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How to go to Heaven




Christianity is spiritual.

"God is A Spirit".

1.) The bible teaches us that the things we can see are going to go away, turn into nothing, and the things we can't see are ETERNAL.

YOU are a spirit being, who is living inside a currently aging toward death, body.
Your body is going to stop living. Your body is going to stop breathing, your heartbeat will stop......, but your spirit, who is the real you, that is living inside your body, will continue.

The question is... where is your spirit going to end up in Eternity.?

There are only 2 destinations available.

One requires your self effort to go there, and that is Hell.
Yes, it takes your Self EFFORT to go to Hell.
You have to work to go there. You have to try to be good, you have to try to keep commandments, you will probably be water baptized, and you'll be found in some type of pretending to be like Jesus, mentality, that you believe that you must ACT out.

See all that? That is YOU trying to go to heaven, and that is exactly how and why you wont go.

Because to Go to heaven, is only based on what Jesus did for you on the Cross.
See that?
THAT is what God will accept on your behalf, to accept you, = The Cross of Christ..... and He will not accept you, based on you trying to be good enough to be accepted.
Not ever.

Here is the issue with trying to be good enough.... which includes water baptism, enduring to the end of the Tribulation, going to church a lot... and trying to keep commandments and law, and do good works..
See all that?
= You are doing it, and God does not accept what you do, to accept you into His spiritual family.
Why not?
Because "all have sinned"........so, this means that all of us at one time are an unforgiven sinner, trying to be accepted by God, based on yourself.
Where will that lead you?
It'll lead you to hell after you die, if that is all you have ever done.

2.) Notice that SIN problem?
"all have SINNED"?
"ALL have sinned"
See that?
There is nothing you can do of yourself to get those sins forgiven, by God., and everyone who spent a lifetime trying then died, is right now in Hell wondering what went wrong. And what went wrong, was that they tried to go to heaven, as an unforgiven sinner, and that is the one situation that will never let you go there.

"but im water baptized"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"but im always trying to keep commandments"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"I take the sacraments and will try to die in a state of grace"... = Nope, wont do it., as that is YOU doing that.
"but, my dad is the Pastor, and my mother is a missionary"... = meaningless regarding going to Heaven. They'll go and you wont, if they are born again.

So, how do you go to heaven, if you can't get there by being good, or by trying to be good, or by being dunked in water and saying some magic words ???

You have to become a part of God's Spirit to become a part of God's eternal life.
Jesus said......"you must be born again".....Spiritually.

See that?
For that to happen, For God to give you THE new birth, He first must deal with all your sin, so that your sin is no longer separating you from Him.

Here is how that is solved.....

"Jesus is the ONE TIME ETERNAL Sacrifice" for sin"... because...."God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us".

= The Cross of Christ

And what does that mean?
It means that when you give God your faith in Christ, God instantly takes the blood and death sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross = and applies it to you, and your sin is resolved, forgiven, and forgotten.
What sin does the blood of Jesus forgive?

A.) ALL of them.
AA.) All of them.

Then, God takes His very own righteousness, and gives it to you, as "the Gift of Righteousness", and you become "made righteous". "in Christ".. "one with God".

See that?
That is what is known as being REDEEMED by the BLOOD of Jesus.

"""""what can wash away my SIN... nothing but the BLOOD of JESUS". "oh Crimson is the flow that makes me white as snow.... no other Fount i know, nothing but the BLOOD OF JESUS""".

Reader, has the Holy Blood of Jesus washed away your sin?.... Water can't but the Blood of Jesus will, and forever.
Result = 2 Corinthians 5:19

That is what is known as God giving you the BLOOD ATONEMENT, and this removes your sin, so that God can then give you His very Righteousness.
This is your SALVATION.
Its a "Gift" from God freely given to all who will come to God trusting in Christ.

And that reader, has to happen to you, or you can't go to heaven and will never.
Has it happened to you?
Can you name the day in your past, when you heard the Gospel of the Grace of God that i just gave you , and you knew you were a sinner needing to be forgiven, and you went to God believing in Jesus ??

You have to have that moment in your life, when you recognized your need of forgiveness and you went to JESUS and He became your Savior and God became your Heavenly Father by giving you a Spiritual BIRTH.
= "born...... AGAIN".. that's #2 birthday........and that one is eternal life.
That is the day you gave your faith in Christ to God.

