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The one hierarchical leader of the church which God is continuing to grow is Christ Jesus, the "head over all things to the church". (Ephesians 1:22-23).
He gave the keys of authority to Peter....Christ is in Heaven
He gave the keys of authority to Peter....Christ is in Heaven
He told all twelve apostles that they would sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel in the beginning of the early church. Those men were able to teach others also the doctrine which was once delivered to the saints by Christ. Moreover, God promised the presence of the indwelling Spirit within each of His children. The ground is level at the cross. Christ scolded His disciples for acting like the authority-crazed Gentiles who were constantly worried about who had the power to tell who what to do.

An inordinate attention to who's in charge is not how God designed for His church to function. It turns into a p***ing contest at that point.
He told all twelve apostles that they would sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel in the beginning of the early church. Those men were able to teach others also the doctrine which was once delivered to the saints by Christ. Moreover, God promised the presence of the indwelling Spirit within each of His children. The ground is level at the cross. Christ scolded His disciples for acting like the authority-crazed Gentiles who were constantly worried about who had the power to tell who what to do.

An inordinate attention to who's in charge is not how God designed for His church to function. It turns into a p***ing contest at that point.
and yet, you are not hearing Christ's own words....

Mt 16 I will give YOU THE KEYS to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever YOU bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever YOU loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Acts 9:31-32 The CHURCH THROUGHOUT all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria was at peace. It was being built up and walked in the fear of the Lord, and with the consolation of the holy Spirit it grew in numbers.
As PETER was passing THROUGH EVERY REGION, he went down to the holy ones living in Lydda.

Jn 21 Shepherd my sheep

Lk 22:24-27 Then an argument broke out among them about which of them should be regarded as the greatest. He [Christ] said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them and those in authority over them are addressed as ‘Benefactors’; but among you it shall not be so. Rather, let the greatest among you be as the youngest, and the leader as the servant. For who is greater: the one seated at table or the one who serves? Is it not the one seated at table? I am among you as the one who serves.
and yet, you are not hearing Christ's own words....

Mt 16 I will give YOU THE KEYS to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever YOU bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever YOU loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Acts 9:31-32 The CHURCH THROUGHOUT all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria was at peace. It was being built up and walked in the fear of the Lord, and with the consolation of the holy Spirit it grew in numbers.
As PETER was passing THROUGH EVERY REGION, he went down to the holy ones living in Lydda.
I read that as Peter's charge to perform while He was still alive on earth. Newsflash. Peter died. The doctrine which Christ gave Peter to pass on did not die, but was committed unto faithful ones who were able to teach others also, and so on down the line to us. You seem to make more of Peter than of Christ the chief cornerstone and the head over ALL things to the church. We are all priests with equal access to God under our one Great High priest, Christ Jesus.
I read that as Peter's charge to perform while He was still alive on earth.
Yes, it is obvious to even four year old children that once someone dies, they leave planet earth. (y)
The doctrine which Christ gave Peter to pass on did not die, but was committed unto faithful ones who were able to teach others also, and so on down the line to us.
on down the line through something called 'laying on of hands'. That is the difference.... we are warned about the others [1Jn2:19]
You seem to make more of Peter than of Christ
Christ is the head... when individuals separate themselves from Christ's Church, it is a big deal!
We are all priests with equal access to God under our one Great High priest, Christ Jesus.
not the same ...

1Peter2:5-9 - general priesthood of believers
James 5:14-15; John 20:23; 2Cor2:10; 2Cor5:18 - Ministerial Priesthood!
Indeed! But on earth, Christ established His hierarchical Church with one leader.

It is not my intention to preach religion or church—or to place either in a favorable light. They will not, nor cannot, land us on heaven’s shores. The Good News concerning Jesus was solving problems long before man contracted “mad church disease” and long before institutional religion and the Roman Catholic Church were introduced by men who envisioned their answers to life’s problems more profound than God’s.

