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Is the Devil using LGBTQ to destroy christian churches?

When I say natural , it mean our sinful nature. As new creatures we have a new born again nature . I agree a expert or one experienced and a love for truth with a good success rate to counsel
Add nurture and experiences (we are the sum total of experiences.) Even "born again" is a (spiritual) experience.
Sinning, lusting after the flesh is natural. . . . .
It is easy to confuse a natural inclination such as same sex attraction which is natural.
it has every thing to do with one's belief . Why look for support of a lie?. Look down the same you were born with. The words did not change meaning. Boy. . Girl . Not he is a lady. Not the first time in history it's nothing new under the Sun .
I think you are referring to "gender dysphoria" which is a whole other Pandora's box. Denying it is just as bad as rushing to medical interventions such as surgery and hormone treatments for gender dysphoric youth without adequate consideration of underlying mental health issues or past traumas.

Its is why I believe history repeats itself, at the rise and fall of every government of mankind to include man and wife it has to do with morals that should bind. Broken they seperate . A wiles of the evil one. What God call seperate the liar calls it one same, the other way what God calls one one he multiples a legion
I like Mark Twain's aphorism: “History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Which means, while details change, circumstances change, settings change, names change, similar events will essentially recycle
Natural man cannot change by himself only God can give a new heart desire and power as born again As as son of God, Christians , what we be when we shed these bodies of sin is not known . We are informed neither male nor female (no procreating) neither Jew nor Gentile a new creation .
Sounds like the design of the father of lies be one now. . . stop believing your own eyes.

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Before someone can change, he or she must first want to change. Sometimes a Biblical verse will bring about change and sometimes a mental health intervention is needed.
The Children of Israel were (OT) a distinct people, a chosen nation.

But there is in the Gospel (NT) no distinction between Jew and Greek. (Romans 10:12)

You already are saying something opposite to God.

Now, if all you mean is, in the context of "not all that is of Israel is Israel", that all Israel will be saved, thus CALLING 'Jew' the saved and calling the unsaved by the name 'Gentile', then I think I can follow your point, but that last would be your own construction. Scripture doesn't present the notion of 'Gentile' being the proper pejorative for those who are without Christ, as far as I know.
When Jesus sent out His twelve disciples in Matthew 10 and in Acts 1 before He ascended the gospel was not about Him dying and resurrected. The gospel (good news) the disciples were given to herald to the twelve tribes scattered was simple: Messiah had come, and Adonai has kept His Promise.
The majority of Jews alive at the time lived in Gentile lands. They knew nothing of His arrival. Jesus didn't tour the world. He stayed in Israel. So, it was important to God and Christ that His people be made aware of His arrival. God's covenants with His people span four thousand years. And the watershed moment of Israel's New Covenant's initiation was the Advent of the Holy Spirit. HE is the Law God Promised to put in the inward parts of Covenant Israel.

On the day of Pentecost three thousand Jews became born again. Many were visiting from Gentile lands - even Rome. All one needs to do is locate on a map the areas of the eleven disciples 'tongues' and you'll find Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, Galatia and Thessalonica. These Jews were the ones who returned home with an outline of Peter's sermon, their experiences with the Holy Spirit and they were the ones who founded the home church fellowships Saul wrote his letters to. It was on the day of Pentecost that natural Olive tree Israel became spiritual Israel. They are a Jew outwardly as well as inwardly. When the word "Gentile" appears in Saul's letters and there is no evidence Saul is identifying hard-core, uncircumcised Roman, Greek, Scythian or any other non-covenant, unsaved Gentile then he is speaking of circumcised proselytes and uncircumcised God-Fearers. They were the first of all Gentiles to hear testimony and witness of Jesus the Christ. They were the first Gentiles to be born again. There is even the possibility the Jerusalem Council was deciding on God-Fearers and the idea of circumcision for them. But for the most part for the next four decades Jews and those closest allied with them were being saved.
On the day of Pentecost three thousand Jews became born again. Many were visiting from Gentile lands - even Rome. All one needs to do is locate on a map the areas of the eleven disciples 'tongues' and you'll find Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, Galatia and Thessalonica.

All of Israel are not born again Christians. the new name the Father promised in Isaiah 62 his eternal bride

Inward Jew according to the Spirit of Christ or outward Jew non-redeemed ?

Romans 2:27-29 King James Version27 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter;(the temporal what the eyes see) whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Some outward Jews were hoping thier dying flesh(DNA) could profit

He gives us two witnesses .By the one witness no man can be put to death

Revelation 2:9I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
All of Israel are not born again Christians.
No, not yet. But in time all Israel shall be saved (Rom. 11.)
They are in a salvation covenant and God does the saving of all Hebrews in covenant.
the new name the Father promised in Isaiah 62 his eternal bride
Inward Jew according to the Spirit of Christ or outward Jew non-redeemed ?

Romans 2:27-29 King James Version27 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter;(the temporal what the eyes see) whose praise is not of men, but of God.
What is all this outward/inward stuff?
It's like saying GLee is GLee outwardly but not inwardly.
Some outward Jews were hoping thier dying flesh(DNA) could profit

He gives us two witnesses .By the one witness no man can be put to death

Revelation 2:9I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Revelation 2:9 can be applied to Gentiles who claim to be Jews and in the Abrahamic Covenant based on their erroneous understanding of Gal. 3:29. These can be of the assembly of Satanas.
That is according to your beliefs. You are entitled to believe whatever you want and to reject the science. Most Christians do not share your beliefs

You have been misinformed.