A.) = You have to have that day in your life, if you want to go to Heaven.
If you dont have that SALVATION day in your past , then today is the day, now is the time., and may God bless you to come to His Son by Faith and be saved.
If you know you have that Eternal Salvation day in your past, then God bless you to grow deeper in His word and deeper in His revelation.
A.) = You have to have that day in your life, if you want to go to Heaven.
I'm not here questioning your sincerity, but your biblical knowledge is seriously lacking.

By your statement, you have just eliminated all of the heathens, past present and future. You have also eliminated all infants; all feebleminded folks in this world~not to mention all who never had a "coming to Jesus moment!
I'm not here questioning your sincerity, but your biblical knowledge is seriously lacking.

By your statement, you have just eliminated all of the heathens, past present and future. You have also eliminated all infants; all feebleminded folks in this world~not to mention all who never had a "coming to Jesus moment!

Everyone is a "heather" or "sinner" , who is past 14, and isn't regarded by God as "incapable" of understanding sin or salvation.

They are this..

John 3:36.

Now, Let me show you.
Lets look at your comment.... "heathen".


1.) everyone is this....>"all have sinned".....thats you, me, all of us, so, "heathen" would be anyone who is "all have sinned".

So, Ask yourself..
Do you sin because you are a heathen, or are you a heathen because you sin?
Try to figure that out, Red Baker.

Jesus said, that is you IF you dont believe He is Messiah,= you'll "Die in your sins".
So, that's a sinner.
That's a Heathen.
That's a Hell bound, Christ rejector., never born again.....but probably water baptized and believes this "washed away their sin", as their water cult taught them to believe.

Its a fact that thousands of water baptized, commandment keeping, church member "heathen"...went to hell today, yesterday, and tomorrow.

A.) They are never born again.

So, This is simply a "sinner", (heathen) never born again.
You make a confunsed distinction between a "heathen" and a "sinner"..... but God does not.
God has concluded that "all have sinned" and all are under the Judgment of God, found here.

= John 3:36.

So, "heathen" is just an adjective that is pretty much meaningless,..... as a sinner is a heathen, and a born again Christian is a saved sinner who is now become a "Son/Daughter" of God

A "Saint">

Here is the wonder of the Salvation of God.

A "Heathen", comes to the Cross, by faith, and is miraculously transformed into the "righteousness of God", instantly by being born again.

So, that is "heathen".... TRANSFORMED into a "blood bought" Saint, in the BLINK of an EYE".
That's the Grace of God, performing redemption through Christ, and notice that the HEATHEN (the sinner) has never done one good work yet for God, and YET< they are now "made righteous", having become "in Christ", .... "one with God"... (and they are not water baptized yet).

Welcome to : SALVATION

Its a "GIFT"., and this "Gift of God" has a Name..

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Even a newly-fertilized human zygote is subjected to the death sentence brought upon the human race by Adam, and in need of a Savior. The "age of accountability" is at the moment of conception. "As in Adam all die...". The mere fact that human physical death can take place at any point since conception shows us that death has "passed upon all men", without any regard to their stage of development.
One requires your self effort to go there, and that is Hell.
Yes, it takes your Self EFFORT to go to Hell.
Fallen mankind from conception is automatically destined for separation from God in Hades (the grave) without their expending any effort whatever. It takes God stepping in to create a spiritually-living soul for that soul to then produce any evidence of life, such as an expression of faith. Regeneration to life comes first by the Holy Spirit's power, then the evidences follow afterward (faith, belief, works) as proof that spiritual life has already been given by the Holy Spirit.
Fallen mankind from conception is automatically destined for separation

Actually, its because of Adam that we are born into sin, as "adamic".
So, that is not "destiny", that is simply the continuing fruit of Adam.

Its like this, 3 Resurrections..

"""""""Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned"..

Notice that sin didn't enter the world through Satan.
He only caused the TEMPTATION that manifested as lust or sin IN Adam and Eve that is their fall, = and this fall, is the fall of us all.

So, in Adam we are all fallen, and by God's Cross, Jesus who is the 2nd SINLESS Adam, offers us eternal restoration back to God that 1st Adam LOST for us all.