The stream flowing from the river of life was pure and tranquil before religion and church contaminated it. God has been replaced with religion, and Jesus has been substituted with church. That being the case, I dare not attempt to convert you to any of the modern-day religions or to any of the numerous sects, whether Protestant factions, Catholic institutions, or cultish groups like Mormons (“Latter-Day Saints”) and Jehovah’s Witnesses. They all emanated from man’s insight, not from God’s. I hope only to point you in the direction of Jesus.

When the Christian community made its debut about 2,000 years ago, there were no churches for believers to join. They identified themselves with other believers of a common cause, thus forming Christian congregations or communities. None of the early believers were afflicted with “mad church disease.” “Church” is a misnomer and a distortion of the Greek ekklesia. The term was never used by the early believers. It is tragic that we are so addicted to “church,” considering that in the Greek Jesus did not say in Matthew 16:18, “I will build my church.” Nor did Paul say in Romans 16:16, “The churches of Christ greet you.” Yet we seem to be bent on fostering King James’ blunders. Instead of trying to recapture the vocabulary of the Holy Spirit, we insist on promoting the mistakes of a bungling king.

In the beginning there existed only one body of believers, as opposed to hundreds of churches today, and it was composed of all of those who had accepted Messiah Jesus as their Savior and Redeemer. There was nothing to join. The King of kings (Jesus) added them to the new arrangement the moment they were born anew (Acts 2:47).
It is not my intention to preach religion or church—or to place either in a favorable light. They will not, nor cannot, land us on heaven’s shores.​
Mt 18:17-18 If he refuses to listen to them, TELL THE CHURCH. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector....

Eph 3:10 so that the manifold WISDOM of God might now be made known THROUGH the CHURCH to the principalities and authorities in the heavens.

1 Tim 3:15 But if I should be delayed, you should know how to behave in the household of God, which is THE CHURCH of the living God, the PILLAR AND FOUNDATION OF [THE] TRUTH

Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the RULE OVER YOU, and SUBMIT yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

The Church seems very important, so important that the leaders watch for our souls.
I dare not attempt to convert you to any of the modern-day religions or to any of the numerous sects, whether Protestant factions, Catholic institutions, or cultish groups like Mormons (“Latter-Day Saints”) and Jehovah’s Witnesses. They all emanated from man’s insight, not from God’s. I hope only to point you in the direction of Jesus.​
I have been point to Christ through the only Church He established 2,000 years ago. Why would I want to reject what He gave us?
When the Christian community made its debut about 2,000 years ago, there were no churches for believers to join. They identified themselves with other believers of a common cause, thus forming Christian congregations or communities. None of the early believers were afflicted with “mad church disease.” “Church” is a misnomer and a distortion of the Greek ekklesia. The term was never used by the early believers. It is tragic that we are so addicted to “church,” considering that in the Greek Jesus did not say in Matthew 16:18, “I will build my church.” Nor did Paul say in Romans 16:16, “The churches of Christ greet you.” Yet we seem to be bent on fostering King James’ blunders. Instead of trying to recapture the vocabulary of the Holy Spirit, we insist on promoting the mistakes of a bungling king.
Christ gave the keys of authority to Peter... bind/loose with the other apostles. That Church is clearly seen through the laying on of hands to the next generation. Look at the ECF's [Catholics] -- Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Martyr, Irenaeus, etc. and what they believed.
In the beginning there existed only one body of believers, as opposed to hundreds of churches today, and it was composed of all of those who had accepted Messiah Jesus as their Savior and Redeemer. There was nothing to join.
I Jn 2:19 comes to mind-- we should definitely be careful.
Mt 18:17-18 If he refuses to listen to them, TELL THE CHURCH. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector....

Eph 3:10 so that the manifold WISDOM of God might now be made known THROUGH the CHURCH to the principalities and authorities in the heavens.

1 Tim 3:15 But if I should be delayed, you should know how to behave in the household of God, which is THE CHURCH of the living God, the PILLAR AND FOUNDATION OF [THE] TRUTH

Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the RULE OVER YOU, and SUBMIT yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

The Church seems very important, so important that the leaders watch for our souls.

