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Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
Reaction score
Let Me Tell You Why I’m Disgruntled
No need to “beat around the bush.” It is strongly observable and highly indicated that President Biden possesses a morally corrupted personality, and perhaps among the worst of American’s past Presidents. [If that affirmation “bugs you,” don’t stop reading at this point, for I have a message you may need to read.] Not only does Biden support the homosexual/Lesbian movements, publicly and otherwise, but he strongly denounces those of us who see same-sex relationships a despicable evil.

A few weeks ago, in one of Biden’s many questionable speeches, he called those of us who believe sexual abnormalities are denounced by God “homophobic.” This is not hear-say; nor is it a rumor. I sat in front of my TV at 5 p.m. on Friday, October 20, and listened as he identified some of the nation’s “jaundices.” Among the list was “homophobia”—meaning, according to Webster, “irrational hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality.”

In essence, this “President” is saying our God has an “irrational hatred” toward certain evils. In principle, he has called the God he claims to believe a “homophobic.” We’ve had a few filthy-mouthed, nonsensical Presidents, yes; but not one as deeply incapable of logical reasoning as Biden—unless it would Donald Trump. A huge number of liberal Democrats are loosely-minded and morally off-center—so much so that their “explanation” respecting mass shootings is that the shooters are mentally defective! Consequently, no one is “legally guilty” for mass shootings, including the recent one in Maine that killed 18 innocent people. “Remove the guns,” the loosely-minded liberals cry! Well, guns don’t kill. Evil hearts and minds kill.

How mentally sick was the shooter in Maine who recently erased the lives of 18 innocent people? Consider that prior to taking those lives, he fully understood the consequences of his planned action. Otherwise, he would not have been mentally able to compose a short “Last Will And Testament” to send his son, which he composed. True, he was not well-balanced and was logically flawed, but not so mentally off-balance that he was unable to realize what he intended to do and the results of it. Libertarians adopt the “excuse” factor to “pardon” killers and murderers.

Another example of liberalism is that Katie Hobbs, the new Governor of my State, Arizona, stood before an audience of homosexuals and lesbians and transgenders a week ago [October 2023] and “anointed” them with a sugar-coated political/social speech. I watched her on TV. She’s a Democrat. It is highly unlikely a Republican or Independent would confer such a favor upon an audience of this class. We, as a nation, have become tolerant of evil in the forms of immorality, same-sex relationships, unprincipled behavior, and depravity. These sinister vices no longer worry us, concern us, for we no longer consider them threatening, wrong, abnormal, or ugly, as we once did. However, the God who created morals still says:

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, for it is an abomination” [Lev. 18:22]. “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable” [Lev. 20:13]. “Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality...will inherit the [eternal] kingdom of God” [I Cor. 6:9-11].

But let’s cover another base. Inflation under Biden has thrown our nation into a spin—so much so we are experiencing the worst financial rollercoaster ride we’ve seen under any previous President, unless it would be Jimmy Carter. Inflation under Biden has grown so rapidly that thousands and thousands of hard-working citizens have been evicted from their homes—including my City, Phoenix—because they can no longer afford the mortgage rates. And thousands of tenants and leasers, nationwide, are thrown out into the Streets because rent and leasing have tripled under Biden. Yes, Trump had his severe defects—deeply severe—but inflation under him was within the arena of rationale.

And before I crawl off of Biden’s back, mass shootings under him have tripled. Yes, there were a few mass shootings under Trump, but nothing compared to what has happened and happening under Biden. In my research, I uncovered the following:

“Trump vs Biden: Gun violence in Joe Biden’s US sees a sharp escalation...The Gun Violence Archive (GVA), a US gun violence monitoring group, reported that there were over 5,000 more fatal shootings during Joe Biden's first year in office compared to Donald Trump's first year as president.”

And there’s more under Google, if you wish to pursue further the diverse reports. The bottom line to all of this is easy to decipher. America’s once great moral features have heavily decayed under Obama, Trump, and Biden. The decline is open and observable to all. If the decline worsens, our once-great nation will crumble from within and from without. Banks will fail. Wealthy, greedy financial Institutions will collapse. Hunger will be on a rampage. All manner of crimes will swell. If we ever needed Heaven’s help, it is now.Buff – Nov., 2023.
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why was there a need to mention Trump? Do not Biden's successes and failures stand or fall on their own merits. Is that not also true for Trump, Obama, Bush and every other POTUS?
I have often heard pundits say the liberals want people fearful, hateful, angry, and disgruntled.
The decline is open and observable to all. If the decline worsens, our once-great nation will crumble from within and from without. Banks will fail. Wealthy, greedy financial Institutions will collapse. Hunger will be on a rampage. All manner of crimes will swell. If we ever needed Heaven’s help, it is now.Buff – Nov., 2023.
If that is correct, then it looks like they have been successful in your case.

