Is it about "rulership," or is it about "adoption" as sons of God, brothers of Jesus, and co-heirs in Jesus personal inheritance?The Father`s Plans for Restoration – Jesus.
When God created the angels the most glorious angelic ruler (Lucifer) rebelled and was cast out. Then when God created man, in His foreknowledge He knew that man would sin and that the great estate, earth, would be overrun by the usurper, (Lucifer/Satan). This would result in sin, disease and death.
God the Father however had purposed -
`according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth – in Christ..` (Eph. 1: 9 & 10)
This was a momentous purpose and involved all the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All of God`s creation from the highest heaven to the earth needed restoration and was destined to come under the righteous rulership of the Son.
I don't find this "rulership" emhasized in the NT, what I find emhasized there is
the glory of the Son in the salvation of his bride the church,
who is his own body in the two-in-one enfleshment of the marital union, (Eph 5:30-32), i.e.,
the called-out assembly (ekklesia, Ac 7:38) going all the way back to Abraham (Ro 11:16-23),
whom he ransomed (Mt 20:28) with his own blood that he might have many brothers in glory (Ro 8:29).
The NT does not present rulership as the goal of God plan, rather it presents union with Christ in the family of his Father as the goal of the plan.
I see this "rulership" as a misplaced goal which diminishes the Father's real goal of his glory through the glory of his Son by ransoming from eternal destruction that which is presented both as the bride of Christ and the brethren of Christ, i.e., the church, the one olive tree, the one people of God going all the way back to Abraham (Ro 11:16-23). That is the goal which is the focus of the NT, restoration of the redeemed to
union with God in his Son, Christ Jesus, along with the restoration of all creation in the new heavens and earth, their home of righteousness (2 Pe 3:13).
The NT does not present a goal of "rulership," it presents a goal of union with God in his Son, Christ Jesus.
God's goal is not material and physical. It is spiritual.God established legal and moral requirements for this restoration, and we see this revealed to us throughout God`s word in the nation of Israel.
It's not about Israel, which was just the prelude of the real event accomplished on the cross.
It's not about the restoration of Israel, it's about the restoration of his people and all creation from the fall of Adam.
It's about the one people of God in heavenly union with him in his family for all eternity.