing here, Mr. Biden?" or "Remind me, where is this debate being held?" A person who is not oriented to person, place, and time is not going to pass a cognitive test.
...Harris could not win the office on her won via a public election.....
Man, I've been having a problem with proofreading recently! That's supposed to be "own," not "won." She can't win on her own (no matter ow much the Democrat establishment may support her).
Mike is on the mailed out ballots in MN…
Only the Libby green beans would think so.
Well, it doesnt seem it will be Kamala Harris...
The Dems keep playing musical chairs, reflecting their indecisiveness.