Give "He Shall Have Dominion" by Ken Gentry a read.
why was there a need to mention Trump? Do not Biden's successes and failures stand or fall on their own merits. Is that not also true for Trump, Obama, Bush and every other POTUS?
Josheb, you write and post what you believe, based on the level of evidence you have achieved. I, too, do the same. You devise your format, I devise mine. Let's keep it that way.
Let Me Tell You Why I’m Disgruntled
No need to “beat around the bush.” It is strongly observable and highly indicated that President Biden possesses a morally corrupted personality, and perhaps among the worst of American’s past Presidents. [If that affirmation “bugs you,” don’t stop reading at this point, for I have a message you may need to read.] Not only does Biden support the homosexual/Lesbian movements, publicly and otherwise, but he strongly denounces those of us who see same-sex relationships a despicable evil.

A few weeks ago, in one of Biden’s many questionable speeches, he called those of us who believe sexual abnormalities are denounced by God “homophobic.” This is not hear-say; nor is it a rumor. I sat in front of my TV at 5 p.m. on Friday, October 20, and listened as he identified some of the nation’s “jaundices.” Among the list was “homophobia”—meaning, according to Webster, “irrational hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality.”

In essence, this “President” is saying our God has an “irrational hatred” toward certain evils. In principle, he has called the God he claims to believe a “homophobic.” We’ve had a few filthy-mouthed, nonsensical Presidents, yes; but not one as deeply incapable of logical reasoning as Biden—unless it would Donald Trump. A huge number of liberal Democrats are loosely-minded and morally off-center—so much so that their “explanation” respecting mass shootings is that the shooters are mentally defective! Consequently, no one is “legally guilty” for mass shootings, including the recent one in Maine that killed 18 innocent people. “Remove the guns,” the loosely-minded liberals cry! Well, guns don’t kill. Evil hearts and minds kill.

How mentally sick was the shooter in Maine who recently erased the lives of 18 innocent people? Consider that prior to taking those lives, he fully understood the consequences of his planned action. Otherwise, he would not have been mentally able to compose a short “Last Will And Testament” to send his son, which he composed. True, he was not well-balanced and was logically flawed, but not so mentally off-balance that he was unable to realize what he intended to do and the results of it. Libertarians adopt the “excuse” factor to “pardon” killers and murderers.

Another example of liberalism is that Katie Hobbs, the new Governor of my State, Arizona, stood before an audience of homosexuals and lesbians and transgenders a week ago [October 2023] and “anointed” them with a sugar-coated political/social speech. I watched her on TV. She’s a Democrat. It is highly unlikely a Republican or Independent would confer such a favor upon an audience of this class. We, as a nation, have become tolerant of evil in the forms of immorality, same-sex relationships, unprincipled behavior, and depravity. These sinister vices no longer worry us, concern us, for we no longer consider them threatening, wrong, abnormal, or ugly, as we once did. However, the God who created morals still says:

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, for it is an abomination” [Lev. 18:22]. “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable” [Lev. 20:13]. “Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality...will inherit the [eternal] kingdom of God” [I Cor. 6:9-11].

But let’s cover another base. Inflation under Biden has thrown our nation into a spin—so much so we are experiencing the worst financial rollercoaster ride we’ve seen under any previous President, unless it would be Jimmy Carter. Inflation under Biden has grown so rapidly that thousands and thousands of hard-working citizens have been evicted from their homes—including my City, Phoenix—because they can no longer afford the mortgage rates. And thousands of tenants and leasers, nationwide, are thrown out into the Streets because rent and leasing have tripled under Biden. Yes, Trump had his severe defects—deeply severe—but inflation under him was within the arena of rationale.

And before I crawl off of Biden’s back, mass shootings under him have tripled. Yes, there were a few mass shootings under Trump, but nothing compared to what has happened and happening under Biden. In my research, I uncovered the following:

“Trump vs Biden: Gun violence in Joe Biden’s US sees a sharp escalation...The Gun Violence Archive (GVA), a US gun violence monitoring group, reported that there were over 5,000 more fatal shootings during Joe Biden's first year in office compared to Donald Trump's first year as president.”

And there’s more under Google, if you wish to pursue further the diverse reports. The bottom line to all of this is easy to decipher. America’s once great moral features have heavily decayed under Obama, Trump, and Biden. The decline is open and observable to all. If the decline worsens, our once-great nation will crumble from within and from without. Banks will fail. Wealthy, greedy financial Institutions will collapse. Hunger will be on a rampage. All manner of crimes will swell. If we ever needed Heaven’s help, it is now.Buff – Nov., 2023.
I'll just add in more straight forward language. Liberalism as manifest in todays political system (that includes most from one party and way too many from the other party) is morally corrupt , antichrist, with no Biblical footing, evil, power hungry, and self serving. Did I leave anything out? Probably so but I think I made my point.
Josheb, you write and post what you believe, based on the level of evidence you have achieved. I, too, do the same. You devise your format, I devise mine. Let's keep it that way.
Is your way to avoid answering questions? Is your way typically to compare one imperfect POTUS to another imperfect POTUS? is your way to come into a discussion bord and discuss nothing you post?

