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How Do We Discern Wolves in Sheep's Clothing?


Staff member
May 27, 2023
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It has become increasingly difficult to do, and their presence is everywhere and in many different ways, including on Christian forums, with the internet and social media platforms. The words the wolf needs are readily available at the flick of a finger, as are those of whatever they are opposing or promoting. So Paul's warning in Acts 20:28-31 that the enemy of the gospel would be in our midst, is no longer confined to the visible church, and therefore leaves the door open for any wolf to join the devil's attempt to destroy and deceive. It is not flesh and blood that His church wars against, but spiritual enemies in spiritual places. (Eph 6) But he works through flesh and blood.

There is another reason why these wolves make inroads into the visible churches and preach from our pulpits blatant falsehoods and go unchecked, with thousands upon thousands of followers. Much of the reason has to do with the loss of the doctrinal confessions and the systematic expounding of the word of God to arrive at and teach doctrines that are sound and consistent with the whole counsel of God. If pastors were to do this, the congregants would learn to do it too, though that does not remove their responsibility to do it for themselves. Such has been the case for a vast number of Christians that are alive today and whose parents and grandparents were in that same boat. So neither shepherd or flock are equipped with the knowledge they need to discern a wolf in sheep's clothing. In effect both God and Christianity are treated lightly and casually.

And this also applies to any platform that involves Christianity.

How do we discern what is a wolf in sheep's clothing and what is just disagreement in doctrine, or the voice of an immature Christian, when we cannot see them, or know anything but the words they type and send into the ether? And they are here, these wolves, and in every Christian forum, for a true wolf in sheep's clothing is a predator, seeking out whatever avenue is easiest. They use scripture and a wolf will too. That scripture needed can be found by googling the subject with no knowledge of belief behind it at all. And I would say, that most often we cannot without any doubt make this discernment, and so accusations should never be made. But we can learn to fine tune our antenna, learn when and how to fight against that enemy, and when to let it wear itself out.

But there is only one way to do this, but with the uses of a few things. We pray putting our trust in God and not ourselves. We ask for discernment , not for ourselves lest we boast, but for His glory,and above all we do not think that because we asked for discernment that it will immediately be given to us and therefore whatever we think is discernment from God.

I have found over the years that God answers such prayers by teaching, not just handing out, and it takes place in grace upon grace over a lifetime. And we cannot have discernment without knowledge. All that knowledge He gives us---in His word. He will open things to us through the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit, in His word. Our foundation for discernment of wolves in sheeps clothing is His word, and that requires us to do our own systematic study (not just reading) of His word, and also through the writings of those He has given the church who have done that work, in order to help us onto the path of carefully established doctrine, that many of us are not equipped to do on our own. But once set on that path, we go to the scriptures ourselves to see it and find it.
Genuine FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT tends to be harder to counterfeit.

"I will not ... offer a burnt offering which costs me nothing." - 1 Chronicles 21:24
(What do our "good works" [Ephesians 2:10] cost us?)
Genuine FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT tends to be harder to counterfeit.

"I will not ... offer a burnt offering which costs me nothing." - 1 Chronicles 21:24
(What do our "good works" [Ephesians 2:10] cost us?)
That is a big problem today and is given by Jesus as to how to discern. That does not mean it is still not true---and I am not saying that is what you are saying, because I know it isn't. It just means that whereas in other time periods when communities were more localized and you saw the people that spoke, and were more apt to witness their lifestyle and behaviours, it was easier.

Red flags of fruit on a forum might be such as one claiming to be a pastor and yet in all their posts and behavior towards others, showing no pastoral spirit at all. Or arguing incessantly over one issue in an arrogant and abusive manner in thread after thread, and then when someone actually puts forth an exegesis on the matter claiming to know that all along, it was just a test, or repeating it back to the poster as though the poster had not said it at all but the opposite of it.

What do our good works cost us? Friends, sometimes family, maybe position or job, suffering, persecution. It is promised for those in Christ in the scriptures.
What do our good works cost us? Friends, sometimes family, maybe position or job, suffering, persecution. It is promised for those in Christ in the scriptures.
Awww ... we are MUCH lazier than that.

  • How many people would give money to someone standing on median asking for money? We have extra money and it is a small inconvenience that "costs us little" ... almost nothing in time or emotional investment.
  • Would you spend two hours listening to them talk about their loneliness? That would cost you far more than a spare dollar.
  • Would you take a single mother without a car food shopping? She needs transportation more than money ... she needs groceries EVERY week. That would cost you something.
Instead, we give to the "Missionary Fund" at Church so we can feel good about ourselves ...