This is "REDEMPTION"... the "Blood Atonement"... the "New Covenant".
Actually, its because of Adam that we are born into sin, as "adamic".
So, that is not "destiny", that is simply the continuing fruit of Adam.
If you object to the term "destiny", I can alter that, but it does not change the fact that all humanity who are conceived are "in Adam", and are automatically in that fallen category without any effort expended on their part. I think you are likewise saying this same idea below, just in a slightly different way.
Notice that sin didn't enter the world through Satan.
He only caused the TEMPTATION that manifested as lust or sin IN Adam and Eve that is their fall, = and this fall, is the fall of us all.
If you object to the term "destiny", I can alter that, but it does not change the fact that all humanity who are conceived are "in Adam", and are automatically in that fallen category without any effort expended on their part. I think you are likewise saying this same idea below, just in a slightly different way.


1st Adam caused the fall of us all., and God became one of us = (2nd Adam) ... to offer eternal redemption to/for all of us.

2 Corinthians 5:19

John 3:17

1st Adam caused the fall of us all., and God became one of us = (2nd Adam) ... to offer eternal redemption to/for all of us.
Humanity would all be "goats" unless God had stepped in and transformed many of them into sheep (even the MAJORITY of them). Humanity does not have that capability of morphing itself into another species. It has to be done by a Force outside of ourselves. Then we can do "sheepish" activity, like following the voice of the Shepherd.

When 2 Corinthians and John refer to the "world" and "all", they are making reference to the common misunderstanding in those first-century days that salvation was only applicable to ethnic Israelites. Paul had to make constant warfare against this idea that God viewed only the ethnic Israelites as candidates for salvation. The "world" and "all" referred inclusively to God's people coming out of all the nations of the world - pagan or otherwise.
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Humanity would all be "goats" unless God had stepped in and transformed many of them into sheep (even the MAJORITY of them). Humanity does not have that capability of morphing itself into another species. It has to be done by a Force outside of ourselves. Then we can do "sheepish" activity, like following the voice of the Shepherd.

When 2 Corinthians and John refer to the "world" and "all", they are making reference to the common misunderstanding in those first-century days that salvation was only applicable to ethnic Israelites. Paul had to make constant warfare against this idea that God viewed only the ethnic Israelites as candidates for salvation. The "world" and "all" referred inclusively to God's people coming out of all the nations of the world - pagan or otherwise.

Well, when we are using "mild dispensational" "rightly dividing, then its true that Act 2:38 is Peter not knowing that Gentiles can be saved.
He is preaching one part "john the baptist" "repent" and get wet, and He's also preaching the Messiah as redeemer.
And it was not until Acts 10, which is about a decade after "pentecost", that God had to show Peter that the "gentiles could be saved",and were to also be "heirs of God".

Paul of course is the "chosen vessel", that Jesus brought to the Gentiles, specifically, and as the "Apostle to the Gentiles" He is our doctrinal teacher, as we are in the "time of the Gentiles".

The Gospel that we preach, that is the "Preaching of the Cross" is Paul's Gospel. He said it is "my Gospel" 3x in the NT.
And it was not until Acts 10, which is about a decade after "pentecost", that God had to show Peter that the "gentiles could be saved",and were to also be "heirs of God".
You don't think that this point was made to the disciples at the Samaritan-woman-at-the-well incident? As well as the commended faith of the centurion begging Christ to help his ailing servant? As well as the Canaanite woman with the possessed daughter whom Christ praised for her faith? Granted, Peter (and most of the Jews) were very slow to realize that inclusion of Gentiles with Jews, but this was a point Christ had made long before Peter's vision of the sheet.

For that matter, even before Israel entered the promised land, God was including "strangers" as able to share an inheritance in the land of Israel's divided territory, as long as they obeyed the Mosaic laws. The Jews should have remembered that inclusion of Gentiles back in their ancient days as the covenant people of God. The blessings of covenant would apply to more than just those descended by blood from Abraham.
You don't think that this point was made to the disciples at the Samaritan-woman-at-the-well incident? As well as the commended faith of the centurion begging Christ to help his ailing servant? As well as the Canaanite woman with the possessed daughter whom Christ praised for her faith? Granted, Peter (and most of the Jews) were very slow to realize that inclusion of Gentiles with Jews, but this was a point Christ had made long before Peter's vision of the sheet.