Donald Trump is a covenant-breaker, and he has always been one. He has been married three times and left a litany of broken relationships behind him, having also been promiscuous. He has used the laws of various companies to escape contract obligations when it served him, including bankruptcy laws in this country. He boasted about this during his campaign. He claims to be a Christian, stating he attended a Presbyterian congregation in New York but the rector of that congregation says he has not seen Mr. Trump there in years. Trump used Paula White as his spiritual advisor, and she preaches the "prosperity gospel," which is a false gospel. While it can be said Mr. Trump had many beneficial accomplishments, he did not keep all his campaign promises and he was one of the most divisive politicians to have held an office in my lifetime. It's not all his fault, but his re-election will bring more of the same division (Gal. 5:20).

My point is NOT to discuss Trump. My point is that comparisons between two POTUSes are part of the problem to be solved. Biden's presidency should be measured by its own merits, or lack thereof. Personally, I think he is a very poor president, and I can make that case without ever mentioning another POTUS.
I'll just add in more straight forward language. Liberalism as manifest in todays political system (that includes most from one party and way too many from the other party) is morally corrupt , antichrist, with no Biblical footing, evil, power hungry, and self serving. Did I leave anything out? Probably so but I think I made my point.
Yes, something was left out.


And I suspect either a fundamental understanding of Christianity or a consistent application of what is known was also neglected. Being a Christian is not dependent upon one's politics. You and I might argue being a good politician is dependent on faith in Christ. To exclude "liberals" wholesale is, in fact, ungodly judgment because of its inaccuracy. It's a form of false witness. It's the bed kind of religion to bring into politics. There are some politicians who are Christians but hold liberal political positions. They do so because they place an emphasis on helping others and believe the government (not the other institutions of society) is the agency of change. The hold a messianic view of government. Conservatives approach government much differently - and generally want to have a cogent conversation about politics and government policy without the rancor so common on the left because we believe our views will succeed if reason is the means and measure.

Much of what you've said, @Wordsmith, could be said about many pols on both sides of the political divide. I would also venture to say that Mr. Biden isn't a very good liberal politician if liberal politics is to be his measure. I'm also glad you said, "as manifest in today's political system...." because classic liberalism has much to commend it. Sadly, that's rarely evident in today's politics.
I'll just add in more straight forward language. Liberalism as manifest in todays political system (that includes most from one party and way too many from the other party) is morally corrupt , antichrist, with no Biblical footing, evil, power hungry, and self serving. Did I leave anything out? Probably so but I think I made my point.
Yes, you've made your point, brother. And thank you for your input.
Is your way to avoid answering questions? Is your way typically to compare one imperfect POTUS to another imperfect POTUS? is your way to come into a discussion bord and discuss nothing you post?

Donald Trump is a covenant-breaker, and he has always been one. He has been married three times and left a litany of broken relationships behind him, having also been promiscuous. He has used the laws of various companies to escape contract obligations when it served him, including bankruptcy laws in this country. He boasted about this during his campaign. He claims to be a Christian, stating he attended a Presbyterian congregation in New York but the rector of that congregation says he has not seen Mr. Trump there in years. Trump used Paula White as his spiritual advisor, and she preaches the "prosperity gospel," which is a false gospel. While it can be said Mr. Trump had many beneficial accomplishments, he did not keep all his campaign promises and he was one of the most divisive politicians to have held an office in my lifetime. It's not all his fault, but his re-election will bring more of the same division (Gal. 5:20).

My point is NOT to discuss Trump. My point is that comparisons between two POTUSes are part of the problem to be solved. Biden's presidency should be measured by its own merits, or lack thereof. Personally, I think he is a very poor president, and I can make that case without ever mentioning another POTUS.

Yes, something was left out.


And I suspect either a fundamental understanding of Christianity or a consistent application of what is known was also neglected. Being a Christian is not dependent upon one's politics. You and I might argue being a good politician is dependent on faith in Christ. To exclude "liberals" wholesale is, in fact, ungodly judgment because of its inaccuracy. It's a form of false witness. It's the bed kind of religion to bring into politics. There are some politicians who are Christians but hold liberal political positions. They do so because they place an emphasis on helping others and believe the government (not the other institutions of society) is the agency of change. The hold a messianic view of government. Conservatives approach government much differently - and generally want to have a cogent conversation about politics and government policy without the rancor so common on the left because we believe our views will succeed if reason is the means and measure.