... and the Angels weep.
(but I am wandering off topic.)
Instead, we give to the "Missionary Fund" at Church so we can feel good about ourselves ...
Except for family members and close friends it is difficult to discern the worthiness of others. I prefer to give to a church or religious organization as I prefer to favor Christians and these organizations assessment of need is probably better than mine.
As for feeling better about myself ... I figure the Spirit is motivating me to do it ... Lord knows I would NEVER do it otherwise; I have strong frugality genes. (giggle)
Except for family members and close friends it is difficult to discern the worthiness of others. I prefer to give to a church or religious organization as I prefer to favor Christians and these organizations assessment of need is probably better than mine.
As for feeling better about myself ... I figure the Spirit is motivating me to do it ... Lord knows I would NEVER do it otherwise; I have strong frugality genes. (giggle)
I can relate ... "parsimonious" is a word I remember from High School English. [someone that saves those loose threads, just in case. ;) ]
It has become increasingly difficult to do, and their presence is everywhere and in many different ways, including on Christian forums, with the internet and social media platforms.

OK, back on topic. Jesus advice is still good: "For there is no good tree that bears bad fruit, nor, on the other hand, a bad tree that bears good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit. For people do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil person out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart." [Luke 6:43-45]

Two piles ... which does someones "way" fall into:
  • [1Ti 6:3-5] If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; but he has a sick craving for controversial questions and disputes about words, from which come envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, and constant friction between people of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain.
  • [1Ti 6:11] But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.
"For there is no good tree that bears bad fruit, nor, on the other hand, a bad tree that bears good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit.
I've got to think there are some 'good trees' that bare 'bad fruit' at times ... we all don't have the gift of understanding or the opportunity to learn ... Job, a 'good' guy got rebuked for his theology IMO.
I don't think it's bad and white. I'm not saying your general point is invalid... I wish my theology for 100% right, though I don't know anywhere that it is wrong (giggle).
Pray for discernment and listen.
Does the spirit resonate with the Spirit/Life within you?
The Lord taught me this while tuning a guitar by understanding when the two strings are sounding the same.
"spiritually discerned"
1Cor. 2:14 (NAS20S) But a natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

These are not just words--they speak of a reality.
It has become increasingly difficult to do, and their presence is everywhere and in many different ways, including on Christian forums, with the internet and social media platforms. The words the wolf needs are readily available at the flick of a finger, as are those of whatever they are opposing or promoting. So Paul's warning in Acts 20:28-31 that the enemy of the gospel would be in our midst, is no longer confined to the visible church, and therefore leaves the door open for any wolf to join the devil's attempt to destroy and deceive. It is not flesh and blood that His church wars against, but spiritual enemies in spiritual places. (Eph 6) But he works through flesh and blood.

There is another reason why these wolves make inroads into the visible churches and preach from our pulpits blatant falsehoods and go unchecked, with thousands upon thousands of followers. Much of the reason has to do with the loss of the doctrinal confessions and the systematic expounding of the word of God to arrive at and teach doctrines that are sound and consistent with the whole counsel of God. If pastors were to do this, the congregants would learn to do it too, though that does not remove their responsibility to do it for themselves. Such has been the case for a vast number of Christians that are alive today and whose parents and grandparents were in that same boat. So neither shepherd or flock are equipped with the knowledge they need to discern a wolf in sheep's clothing. In effect both God and Christianity are treated lightly and casually.

And this also applies to any platform that involves Christianity.

How do we discern what is a wolf in sheep's clothing and what is just disagreement in doctrine, or the voice of an immature Christian, when we cannot see them, or know anything but the words they type and send into the ether? And they are here, these wolves, and in every Christian forum, for a true wolf in sheep's clothing is a predator, seeking out whatever avenue is easiest. They use scripture and a wolf will too. That scripture needed can be found by googling the subject with no knowledge of belief behind it at all. And I would say, that most often we cannot without any doubt make this discernment, and so accusations should never be made. But we can learn to fine tune our antenna, learn when and how to fight against that enemy, and when to let it wear itself out.

But there is only one way to do this, but with the uses of a few things. We pray putting our trust in God and not ourselves. We ask for discernment , not for ourselves lest we boast, but for His glory,and above all we do not think that because we asked for discernment that it will immediately be given to us and therefore whatever we think is discernment from God.

