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Inherint contradictions teaching Faith Alone


Well Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
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There are no inherint contradictions about faith alone. God says it's dead to Him, and so it is. People can argue with God about what is alive or dead to Him, based on what they believe it is to them, but it's still true without contradiction, that faith without works, being alone is dead.

The inner contradictions only come with trying to teach faith alone as being alive to justify soul having it.

1. The common teaching of justification by faith alone, is that justification is only by faith alone, and never by nor with works.

That's important to understand, because that forbids any works added to one's faith alone, lest their faith is not alone, being with works: For faith alone apart from works to ever justify a person, then any faith with works must never justify the soul.

It's not just that we can be justified by our faith alone, but it's at war against ever being justified by faith with works: Faith Alone must always Stand Alone against ever having works added to it. (Sort of like a shining idol, I mean light, that must always be naked)

Lest faith with works ever justify the soul, then no one must ever add works to their faith, at all. That's equally important, because it forbids any works at all from being added to their faith, and thus mar their faith alone with works.

Whther it's the workd of 'flowering', I mean, 'flowing' fruit, works to justify a soul, no works at all must ever being added to the pristine beauty of one's own justifying Faith ALone. (Like a Goddess of light, she must never be clothed by tawdry works of any kind, whether good or bad...)

Teaching justification is only by faith alone, is teaching against ever having faith with works, lest faith not be alone, having works.

The Bible of course teaches the opposite, but we're showing inherint flaws in teaching, which the Bible has none.

2. The teachers of self-justification, I mean, justification by their very own faith alone, are all not only confessing sinners, but everyone of them confess they surely shall sin again and again, more or less. By their own faith alone, it's never 'if' they sin (as it is for the saints in Christ Jesus), but only 'when' they sin some more and more, or with some less and less.

Well, since by their faith they are sure to be sinning, more or less, then their faith never really is alone without any works at all? Therefore, they are titling their doctrine with the beauty of holy Faith Alone for show, but in truth they are really preaching being jsutified by their own faith, with sins and trespasses.

Afterall, any time they speak of their own works, it's always about how sure they are to sin yesterday, today, and tomorrow, if it comes. (Some even compete to be the worst of sinners, like their most favorite leader they call 'Paul'. And so we know their faith is never ever alone at all...)

3. And finally, some preach against their justificationi by actually attacking the Goddess Faith Alone, and demand that works do flower and flow, more the merrier. They do allow varying timeline to begin producing those buds, but in the end they must depart from Faith Alone, and have faith with works.

And so once again, having faith with works, they are no more justified by their jilted Faith Alone of yore. (Which seems fair. I mean if She's the only justifying faith for man, then why should she have to continue to justify anyone scorning her as some old hag?)
Review: When justified only by faith alone without works, the lone believer can never add works to their faith for any cause, lest they no longer be justified by a faith, that is not alone, being with works.

And by their own testimony, they never actually have any faith that is truly alone without works, because they are surely sinning daily. And so the title of Faith Alone is only a misnomer. (Sorry Your Lady). What they sneakily teach is being justified by their faith in their sins and trespasses, with works of iniquity. (It is all iniquity, which is knowingly sinning, since they know for a fact they surely shall be sinning...)

Now, if some teacher of his own faith alone wants to avoid the first contradiction of departing from their own faith alone, by adding any works, then they must allow their justification to continue in their faith with works. Thus, they are preaching justification only beginning by faith alone, with justification by faith with works commanded to follow. (They call it proving their faith is 'salvific' by works. But if Faith Alone is itself 'salvific', then isn't proving it by works also inherintly contradictive? That would be #4)

And if they want to avoid the second contradiction of hypocrisy, that they are justified by their faith with unrighteous works, then well, they could just do as Jesus Christ's gospel commands and repent of their sins and trespasses. And simply recieve by grace from God, the promised NT righteous faith of Jesus, with deliverance from their sins and trespasses. (No more need for all the contradictions and cover-ups of trying to doctrinlly forgive, save, and justify ourselves by our own faith alone, without any repentance nor good works...)

Or, they could just dig in with unrepentance and sinful works, and deepen the hypocrisy of being justified in their sins and trespasses. They can just promote the ancilliary doctrine, that their own faith alone forbids the righteous Father to any more condemn them for their works of iniquity, like He certainly does others of the world.