Much of what you've said, @Wordsmith, could be said about many pols on both sides of the political divide. I would also venture to say that Mr. Biden isn't a very good liberal politician if liberal politics is to be his measure. I'm also glad you said, "as manifest in today's political system...." because classic liberalism has much to commend it. Sadly, that's rarely evident in today's politics.
Josheb, your post #6 confirms that, basically, we are in the same boat of sentiments. All of us should be able to ascertain that Trump has a severe mental defect, as you strongly indicated.
Josheb, your post #6 confirms that, basically, we are in the same boat of sentiments. All of us should be able to ascertain that Trump has a severe mental defect, as you strongly indicated.
Welll.... as a professional clinician I am bound not to diagnose someone without meeting them ;) but if the reports are correct then, yes, the man has some serious issues. BUT my point was that Trump is unnecessary for disgruntlement with Biden. We could discuss the problems with the current POTUS without ever mentioning any other POTUS and that would be my recommendation IF "why I'm disgruntled" is the subject. Again, the current POTUS can and should be measured by his own merits regardless of what any other POTUS has done or not done. When I think of Biden my first thoughts turn to Carter, not Trump! Carter was among the reasons I became conservative, not Reagan, the Bushes, or Trump. Sometimes I do not even consider my conservative ethic (the rule of law, fiscal stewardship, distrust of power, small government, etc.) or my democratic ethic (representative government, majority rule, constitutional rule defining the rule of law, etc.) but my Christian ethic (the debt of love, honesty and forthcomingness, restitutional and restorative justice, etc.) and I do not need any other POTUS as a comparison to measure Biden.

I've been watching Mr. Biden since I was a young man. He first held federal office in 1972! I've watched and listened 1) to him lie and 2) others on the left lie about him, for many decades. I would venture to say his form and degree of deceit are unequaled and he makes most others look sophomoric or amateurish. His resilience is impressive. Democrats have a long history of picking the job for the man, not the other way around (Carter, Clinton, and Obama were all relatively unknown and largely meritless when picked). Biden is the anomaly in that he's been around for so long, but well within the sop of putting the office onto a man with little merit - because two-faced men have not merit! Clinically, if you met someone in real life who could not be relied upon to say something and stick to it you would avoid him. America did just that for most of his "career," and it wasn't until the country became so horribly divided that he was given serious consideration.

And, of course, many doubt he won, but I will avoid the debacle of that digression.

My main point is that to truly own your disgruntlement (and me mine, Fred his, and/or Ethel hers) we should look at the man on his own merits (or lack thereof) and ask what it is and why I do not like it regardless of what Ricky or Lucy did or did not do because Ricky and Lucy were pretty messed up, too 🙂. We live in a time when the world Orwell and Huxley (did you know Huxley wrote the screenplay for the 1940 version of "Pride and Prejudice"?!?!? 😲) wrote about exists (at least in part) and while at the time everyone thought they were writing about McCarthy conservatives it turns out they were writing about socialist liberals, and the rub is....

We should be disgruntled!

I liken the matter of politics to apologetics. The goal to which we Christians all aspire is singular:

A polite and respectful, reasonable and rational, cogent and coherent topical case of well-rendered (scriptural) principles.

So, remember something very important: They want you disgruntled. The question is this: are you there because that is where they brought you unawares (sin does that sort of thing) 😦, because of the bold-faced italicized text :cool:, or some adulterated mixture of both ☹️. It makes a difference.

Because this post is long, I am going to post something separately just to shake things up.
A few weeks ago, in one of Biden’s many questionable speeches, he called those of us who believe sexual abnormalities are denounced by God “homophobic.” This is not hear-say; nor is it a rumor. I sat in front of my TV at 5 p.m. on Friday, October 20, and listened as he identified some of the nation’s “jaundices.” Among the list was “homophobia”—meaning, according to Webster, “irrational hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality.”

In essence, this “President” is saying our God has an “irrational hatred” toward certain evils. In principle, he has called the God he claims to believe a “homophobic.” We’ve had a few filthy-mouthed, nonsensical Presidents, yes; but not one as deeply incapable of logical reasoning as Biden—unless it would Donald Trump. A huge number of liberal Democrats are loosely-minded and morally off-center—so much so that their “explanation” respecting mass shootings is that the shooters are mentally defective! Consequently, no one is “legally guilty” for mass shootings, including the recent one in Maine that killed 18 innocent people. “Remove the guns,” the loosely-minded liberals cry! Well, guns don’t kill. Evil hearts and minds kill.
In the Old Testament same-sex sex was prohibited and considered a capital offense. A person could be killed if caught having sex with someone of the same sex BUT that matter had to be testified to by two or more eyewitnesses. In other words, someone who was known to have sex with others of the same sex could not be convicted, sentenced, and killed unless there were two people personally observed and bore witness to the act. The problem is sex is something that happens clandestinely, behind closed door, in private, and not in public 🤫.

That means a lot of same-sex sex happened unawares and unaddressed 🤨.