I have been point to Christ through the only Church He established 2,000 years ago. Why would I want to reject what He gave us?

Christ gave the keys of authority to Peter... bind/loose with the other apostles. That Church is clearly seen through the laying on of hands to the next generation. Look at the ECF's [Catholics] -- Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Martyr, Irenaeus, etc. and what they believed.

I Jn 2:19 comes to mind-- we should definitely be careful.
Arch, you must be a long, lost relative of Kind James of England. Here are some of his blunders, which are very similar to yours. “Church” is not a translation of the Greek ekklesia. The Greek term is correctly translated congregation, assembly, called-out ones, and may even be rendered “community.” Moses led a congregation of chosen ones under the old era; Jesus leads a congregation of chosen ones under the new era. But neither led nor is leading a church or religious party.

Prior to King James’ scholars translating the Greek scriptures into what is known as The King James Version, he instructed them, “The old ecclesiastical words to be kept, as the word church not to be translated congregation” (Lewis’ History of the English Bible, under “King James’ Instructions to the Translators”).

The King insisted that all ecclesiastical terms be retained. “Church,” “Easter,” “baptize,” and “Bishop” were a few of his preferences. King James was King and Head of The Established Church of England. To permit his translators to deliver the Greek ekklesia correctly would have placed him in the position of being King and Head of a mere congregation! Apparently, he wanted no part of that.

It might interest you to know that William Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament scriptures was published in 1525, almost 100 years before The King James Version made its appearance. He translated ekklesia “congregation” and baptizo “immerse” and was condemned to death as a heretic by the “Unholy See,” your church. Additionally, Hugh J. Schonfield’s Authentic New Testament (1955) renders Matthew 16:18, “Upon that rock I will found my community.” So regardless of how we peel the orange, “church” is a total and absolute mistranslation.

And so is King James’ “Easter” (Acts 12:4). The Greek is pascha, which delivers “Passover.” If we reject “Easter” as a correct rendering, why is it so difficult for so many of us to reject King James’ “church”? Partisan religion has been built around “Easter,” just as partisan religion revolves around “church.”

As the knowledgeable student knows, King James substituted “Easter” for “Passover.” If “Easter” expresses what is found in the Greek pascha, it would be acceptable to translate it “Easter.” But here is where the bone rubs. “Easter” does not express what is found in the Greek pascha, and “church” does not express what is found in the Greek ekklesia.

“Easter” stemmed from Eastre, a pagan goddess, and denotes a pagan festival, while the Greek pascha refers to the Jewish Passover. Your devious Vatican, Arch, borrowed “Easter” from the pagans, dressed it up with a few eccentric solemnities, and began to celebrate it as a holy day. Protestants then acquired the “holy day” from the Papacy.

The same is true of “church” or “Churchianity.” Like “Easter,” “church” does not have her genesis in heaven, but was acquired from men. Consequently: The English term “church,” and what it breeds, denotes a sect, a religious party, a schism, but never the one body of believers. As Jesus is not the author of religious parties, neither is He the author of churches, for both are equal to each other.

Allow me to define my position before we launch into this thing further. I think it wise that a few clarifications be made, lest I confuse you.

1) Jesus ushered in a community of believers. “Upon this rock [Peter’s confession that Jesus is God’s Son] I will found my community” (Matt. 12:18).

2) In the scriptures, we find this community or congregation listed under certain synonyms, such as: household, chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation, a new people, spiritual house, new Israel, and one body—but never “Roman Catholic Church.”

3) Jesus has a people. This cannot be doubted. They are scattered over the hills and valleys of sectarianism. His people are not confined to any one sect, religious party, denomination, or “church.”

4) The partisan systems and their “churches” were not established by the Son of God and His special envoys, the apostles.

5) “Church” is not synonymous with any entity recorded in the oldest Greek manuscripts. It is, in fact, antonymous.

