Ben Avraham
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EZEKIEL 37:15-28
Here, “Yeches’kel Ha Navi” (Ezekiel the Prophet) sees the joining of Judah and the children of Israel, and Yosef, with his son Efrain” and they are joined together as ONE (Echad) “One in Unity” Once they were separated, Yosef and his sons in Egypt, and Israel, Judah, and his brothers, in Canaan, but NOW, together as ONE FAMILY as we are also ONE (echad) in Messiah Yeshua's love. We are “Kehilah Echad” (One congregation united in Yeshua) even though there are thousands of “Kehilot” all over the world, our relationship in Yeshua makes us ONE.
There are many different denominations within Christendom and even amongst Messianic Jewish congregations, there are different doctrinal beliefs, yet, besides the differences, we all must have these basic beliefs;
That Yeshua/Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins, His own life and blood, and that through accepting Him as LORD and Savior, we become "born again" and part of God's extended family, which reaches to all 4 corners of the Earth. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, spoken to the Prophets and written down by their hands through the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) We are saved by faith and by faith alone, followed by righteous living by living God's commandments in our lives. We can expect Yeshua/Jesus' second coming soon, this time as King (Yeshua Ben David). All believers are citizens of the New Jerusalem, our future and eternal home.
MATT 18:1-19:30
Yeshua says “Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. A child is “innocent” and has an eager mind to learn. When we are “born again” we start anew, like “little children” and slowly “grow into maturity” Yes, we will stumble and fall, get into trouble, and get “spanked” by the Father, but HE will still love us as HIS CHILDREN.
Matt 18:8,9 often causes one to think twice. “If your hand or foot becomes a snare for you, cut it off and throw it away…If your eye is a snare for you, pluck it out and cast it away..”
Why did Yeshua use this terminology? Certainly, this is not literal. Of course not. If not literal, it has to be moral and spiritual. The end focus is heaven. It is the physical against the spiritual. We can look at this by doing things with our hands and feet. Our hands perform actions and our feet take us to different places. We must be careful that we don’t participate in actions that can hinder our spiritual growth. We must be careful not to go to certain places, or events that are completely worldly and have nothing to do with our relationship with Messiah.
One sin which comes through "looking" and "touching" is "fornication and adultery". Joseph took the right course of action; HE RAN AWAY! HE GOT HIMSELF OUT OF THERE! even though it cost him time in prison, he did not fall into that sin.
How about what we see? We see with our eyes and we must take care of what we watch. Does what we watch (on TV or the Net) cause a stumbling block in our spiritual walk? Does it hinder our growth? If it does, we better “cast” our eyes elsewhere.
Our future hope is Heaven, in Yeshua, we are secure, yet what we do here on earth as believers will have either a positive or negative effect in Heaven. A loss or gain of rewards. So, what we do here will “eternally” affect us! Just think about that! (and I am speaking to myself too, big-time!)
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Here, “Yeches’kel Ha Navi” (Ezekiel the Prophet) sees the joining of Judah and the children of Israel, and Yosef, with his son Efrain” and they are joined together as ONE (Echad) “One in Unity” Once they were separated, Yosef and his sons in Egypt, and Israel, Judah, and his brothers, in Canaan, but NOW, together as ONE FAMILY as we are also ONE (echad) in Messiah Yeshua's love. We are “Kehilah Echad” (One congregation united in Yeshua) even though there are thousands of “Kehilot” all over the world, our relationship in Yeshua makes us ONE.
There are many different denominations within Christendom and even amongst Messianic Jewish congregations, there are different doctrinal beliefs, yet, besides the differences, we all must have these basic beliefs;
That Yeshua/Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins, His own life and blood, and that through accepting Him as LORD and Savior, we become "born again" and part of God's extended family, which reaches to all 4 corners of the Earth. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, spoken to the Prophets and written down by their hands through the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) We are saved by faith and by faith alone, followed by righteous living by living God's commandments in our lives. We can expect Yeshua/Jesus' second coming soon, this time as King (Yeshua Ben David). All believers are citizens of the New Jerusalem, our future and eternal home.
MATT 18:1-19:30
Yeshua says “Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. A child is “innocent” and has an eager mind to learn. When we are “born again” we start anew, like “little children” and slowly “grow into maturity” Yes, we will stumble and fall, get into trouble, and get “spanked” by the Father, but HE will still love us as HIS CHILDREN.
Matt 18:8,9 often causes one to think twice. “If your hand or foot becomes a snare for you, cut it off and throw it away…If your eye is a snare for you, pluck it out and cast it away..”
Why did Yeshua use this terminology? Certainly, this is not literal. Of course not. If not literal, it has to be moral and spiritual. The end focus is heaven. It is the physical against the spiritual. We can look at this by doing things with our hands and feet. Our hands perform actions and our feet take us to different places. We must be careful that we don’t participate in actions that can hinder our spiritual growth. We must be careful not to go to certain places, or events that are completely worldly and have nothing to do with our relationship with Messiah.
One sin which comes through "looking" and "touching" is "fornication and adultery". Joseph took the right course of action; HE RAN AWAY! HE GOT HIMSELF OUT OF THERE! even though it cost him time in prison, he did not fall into that sin.
How about what we see? We see with our eyes and we must take care of what we watch. Does what we watch (on TV or the Net) cause a stumbling block in our spiritual walk? Does it hinder our growth? If it does, we better “cast” our eyes elsewhere.
Our future hope is Heaven, in Yeshua, we are secure, yet what we do here on earth as believers will have either a positive or negative effect in Heaven. A loss or gain of rewards. So, what we do here will “eternally” affect us! Just think about that! (and I am speaking to myself too, big-time!)
Birthday Flowers for all January birthdays on this Forum