That is the way God designed His Law 🤔. In other words, God knowing sinfully same-sex sex occurred, He codified a Law that made its reprehensible nature known but also limiting its prosecution. There have always been people who had sex with members of the same sex. It goes back in scripture at least as far back as Ham, almost immediately after the flood (within a single growing season).

The same holds true of other sexual lawlessness (prostitution, promiscuity, etc.) so it should be understood God holds it all in contempt but knowing the problem is one of sin, has codified conduct that also temporarily makes allowance for its existence and, alternatively, foreshadowing Christ. The chief problem in our day is the very, very, very small minority of people having same-sex sex are now held to have power and authority in a pluralistic representative republic where the majority is supposed to rule. Those my age have watched it happen.

That is a much more serious perversion.

And, personally, I blame the Church first and foremost because we have the answers to the problems for which humans seek answers both individually and corporately and we've been commanded to share those answers, applying the principles to every seemingly new problem arising in each generation.

Our "disgruntlement" should start with ourselves.
Welll.... as a professional clinician I am bound not to diagnose someone without meeting them ;) but if the reports are correct then, yes, the man has some serious issues. BUT my point was that Trump is unnecessary for disgruntlement with Biden. We could discuss the problems with the current POTUS without ever mentioning any other POTUS and that would be my recommendation IF "why I'm disgruntled" is the subject. Again, the current POTUS can and should be measured by his own merits regardless of what any other POTUS has done or not done. When I think of Biden my first thoughts turn to Carter, not Trump! Carter was among the reasons I became conservative, not Reagan, the Bushes, or Trump. Sometimes I do not even consider my conservative ethic (the rule of law, fiscal stewardship, distrust of power, small government, etc.) or my democratic ethic (representative government, majority rule, constitutional rule defining the rule of law, etc.) but my Christian ethic (the debt of love, honesty and forthcomingness, restitutional and restorative justice, etc.) and I do not need any other POTUS as a comparison to measure Biden.

I've been watching Mr. Biden since I was a young man. He first held federal office in 1972! I've watched and listened 1) to him lie and 2) others on the left lie about him, for many decades. I would venture to say his form and degree of deceit are unequaled and he makes most others look sophomoric or amateurish. His resilience is impressive. Democrats have a long history of picking the job for the man, not the other way around (Carter, Clinton, and Obama were all relatively unknown and largely meritless when picked). Biden is the anomaly in that he's been around for so long, but well within the sop of putting the office onto a man with little merit - because two-faced men have not merit! Clinically, if you met someone in real life who could not be relied upon to say something and stick to it you would avoid him. America did just that for most of his "career," and it wasn't until the country became so horribly divided that he was given serious consideration.

And, of course, many doubt he won, but I will avoid the debacle of that digression.

My main point is that to truly own your disgruntlement (and me mine, Fred his, and/or Ethel hers) we should look at the man on his own merits (or lack thereof) and ask what it is and why I do not like it regardless of what Ricky or Lucy did or did not do because Ricky and Lucy were pretty messed up, too 🙂. We live in a time when the world Orwell and Huxley (did you know Huxley wrote the screenplay for the 1940 version of "Pride and Prejudice"?!?!? 😲) wrote about exists (at least in part) and while at the time everyone thought they were writing about McCarthy conservatives it turns out they were writing about socialist liberals, and the rub is....

We should be disgruntled!

I liken the matter of politics to apologetics. The goal to which we Christians all aspire is singular:

A polite and respectful, reasonable and rational, cogent and coherent topical case of well-rendered (scriptural) principles.

So, remember something very important: They want you disgruntled. The question is this: are you there because that is where they brought you unawares (sin does that sort of thing) 😦, because of the bold-faced italicized text :cool:, or some adulterated mixture of both ☹️. It makes a difference.

Because this post is long, I am going to post something separately just to shake things up.

You noted, “BUT my point was that Trump is unnecessary for disgruntlement with Biden. We could discuss the problems with the current POTUS without ever mentioning any other POTUS and that would be my recommendation...”

And you are entitled to your point—as I am. But I decided to format my thoughts the way they appear without having to get an endorsement from those who would structure their thoughts differently. It might be that on this sector of my initial post, we may be wasting time and efforts—needlessly. I stand where I stand, and I assume you stand where you stand. Let it be.​

Let Me Tell You Why I’m Disgruntled
No need to “beat around the bush.” It is strongly observable and highly indicated that President Biden possesses a morally corrupted personality, and perhaps among the worst of American’s past Presidents.....................​
Let me also provide some personal context to my posts.

I live in the WMATA and have done so all my life (except for a few brief stays on the west coast as a missionary and businessman). I have, therefore, admittedly lived in a "bubble," inside the DC political sphere that most living elsewhere in the country do not experience the same way. I first became aware of this when I was about ten years old. I was vacationing with my family on the North Carolina coast. I was reading a daily newspaper and upon arriving at a story about the war in Viet Nam on the fourth page of the front section realized there'd been nothing about the war for four pages! This was the exact opposite of the DC papers. In DC the front section filled many pages with news about the war (most of it half-truths deliberately skewed for political purpose even back then).