I hope at least some of this information will enlighten you on all of the passages of scripture on “church” you quoted from King James. If not, I'll enlarge upon what I've submitted.​
Arch, you must be a long, lost relative of Kind James of England.​
English family! (y)
Here are some of his blunders, which are very similar to yours. “Church” is not a translation of the Greek ekklesia. The Greek term is correctly translated congregation, assembly, called-out ones, and may even be rendered “community.”​
Let's just call it the assembly that Christ established then.... not those who left [1Jn2:19].
Allow me to define my position before we launch into this thing further. I think it wise that a few clarifications be made, lest I confuse you.

1) Jesus ushered in a community of believers. “Upon this rock [Peter’s confession that Jesus is God’s Son] I will found my community” (Matt. 12:18).
2) In the scriptures, we find this community or congregation listed under certain synonyms, such as: household, chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation, a new people, spiritual house, new Israel, and one body—but never “Roman Catholic Church.”
(y)... Rome as the hierarchical base could just as easily have been Antioch.
3) Jesus has a people. This cannot be doubted.
They are scattered over the hills and valleys of sectarianism.
Due to personal, fallible, interpretations of scripture -- after all, the eunuch needed Philip to guide him with scripture.
His people are not confined to any one sect, religious party, denomination, or “church.”
not confined, but in imperfect communion.
4) The partisan systems and their “churches” were not established by the Son of God and His special envoys, the apostles.
yes, if you mean Protestantism.

Liberated From The Partisan Pier!
A few decades ago, I was set free from partisan religion. The experience was invigorating! As I sought freedom from spiritual slavery, the Lord operated upon my heart to alter my self-righteous attitude and modify my course. It was a simple but serious procedure. The only prerequisites were that I cast aside my sectarian, partisan shackles and open my mind and heart. In essence, I was deprogrammed.

Closer To Jesus
Did I leave Jesus when I abandoned organized religion or the religious establishment? Goodness, no! He and I are closer now than ever before. As a result of my surrendering institutional religion in favor of freedom in Jesus, I am now a “believer at large,” a free-thinker, and one of God’s instruments for reform. No human being and no partisan group or church does my thinking for me any longer. I arrive at conclusions after careful evaluation, study, and prayer. Simply stated, I have cast aside the chains of religious orthodoxy and deserted the Establishment’s status quo. God has blessed my ministry of reformation abundantly.

We’re not all colored with the same paint or dyed in the same tub. We each have our unique personalities and ministries. We must grow and produce where the Lord has planted us. If your ministry’s methods and manners are different from mine, I must not conclude that you possess a closed mind and are coming over too rudely. Nor should you think I’m crude, harsh, and impolite because my ministry’s techniques do not bear the same trademarks as yours.

No Labels For Me
I’m not formally identified with any church or religious party. I’m a free man in Messiah Jesus. With the Spirit’s direction, I think independently and I arrive at my conclusions independently, regardless of what Calvin, Campbell, Wesley, Luther, and all the others taught. There are good teachings in each man’s history, but neither is my polar star. My Polar Star is Jesus—none other. Consequently, no one may preside over my concepts and teachings insofar as dictating my walk with the Lord.

I will gladly absorb and happily accept advice from godly men if it coincides with what I conscientiously believe is truth and understand as heaven’s grace. But I will no longer bow my knees to the “powers that be” of the religious bureaucracy. I’m a free man in Messiah Jesus. Praise His Name! I will no longer be enslaved by the institutional church or organized religion.

Organized religion? Yes, but let me explain. I believe in an organized life. I believe the believer should have his priorities organized. I believe in an organized mind and an organized schedule. Organization, of itself, is pleasant and necessary. But I have a problem with organizational structures and programs and projects within the body of believers that have supplanted the simple, informal but serious life depicted in the lives of early believers. Literally, and in this vein, we have organized ourselves out of practical existence. Overall, our programs, projects, and organizations have deflated our capacity and our enthusiasm to reach the unreached. Jesus said to get out and go, but we have come in to stay.