Apparently Peter and Crew didnt understand what the Samaritan woman, understood.

Here is what we know.

Where there is no CROSS in the BIBLE, there is no Blood Atonement, that is the Eternal Redemption, found only in Christ's death and resurrection.

We always discern the verses In LIGHT of the Cross, as much of what Jesus told the House of Israel, is not doctrine regarding the Body of Christ, as there was no "Church", until the Cross was completed, with the God-man dying on it.

We are in the "time of the Gentiles' and Paul is our Doctrine Teacher.
In Fact, Peter said that Paul's letters are "Scripture"... =Equal to the Torah.
So, that is an "original" 12, talking about Paul's (epistles) who came in much later.

Paul told us something that no other Apostle ever said..
Paul said this..
"Be a follower of ME.... as i follow Christ".
I how can we be in Christ without baptism
Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. That’s Paul too!

Paul was baptized acts 22:16
And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.
I how can we be in Christ without baptism
Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. That’s Paul too!

Paul was baptized acts 22:16
And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.
Very simple~we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.

Water baptism put is into the faith/religion of Jesus Christ~We give to God a answer of a good conscience, concerning the question.... "who hath believed our report"~our baptism said that we do! We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for propitiation our sin from condemnation of God's holy law.

Christianity is spiritual.

"God is A Spirit".

1.) The bible teaches us that the things we can see are going to go away, turn into nothing, and the things we can't see are ETERNAL.

YOU are a spirit being, who is living inside a currently aging toward death, body.
Your body is going to stop living. Your body is going to stop breathing, your heartbeat will stop......, but your spirit, who is the real you, that is living inside your body, will continue.

The question is... where is your spirit going to end up in Eternity.?

There are only 2 destinations available.

One requires your self effort to go there, and that is Hell.
Yes, it takes your Self EFFORT to go to Hell.
You have to work to go there. You have to try to be good, you have to try to keep commandments, you will probably be water baptized, and you'll be found in some type of pretending to be like Jesus, mentality, that you believe that you must ACT out.

See all that? That is YOU trying to go to heaven, and that is exactly how and why you wont go.

Because to Go to heaven, is only based on what Jesus did for you on the Cross.
See that?
THAT is what God will accept on your behalf, to accept you, = The Cross of Christ..... and He will not accept you, based on you trying to be good enough to be accepted.
Not ever.

Here is the issue with trying to be good enough.... which includes water baptism, enduring to the end of the Tribulation, going to church a lot... and trying to keep commandments and law, and do good works..
See all that?
= You are doing it, and God does not accept what you do, to accept you into His spiritual family.
Why not?
Because "all have sinned"........so, this means that all of us at one time are an unforgiven sinner, trying to be accepted by God, based on yourself.
Where will that lead you?
It'll lead you to hell after you die, if that is all you have ever done.

2.) Notice that SIN problem?
"all have SINNED"?
"ALL have sinned"
See that?
There is nothing you can do of yourself to get those sins forgiven, by God., and everyone who spent a lifetime trying then died, is right now in Hell wondering what went wrong. And what went wrong, was that they tried to go to heaven, as an unforgiven sinner, and that is the one situation that will never let you go there.

"but im water baptized"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"but im always trying to keep commandments"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"I take the sacraments and will try to die in a state of grace"... = Nope, wont do it., as that is YOU doing that.
"but, my dad is the Pastor, and my mother is a missionary"... = meaningless regarding going to Heaven. They'll go and you wont, if they are born again.

So, how do you go to heaven, if you can't get there by being good, or by trying to be good, or by being dunked in water and saying some magic words ???

You have to become a part of God's Spirit to become a part of God's eternal life.
Jesus said......"you must be born again".....Spiritually.

See that?
For that to happen, For God to give you THE new birth, He first must deal with all your sin, so that your sin is no longer separating you from Him.

Here is how that is solved.....

"Jesus is the ONE TIME ETERNAL Sacrifice" for sin"... because...."God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us".

= The Cross of Christ

And what does that mean?
It means that when you give God your faith in Christ, God instantly takes the blood and death sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross = and applies it to you, and your sin is resolved, forgiven, and forgotten.
What sin does the blood of Jesus forgive?

A.) ALL of them.
AA.) All of them.