My mom worked on the campaigns of a Democrat congressman. I was raised with what I thought were liberal sensibilities during the days of Camelot, the Civil Rights movement, and the welfare state - or at least I thought so about myself. I say that because a middle school civics class polled the students one day and my answers had me supporting Barry Goldwater! (I was horrified). I became a Christian in my mid-twenties and, living in the DC area, began to meet politicians, activists, and lobbyists. I also began reading history books and they were what turned me from liberal to conservative, Democrat to Republican. Dems have often been on the wrong side of history and lied about it, getting away with it because of the fourth estate. I studied journalism briefly as an undergrad and was shocked to read the journalists' code of ethics because no one in journalism practices it and no one does anything about that failure.

More recently I and my wife have become modestly involved in politics. As a consequence, I've met many of the local pols personally; dined with them and materially supported their candidacies. Through the process I have also learned who NOT to support, even though they may share some modicum of political values and goals. Some of them simply put, are irrational, unethical, and/or immoral. It is creepy. Some of them I know to be Christians, some claim to be without observable evidence, and others just pander. I'm talking about some otherwise "normal" folks, not the wack jobs. I met Marion Barry several times and every time I ever met the guy I walked away with a single word in mind. Greasy. Even his handshake felt slimy and no one I ever met on either side of the political divide ever claimed to believe a word they heard from him.

This fits quite securely with the core conservative ethic mistrusting power because power sin and power corrupt. Government is no one's savior and in founding father core concepts it's not supposed to be. It is a necessary institution for civil society that falls prey to the exact same malady to which all our institutions fall prey without checks and balances: sin. The core concept separating conservativism from liberalism is that of incremental change based on real legitimate need and a history of what has worked - what has proven effective in the past. The federal government stopped practicing that metric many years ago ad as a consequence many things are very bad and in need of radical change. That plays into the political view holding sweeping changes acceptable and government enforcement all the more so.

Most people outside DC are just trying to put food on the table, help others, and enjoy life. If more people knew what really happens then J6 would look like a child's birthday party.
Let me also provide some personal context to my posts.

I live in the WMATA and have done so all my life (except for a few brief stays on the west coast as a missionary and businessman). I have, therefore, admittedly lived in a "bubble," inside the DC political sphere that most living elsewhere in the country do not experience the same way. I first became aware of this when I was about ten years old. I was vacationing with my family on the North Carolina coast. I was reading a daily newspaper and upon arriving at a story about the war in Viet Nam on the fourth page of the front section realized there'd been nothing about the war for four pages! This was the exact opposite of the DC papers. In DC the front section filled many pages with news about the war (most of it half-truths deliberately skewed for political purpose even back then).

My mom worked on the campaigns of a Democrat congressman. I was raised with what I thought were liberal sensibilities during the days of Camelot, the Civil Rights movement, and the welfare state - or at least I thought so about myself. I say that because a middle school civics class polled the students one day and my answers had me supporting Barry Goldwater! (I was horrified). I became a Christian in my mid-twenties and, living in the DC area, began to meet politicians, activists, and lobbyists. I also began reading history books and they were what turned me from liberal to conservative, Democrat to Republican. Dems have often been on the wrong side of history and lied about it, getting away with it because of the fourth estate. I studied journalism briefly as an undergrad and was shocked to read the journalists' code of ethics because no one in journalism practices it and no one does anything about that failure.

More recently I and my wife have become modestly involved in politics. As a consequence, I've met many of the local pols personally; dined with them and materially supported their candidacies. Through the process I have also learned who NOT to support, even though they may share some modicum of political values and goals. Some of them simply put, are irrational, unethical, and/or immoral. It is creepy. Some of them I know to be Christians, some claim to be without observable evidence, and others just pander. I'm talking about some otherwise "normal" folks, not the wack jobs. I met Marion Barry several times and every time I ever met the guy I walked away with a single word in mind. Greasy. Even his handshake felt slimy and no one I ever met on either side of the political divide ever claimed to believe a word they heard from him.

This fits quite securely with the core conservative ethic mistrusting power because power sin and power corrupt. Government is no one's savior and in founding father core concepts it's not supposed to be. It is a necessary institution for civil society that falls prey to the exact same malady to which all our institutions fall prey without checks and balances: sin. The core concept separating conservativism from liberalism is that of incremental change based on real legitimate need and a history of what has worked - what has proven effective in the past. The federal government stopped practicing that metric many years ago ad as a consequence many things are very bad and in need of radical change. That plays into the political view holding sweeping changes acceptable and government enforcement all the more so.

Most people outside DC are just trying to put food on the table, help others, and enjoy life. If more people knew what really happens then J6 would look like a child's birthday party.
Good & interesting personal history and personal concepts, my brother.
@Buff Scott Jr. @Josheb @Wordsmith

Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.