Wasting Our Dollars And Efforts
In essence, we have permitted our internal organizations and materialistic projects to strangle us. There’s no room, no time, and no money for the resurrection message. Our fancy edifices and polished organizations and programs are symptoms of our pride and digressions. Hundreds of millions of dollars are wasted on “materialistic evangelism” while millions of the world’s poor go hungry, not only for food but for the message of salvation. Our priorities are abused and misplaced. We have taken the simple arrangement of communicating the Good News to others and developed it into a complicated mess. [More later.]​
Now we have spiritual anarchy!

Liberated From The Partisan Pier!
A few decades ago, I was set free from partisan religion. The experience was invigorating! As I sought freedom from spiritual slavery, the Lord operated upon my heart to alter my self-righteous attitude and modify my course. It was a simple but serious procedure. The only prerequisites were that I cast aside my sectarian, partisan shackles and open my mind and heart. In essence, I was deprogrammed.

Closer To Jesus
Did I leave Jesus when I abandoned organized religion or the religious establishment? Goodness, no! He and I are closer now than ever before. As a result of my surrendering institutional religion in favor of freedom in Jesus, I am now a “believer at large,” a free-thinker, and one of God’s instruments for reform. No human being and no partisan group or church does my thinking for me any longer. I arrive at conclusions after careful evaluation, study, and prayer. Simply stated, I have cast aside the chains of religious orthodoxy and deserted the Establishment’s status quo. God has blessed my ministry of reformation abundantly.

We’re not all colored with the same paint or dyed in the same tub. We each have our unique personalities and ministries. We must grow and produce where the Lord has planted us. If your ministry’s methods and manners are different from mine, I must not conclude that you possess a closed mind and are coming over too rudely. Nor should you think I’m crude, harsh, and impolite because my ministry’s techniques do not bear the same trademarks as yours.

No Labels For Me
I’m not formally identified with any church or religious party. I’m a free man in Messiah Jesus. With the Spirit’s direction, I think independently and I arrive at my conclusions independently, regardless of what Calvin, Campbell, Wesley, Luther, and all the others taught. There are good teachings in each man’s history, but neither is my polar star. My Polar Star is Jesus—none other. Consequently, no one may preside over my concepts and teachings insofar as dictating my walk with the Lord.

I will gladly absorb and happily accept advice from godly men if it coincides with what I conscientiously believe is truth and understand as heaven’s grace. But I will no longer bow my knees to the “powers that be” of the religious bureaucracy. I’m a free man in Messiah Jesus. Praise His Name! I will no longer be enslaved by the institutional church or organized religion.

Organized religion? Yes, but let me explain. I believe in an organized life. I believe the believer should have his priorities organized. I believe in an organized mind and an organized schedule. Organization, of itself, is pleasant and necessary. But I have a problem with organizational structures and programs and projects within the body of believers that have supplanted the simple, informal but serious life depicted in the lives of early believers. Literally, and in this vein, we have organized ourselves out of practical existence. Overall, our programs, projects, and organizations have deflated our capacity and our enthusiasm to reach the unreached. Jesus said to get out and go, but we have come in to stay.

Wasting Our Dollars And Efforts
In essence, we have permitted our internal organizations and materialistic projects to strangle us. There’s no room, no time, and no money for the resurrection message. Our fancy edifices and polished organizations and programs are symptoms of our pride and digressions. Hundreds of millions of dollars are wasted on “materialistic evangelism” while millions of the world’s poor go hungry, not only for food but for the message of salvation. Our priorities are abused and misplaced. We have taken the simple arrangement of communicating the Good News to others and developed it into a complicated mess. [More later.]​
No labels? Does that in “the new covenant”?
Thank you, my brother, for reading me and for your question. I write a weekly column under the caption "REFORMATION RUMBLINGS," which goes out to hundreds of readers.

At the end of each column, I insert, "
Thank you for being one of the many hundreds in my cyber-space assembly as we mutually enlighten each other." That should answer your question, "Do you worship alone? Study alone? Serve alone."