Then, God takes His very own righteousness, and gives it to you, as "the Gift of Righteousness", and you become "made righteous". "in Christ".. "one with God".

See that?
That is what is known as being REDEEMED by the BLOOD of Jesus.

"""""what can wash away my SIN... nothing but the BLOOD of JESUS". "oh Crimson is the flow that makes me white as snow.... no other Fount i know, nothing but the BLOOD OF JESUS""".

Reader, has the Holy Blood of Jesus washed away your sin?.... Water can't but the Blood of Jesus will, and forever.
Result = 2 Corinthians 5:19

That is what is known as God giving you the BLOOD ATONEMENT, and this removes your sin, so that God can then give you His very Righteousness.
This is your SALVATION.
Its a "Gift" from God freely given to all who will come to God trusting in Christ.

And that reader, has to happen to you, or you can't go to heaven and will never.
Has it happened to you?
Can you name the day in your past, when you heard the Gospel of the Grace of God that i just gave you , and you knew you were a sinner needing to be forgiven, and you went to God believing in Jesus ??

You have to have that moment in your life, when you recognized your need of forgiveness and you went to JESUS and He became your Savior and God became your Heavenly Father by giving you a Spiritual BIRTH.
= "born...... AGAIN".. that's #2 birthday........and that one is eternal life.
That is the day you gave your faith in Christ to God.

A.) = You have to have that day in your life, if you want to go to Heaven.
If you dont have that SALVATION day in your past , then today is the day, now is the time., and may God bless you to come to His Son by Faith and be saved.
If you know you have that Eternal Salvation day in your past, then God bless you to grow deeper in His word and deeper in His revelation.
In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus said that only those who do with will of the Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven in contrast with saying that he would tell those who are workers of lawlessness to depart from him, and the Father has straightforwardly made His will known through what He has instructed in His law (Psalms 40:8). Furthermore, in John 6:40, Jesus said that this will of His Father is that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life and in Luke 10:25-28, Jesus said that the way to inherit eternal life is by obeying the greatest two commandments, so those are God's instructions for how to believe in the Son, which is again God's will. In other words, God's word is His instructions for how to believe in God's word made flesh. Becoming zealous for doing good works in obedience to God's law is the way to believe in what Jesus accomplished through the cross (Titus 2:11-14, Acts 21:20).

Obedience to God's law has nothing to do with trying to be good enough through our own efforts. Self effort does not rely on anyone else, so it is contradictory to think that it is self effort to obediently rely on what God has instructed. If obeying what God has instructed were self effort and self effort leads to hell, then that would mean that God is leading us to hell and should not be trusted. If God's law were His instructions for how to become self-righteous and God does not want us to become self-righteous, then it would follow that God therefore does not want to be obeyed, which is absurd considering the consistent call for repentance through out the Bible. All have sinned, so all need to repent and return to obedience to God's law through faith. God can be trusted to give us instructions for our own good in order to bless us and teach us the way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is contradictory to want to trust God for salvation, but not trust in what He has instruction for salvation.

In Hebrews 5:9, Jesus has become a source of eternal salvation for those who obey Him. We should trust him when he said that the way to inherit eternal life is by obeying the greatest two commandments. It is contradictory to turn to God's word made flesh while rejecting God's word. Getting to practice righteousness is the content of God's gift of righteousness. If you believed that the Psalms are Scripture by holding the same view of God's law as expressed in the Psalms, then you would consider getting to obey God's law to be a very precious gift indeed.
Very simple~we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.

Water baptism put is into the faith/religion of Jesus Christ~We give to God a answer of a good conscience, concerning the question.... "who hath believed our report"~our baptism said that we do! We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for propitiation our sin from condemnation of God's holy law.
Are we then saved?

Christianity is spiritual.

"God is A Spirit".

1.) The bible teaches us that the things we can see are going to go away, turn into nothing, and the things we can't see are ETERNAL.

YOU are a spirit being, who is living inside a currently aging toward death, body.
Your body is going to stop living. Your body is going to stop breathing, your heartbeat will stop......, but your spirit, who is the real you, that is living inside your body, will continue.

The question is... where is your spirit going to end up in Eternity.?

There are only 2 destinations available.