Regardless of who is elected President, we should pray for all of our elected leaders that Jesus Christ will redirect his steps for the well being of not just himself, but for this nation as well.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
@Buff Scott Jr. @Josheb @Wordsmith

Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.

Regardless of who is elected President, we should pray for all of our elected leaders that Jesus Christ will redirect his steps for the well being of not just himself, but for this nation as well.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Here's what scripture states,

Luke 6:45
The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.

This was part of Jesus' concluding commentary after preaching what we now call the "beatitudes." Although the sentence above was originally stated in a specified context, it is universally applicable to all human conduct. So....., when an OP starts with, "Let me tell you why I am disgruntled," the author AND all his/her readers instantly know (or should know) that the "why" is first answered, "because that is what is in your heart."

I am not saying there is anything wrong with your heart. That may or may not be the case and only an explanation of the heart's concerns will divulge its health and justness. What is undeniable is that disgruntlement comes from what is in the heart. Therefore, if the heart values life and someone indiscriminately beheads babies and rapes women and you believe that is reprehensible behavior, then that is going to cause disgruntlement. Assuming Joe Biden's "morally corrupted personality," that is going to cause disgruntlement ONLY for those who believe 1) people in general should not be morally corrupt personality, and 2) The POTUS should not have a morally corrupt personality. And I, personally, believe there is a third matter that causes disgruntlement: the awareness we also have morally corrupt personalities in some way or another.

You should feel disgruntled.

We all should feel disgruntled AND be aware the heart issues underlying that disgruntlement is universal.
Regardless of who is elected President, we should pray for all of our elected leaders that Jesus Christ will redirect his steps for the well being of not just himself, but for this nation as well.
I wonder what kind of prayer a disgruntled heart offers God. :unsure:

Besides, aren't you a Dispensationalist? Aren't you looking forward to the world going to hell in a handbasket so you can be raptured off the planet and spared the travail coming upon the world real soon? This is what you hope for, is it not? How then can you hope for it, expect it to happen, teach everyone else this is what to look for ad also be disgruntled when it happens. How is it this op is not titled, "Let me tell you why I am overjoyed the POTUS has a morally corrupt personality"?

If I have your eschatology mistaken, then I stand corrected, and you have my regret (but those questions are valid and do apply to any modern futurist in the thread).
Here's what scripture states,

Luke 6:45
The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.

This was part of Jesus' concluding commentary after preaching what we now call the "beatitudes." Although the sentence above was originally stated in a specified context, it is universally applicable to all human conduct. So....., when an OP starts with, "Let me tell you why I am disgruntled," the author AND all his/her readers instantly know (or should know) that the "why" is first answered, "because that is what is in your heart."

I am not saying there is anything wrong with your heart. That may or may not be the case and only an explanation of the heart's concerns will divulge its health and justness. What is undeniable is that disgruntlement comes from what is in the heart. Therefore, if the heart values life and someone indiscriminately beheads babies and rapes women and you believe that is reprehensible behavior, then that is going to cause disgruntlement. Assuming Joe Biden's "morally corrupted personality," that is going to cause disgruntlement ONLY for those who believe 1) people in general should not be morally corrupt personality, and 2) The POTUS should not have a morally corrupt personality. And I, personally, believe there is a third matter that causes disgruntlement: the awareness we also have morally corrupt personalities in some way or another.

You should feel disgruntled.

We all should feel disgruntled AND be aware the heart issues underlying that disgruntlement is universal.

I wonder what kind of prayer a disgruntled heart offers God. :unsure:
Look to Jesus to set the example for suffering grief wrongfully if anyone has a disgruntled heart towards anyone, even if the offense was to someone else.

1 Peter 2:19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. 20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. 21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
Besides, aren't you a Dispensationalist? Aren't you looking forward to the world going to hell in a handbasket so you can be raptured off the planet and spared the travail coming upon the world real soon? This is what you hope for, is it not? How then can you hope for it, expect it to happen, teach everyone else this is what to look for ad also be disgruntled when it happens. How is it this op is not titled, "Let me tell you why I am overjoyed the POTUS has a morally corrupt personality"?

If I have your eschatology mistaken, then I stand corrected, and you have my regret (but those questions are valid and do apply to any modern futurist in the thread).
Regardless of the coming of the Bridegroom when He judges His House first, & then afterwards, USA Babylon along with a third of the earth, we are to lean on Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd & Friend to help us to follow Him, holding no grudges when the judge is at the door.

James 5:8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. 9 Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door. 10 Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. 11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.
Look to Jesus to set the example for suffering grief wrongfully if anyone has a disgruntled heart towards anyone, even if the offense was to someone else.

1 Peter 2:19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. 20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. 21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
Aside from the fact you just moved the goal posts (disgruntlement is not synonymous with suffering grief wrongfully), and aside from what I assume is a grammatical error (Jesus did not suffer grief wrongfully)...., perhaps I was not sufficiently clear. My point was that any time any Christian feels "disgruntled" he should look first to his/her own heart for the reason and not outside of him/herself to the behavior of others.