I might add that worship is a 24-hour-a-day function for the committed believer, not just on Sundays
(John 4:21-24).
How? Without a priest offering sacrifice there can be no worship!
No labels? Does that in “the new covenant”?
I would think no personal labels. it is Gods covenant He works in many denominations. that do not do despite the fulness of His grace the price of salvation..

Denominations are necessary. They are used in ceremonial a sign to the world not a sign to themselves. Drawing those in to the living word to the one source of faith. . all things written in the law and prophets. The prophets, the testimony God the law giver, spoke.

Those that are given a desire to be used as a sign to the world it was volunteer basis .

Like the Levites not all where priest after that manner to be used as a sign to world. Some were sent out as missionaries severing as Ambassadors for Christ sent from a foreign unseen land.

Aarons two sons volunteered but violated the law not to add or subtract. They added their own person touch.( I did it) in recognition to the work of their own hands.

God will not share his glory with dying mankind they were consumed by fire the judgment of God.
The Eucharist is available 7 days a week as well! After all, who wouldn't want to remain in Christ!
Of course the "Eucharist" has nothing to do with any of that. It's "Just another religious ceremony", and doesn't even include "Jesus blood" any more - since his "body" is sufficient (and less expensive).
Thank you, my brother, for reading me and for your question. I write a weekly column under the caption "REFORMATION RUMBLINGS," which goes out to hundreds of readers.

At the end of each column, I insert, "
Thank you for being one of the many hundreds in my cyber-space assembly as we mutually enlighten each other." That should answer your question, "Do you worship alone? Study alone? Serve alone."

I might add that worship is a 24-hour-a-day function for the committed believer, not just on Sundays
(John 4:21-24).
And what do you mean by a "committed" believer?

Are you trying to follow Him by keeping a commitment or a promise to follow Him?

If so, I would advise against it and just trust Jesus Christ as your Good Shepherd to help you to follow Him by abiding in His words as His disciples.

We either look to ourselves in doing the best we can in keeping that commitment or we surrender from it, thus denying ourselves as able and rest in him as He lives in us to help us to follow Him by faith alone that He is the Good Shepherd to help us understand & abide in His words.
I would think no personal labels. it is Gods covenant He works in many denominations. that do not do despite the fulness of His grace the price of salvation..

Denominations are necessary. They are used in ceremonial a sign to the world not a sign to themselves. Drawing those in to the living word to the one source of faith. . all things written in the law and prophets. The prophets, the testimony God the law giver, spoke.

Those that are given a desire to be used as a sign to the world it was volunteer basis .

Like the Levites not all where priest after that manner to be used as a sign to world. Some were sent out as missionaries severing as Ambassadors for Christ sent from a foreign unseen land.

Aarons two sons volunteered but violated the law not to add or subtract. They added their own person touch.( I did it) in recognition to the work of their own hands.

God will not share his glory with dying mankind they were consumed by fire the judgment of God.
Show me a denomination in scripture?
Show me a denomination in scripture?
Don, God is not the author of denominations/religious parties. The Corinthians were divided into denominations/religious parties. Paul opposed them. See 1 Cor. 1:10-13.​
And what do you mean by a "committed" believer?

Are you trying to follow Him by keeping a commitment or a promise to follow Him?

If so, I would advise against it and just trust Jesus Christ as your Good Shepherd to help you to follow Him by abiding in His words as His disciples.

We either look to ourselves in doing the best we can in keeping that commitment or we surrender from it, thus denying ourselves as able and rest in him as He lives in us to help us to follow Him by faith alone that He is the Good Shepherd to help us understand & abide in His words.
ChristB4us, a committed believer is one who has pledged or promised to follow God through His Son. Or, as you stated it, "We either look to ourselves in doing the best we can in keeping that commitment..." Thanks for answering your own question.
How? Without a priest offering sacrifice there can be no worship!
Don, every believer is a priest. "You yourselves [all of the believers Peter wrote to] like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" [I Peter 2:4-5]. Jesus, of course, is our High Priest.

Under the Old Covenant, only certain ones could be priests. Under the New Covenant, every child of God is a priest.​