One requires your self effort to go there, and that is Hell.
Yes, it takes your Self EFFORT to go to Hell.
You have to work to go there. You have to try to be good, you have to try to keep commandments, you will probably be water baptized, and you'll be found in some type of pretending to be like Jesus, mentality, that you believe that you must ACT out.

See all that? That is YOU trying to go to heaven, and that is exactly how and why you wont go.

Because to Go to heaven, is only based on what Jesus did for you on the Cross.
See that?
THAT is what God will accept on your behalf, to accept you, = The Cross of Christ..... and He will not accept you, based on you trying to be good enough to be accepted.
Not ever.

Here is the issue with trying to be good enough.... which includes water baptism, enduring to the end of the Tribulation, going to church a lot... and trying to keep commandments and law, and do good works..
See all that?
= You are doing it, and God does not accept what you do, to accept you into His spiritual family.
Why not?
Because "all have sinned"........so, this means that all of us at one time are an unforgiven sinner, trying to be accepted by God, based on yourself.
Where will that lead you?
It'll lead you to hell after you die, if that is all you have ever done.

2.) Notice that SIN problem?
"all have SINNED"?
"ALL have sinned"
See that?
There is nothing you can do of yourself to get those sins forgiven, by God., and everyone who spent a lifetime trying then died, is right now in Hell wondering what went wrong. And what went wrong, was that they tried to go to heaven, as an unforgiven sinner, and that is the one situation that will never let you go there.

"but im water baptized"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"but im always trying to keep commandments"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"I take the sacraments and will try to die in a state of grace"... = Nope, wont do it., as that is YOU doing that.
"but, my dad is the Pastor, and my mother is a missionary"... = meaningless regarding going to Heaven. They'll go and you wont, if they are born again.

So, how do you go to heaven, if you can't get there by being good, or by trying to be good, or by being dunked in water and saying some magic words ???

You have to become a part of God's Spirit to become a part of God's eternal life.
Jesus said......"you must be born again".....Spiritually.

See that?
For that to happen, For God to give you THE new birth, He first must deal with all your sin, so that your sin is no longer separating you from Him.

Here is how that is solved.....

"Jesus is the ONE TIME ETERNAL Sacrifice" for sin"... because...."God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us".

= The Cross of Christ

And what does that mean?
It means that when you give God your faith in Christ, God instantly takes the blood and death sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross = and applies it to you, and your sin is resolved, forgiven, and forgotten.
What sin does the blood of Jesus forgive?

A.) ALL of them.
AA.) All of them.

Then, God takes His very own righteousness, and gives it to you, as "the Gift of Righteousness", and you become "made righteous". "in Christ".. "one with God".

See that?
That is what is known as being REDEEMED by the BLOOD of Jesus.

"""""what can wash away my SIN... nothing but the BLOOD of JESUS". "oh Crimson is the flow that makes me white as snow.... no other Fount i know, nothing but the BLOOD OF JESUS""".

Reader, has the Holy Blood of Jesus washed away your sin?.... Water can't but the Blood of Jesus will, and forever.
Result = 2 Corinthians 5:19

That is what is known as God giving you the BLOOD ATONEMENT, and this removes your sin, so that God can then give you His very Righteousness.
This is your SALVATION.
Its a "Gift" from God freely given to all who will come to God trusting in Christ.

And that reader, has to happen to you, or you can't go to heaven and will never.
Has it happened to you?
Can you name the day in your past, when you heard the Gospel of the Grace of God that i just gave you , and you knew you were a sinner needing to be forgiven, and you went to God believing in Jesus ??

You have to have that moment in your life, when you recognized your need of forgiveness and you went to JESUS and He became your Savior and God became your Heavenly Father by giving you a Spiritual BIRTH.
= "born...... AGAIN".. that's #2 birthday........and that one is eternal life.
That is the day you gave your faith in Christ to God.

A.) = You have to have that day in your life, if you want to go to Heaven.
If you dont have that SALVATION day in your past , then today is the day, now is the time., and may God bless you to come to His Son by Faith and be saved.
If you know you have that Eternal Salvation day in your past, then God bless you to grow deeper in His word and deeper in His revelation.
Then why does Jesus say: Jn 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.


Matthew 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrowis the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


Matthew 16:24
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.


Phil 1:29
For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;

Romans 8:17
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

2 Timothy 2:12
If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