And this is particularly so for those Christians subscribing to modern futurist views of end times because they are the ones who supposedly look forward to personalities and behavior like that of Joe Biden. They should not feel disgruntled; they should feel exuberant or overjoyed and filled with anticipation.

What is the logic of, "I look forward to it and am disgruntled when I get it"?

That is NOT suffering grief at the wrongs of others as Christ exemplified it.
Regardless of the coming of the Bridegroom when He judges His House first, & then afterwards...............
No, it definitely and decidedly does regard the coming of Jesus, according to you and it is disingenuous to post as if that is not the case.

This is why an otherwise minor doctrine, eschatology, matters. The way a person views the end does and should influence the way s/he lives today. The delusions and dissociations of modern futurism - of your eschatology - are coming out and the problems are being ignored, minimized, or dismissed. Why be disgruntled if the exact things hoped for happen? You do not have an explanation! The question was ignored; there is no answer to be found. Rather than change views regarding the end times the goalposts are moved and the matter(s) ignored. Rather than give a smidgen of consideration to valid points scripture is misapplied.

And it still has not been proven the US is Revelation 18's Babylon.
Aside from the fact you just moved the goal posts (disgruntlement is not synonymous with suffering grief wrongfully), and aside from what I assume is a grammatical error (Jesus did not suffer grief wrongfully)...., perhaps I was not sufficiently clear.
There is no point to encourage laborers to suffer grief wrongfully and then refer to Jesus as that example to follow after if they were not related.

And that point was after who we are to honor as those in authority too.

1 Peter 2:17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. 18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. 19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. 20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. 21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

Disgruntlement has been defined as "lack of satisfaction; annoyance; acts of sulky dissatisfaction" which can be seen as holding a grudge.
My point was that any time any Christian feels "disgruntled" he should look first to his/her own heart for the reason and not outside of him/herself to the behavior of others.
Thank you for being clearer. I agree, but because we are to pray for all men, is why no one should be thinking higher of the elected leaders than we ought to think for why we should be praying for them.

1 Timothy 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
And this is particularly so for those Christians subscribing to modern futurist views of end times because they are the ones who supposedly look forward to personalities and behavior like that of Joe Biden. They should not feel disgruntled; they should feel exuberant or overjoyed and filled with anticipation.
I disagree. The action to suffer grief wrongfully is to share in Christ's sufferings in His love for others. I am not sure how to reach that point where I am to rejoice in my sufferings, but I trust Him to do that work in me.

As for signs of the times, Paul did say that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse... and yet instead of looking forward to His appearing, Paul instructs this... to continue in the scripture that we may be equipped unto all good works for abiding in Him & serving Him.

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
What is the logic of, "I look forward to it and am disgruntled when I get it"?

That is NOT suffering grief at the wrongs of others as Christ exemplified it.
I disagree. One can be affected by the actions and the course of direction our country is taking but at the same time, we now have more knowledge about what to pray for and not just who to pray for as well as help to not be overcharged for the cares of this life to leave all this behind when the Bridegroom comes.
No, it definitely and decidedly does regard the coming of Jesus, according to you and it is disingenuous to post as if that is not the case.
You had posted;
Besides, aren't you a Dispensationalist? Aren't you looking forward to the world going to hell in a handbasket so you can be raptured off the planet and spared the travail coming upon the world real soon? This is what you hope for, is it not? How then can you hope for it, expect it to happen, teach everyone else this is what to look for ad also be disgruntled when it happens. How is it this op is not titled, "Let me tell you why I am overjoyed the POTUS has a morally corrupt personality"?

If I have your eschatology mistaken, then I stand corrected, and you have my regret (but those questions are valid and do apply to any modern futurist in the thread).
This is akin to," can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot lift?"

How you apply my words to mean in a mocking manner does not necessarily align with what I am actually sharing.

Signs of the times will be increasing worse and worse and not just by evil men and seducers, but the due diligence is to be always ready in being found abiding in Him & His words, trusting Jesus Christ to help you to do this.
This is why an otherwise minor doctrine, eschatology, matters. The way a person views the end does and should influence the way s/he lives today. The delusions and dissociations of modern futurism - of your eschatology - are coming out and the problems are being ignored, minimized, or dismissed. Why be disgruntled if the exact things hoped for happen? You do not have an explanation! The question was ignored; there is no answer to be found. Rather than change views regarding the end times the goalposts are moved and the matter(s) ignored. Rather than give a smidgen of consideration to valid points scripture is misapplied.

And it still has not been proven the US is Revelation 18's Babylon.
Only Jesus can prove that to you. And no goal posts has been moved. You said it moved, but I disagree for how you are applying my words to mean as I disagree with how you apply His words to mean.