The claim that evolution is not even a theory, but a hypothesis, is a misconception. Evolution is both a fact and a well-supported scientific theory, as defined by the scientific community. It is not based on faith or arbitrary systems, but on empirical evidence and the scientific method.

If you have evidence otherwise then let's hear it. By now you should be aware that an uniformed opinion is not evidence.

Repeating the same thing over and over without any evidence is a waste of time. Even more so after you have been repeatedly corrected.
I would disagree on it being a 'fact'..
Is the devil using LGBTQ to destroy Christian churches?

Yes, and no.

First, the answer depends on how the word "churches" is defined because the Church, the ecclesia, are those called out by Christ as his body, the temple of God. However, the word is often used to mean any group of people claiming to be followers of Jesus. The two are not identical. The former, ecclesia, is not, will not, and cannot be destroyed. The latter can and will be destroyed. The former welcomes the LGBTQ as converts to Christ, calling them to obedience defined by God's word and empowered by God's Spirit. The latter is subject to the winds of any and every philosophy. Which brings me to my next point....

Second, I am much more inclined to blame sinful human flesh than the devil because the devil is a defeated enemy who is himself enslaved by sin to sin. In other words, just because some individual or group of individual espouses an aberrant and abhorrent position and calls others to join him in that belief does not mean it came from the devil. Humans are quite capable of lying all on their own. Sinful man does need the father of lies to lie, or any spiritual entity to come up with depravity or disobedience. Just because scripture states we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but with spiritual principalities does not mean that verse doesn't have defining context or hyperbolic import. Sin controls humanity just as much as it controls all devils.

Third, there were LGBTQs in the first century. There have always been what we now call "LGBTQ"s and God has always known of their existence. It's nothing new, not to God, not to Jesus, not to the ecclesia. What is new is the perversion of democratic principles. LGBTQ is a diversion compared to the corruption of democracies (parliaments and/or republics). In America, for example, we have a representative republic in which the views of the majority rule, but not at the expense of the rights of the minority. What we're seeing is a small percentage of Americans (a minority) usurping this principle and imposing their views on the majority. That is MUCH more devilish, insidious, depraved, and dangerous than the presence of LGBTQs in fake-Christian and true-Christian congregations. Do not be distracted.

Fourth, God is charge. He and He alone is sovereign and almighty, sovereignly almighty. NOTHING happens without either His doing or His consent and there is not a fraction of anything that happens that does not serve His purpose.

Therefore, the best play for those of the ecclesia is to believe Jesus and live right. The single best apologetic is a life well-lived. That means living, speaking and doing, as if we actually believe Jesus, not just believe in Jesus.
Is the devil using LGBTQ to destroy Christian churches?

Yes, and no.

First, the answer depends on how the word "churches" is defined because the Church, the ecclesia, are those called out by Christ as his body, the temple of God. However, the word is often used to mean any group of people claiming to be followers of Jesus. The two are not identical. The former, ecclesia, is not, will not, and cannot be destroyed. The latter can and will be destroyed. The former welcomes the LGBTQ as converts to Christ, calling them to obedience defined by God's word and empowered by God's Spirit. The latter is subject to the winds of any and every philosophy. Which brings me to my next point....

Second, I am much more inclined to blame sinful human flesh than the devil because the devil is a defeated enemy who is himself enslaved by sin to sin. In other words, just because some individual or group of individual espouses an aberrant and abhorrent position and calls others to join him in that belief does not mean it came from the devil. Humans are quite capable of lying all on their own. Sinful man does need the father of lies to lie, or any spiritual entity to come up with depravity or disobedience. Just because scripture states we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but with spiritual principalities does not mean that verse doesn't have defining context or hyperbolic import. Sin controls humanity just as much as it controls all devils.

Third, there were LGBTQs in the first century. There have always been what we now call "LGBTQ"s and God has always known of their existence. It's nothing new, not to God, not to Jesus, not to the ecclesia. What is new is the perversion of democratic principles. LGBTQ is a diversion compared to the corruption of democracies (parliaments and/or republics). In America, for example, we have a representative republic in which the views of the majority rule, but not at the expense of the rights of the minority. What we're seeing is a small percentage of Americans (a minority) usurping this principle and imposing their views on the majority. That is MUCH more devilish, insidious, depraved, and dangerous than the presence of LGBTQs in fake-Christian and true-Christian congregations. Do not be distracted.

Fourth, God is charge. He and He alone is sovereign and almighty, sovereignly almighty. NOTHING happens without either His doing or His consent and there is not a fraction of anything that happens that does not serve His purpose.

Therefore, the best play for those of the ecclesia is to believe Jesus and live right. The single best apologetic is a life well-lived. That means living, speaking and doing, as if we actually believe Jesus, not just believe in Jesus.
Fifth, LGBTQ is really only a symptom of the illness, sick as it is. Not that the devil isn't using it to his best advantage, but what is happening here is people becoming inured and even accepting and promoting perversion and ungodliness. And the devil likes that, for sure —anything to ruin lives and turn people away from God.