I have found over the years that God answers such prayers by teaching, not just handing out, and it takes place in grace upon grace over a lifetime. And we cannot have discernment without knowledge. All that knowledge He gives us---in His word. He will open things to us through the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit, in His word. Our foundation for discernment of wolves in sheeps clothing is His word, and that requires us to do our own systematic study (not just reading) of His word, and also through the writings of those He has given the church who have done that work, in order to help us onto the path of carefully established doctrine, that many of us are not equipped to do on our own. But once set on that path, we go to the scriptures ourselves to see it and find it.
Agreed completely. Yet, you speak of the work of the Spirit in us in discerning; there is one more work of the Spirit, in a certain transformative way —or at least such has been my experience— in the ongoing training in 'sanctification', which is the change from a self-deterministic mind, that interprets all things as "either/or" human/God in motivation, work and activity, instead of the dependence on the creature upon God's immanent sovereignty. (There are a hundred ways to state it, but that is how it came out this time, haha!)

The notions I keep seeing, that take the New Testament sayings as though our duty is to make ourselves more Christlike, though with his help still OUR work and according to our definitions and our judgement, and not the work of God, to approach (it would seem) our own Godhood.

Oh my goodness! the freedom of finally incorporating into my heart and mind, that ALL things, whatsoever come to pass, are by God's decree —ORDAINED BY GOD— and are for HIS pleasure and HIS purposes! Whether I find myself in obedience or in rebellion, I can KNOW that it is by God's mercy and grace, and his dreadful purity, and his sure purposes, that I fall or rise, and not by my own designs!

I'm sorry if this goes against the grain of so many Calvinists and Reformed believers to consider, but this is monergism of sorts, even subsequent to monergistic regeneration. It is GOD who works in us. The results are not our responsibility, but his. And THUS, is the pain and sorrow of disobedience: It is not failure and hopelessness, but disobedience to the Creator of our souls, and precisely where he intended that we be at this time. But yeah, it hurts! Hurts worse than it ever did under the self-deterministic worldview where it was displaced self-deprecation and fear. "If I die, I die" used to be about me, and hopelessness. Now, "If I die, I die", depends on God's sure purposes and the beauty of his wisdom and might.
Agreed completely. Yet, you speak of the work of the Spirit in us in discerning; there is one more work of the Spirit, in a certain transformative way —or at least such has been my experience— in the ongoing training in 'sanctification', which is the change from a self-deterministic mind, that interprets all things as "either/or" human/God in motivation, work and activity, instead of the dependence on the creature upon God's immanent sovereignty. (There are a hundred ways to state it, but that is how it came out this time, haha!)
Agree. Except there is more than one other work of the Spirit in us. Let me count the ways! I won't really do that, as I am sure you know them all.

I was contemplating that a bit this morning when I set down for a time of prayer and communion with God. Mainly because I was having trouble focusing and I asked Him for help. It pains me and astonishes me, how I can go so long through a day or days without realizing or thinking about, that I am indwelt by the very Spirit of Almighty God. It always seems like it is just me indwelling me. :)
Agree. Except there is more than one other work of the Spirit in us. Let me count the ways! I won't really do that, as I am sure you know them all.

I was contemplating that a bit this morning when I set down for a time of prayer and communion with God. Mainly because I was having trouble focusing and I asked Him for help. It pains me and astonishes me, how I can go so long through a day or days without realizing or thinking about, that I am indwelt by the very Spirit of Almighty God. It always seems like it is just me indwelling me. :)
AND amazing how he can continue to deal with us, without recrimination of our self-satisfied ignorance, and self-interest at whatever 'level' of recognition from us of his goodness, power, character and so on. I long for the day when we see him as he is —when my mind actually is coherent, and my words are actually substantive.
It has become increasingly difficult to do, and their presence is everywhere and in many different ways, including on Christian forums, with the internet and social media platforms. The words the wolf needs are readily available at the flick of a finger, as are those of whatever they are opposing or promoting. So Paul's warning in Acts 20:28-31 that the enemy of the gospel would be in our midst, is no longer confined to the visible church, and therefore leaves the door open for any wolf to join the devil's attempt to destroy and deceive. It is not flesh and blood that His church wars against, but spiritual enemies in spiritual places. (Eph 6) But he works through flesh and blood.

There is another reason why these wolves make inroads into the visible churches and preach from our pulpits blatant falsehoods and go unchecked, with thousands upon thousands of followers. Much of the reason has to do with the loss of the doctrinal confessions and the systematic expounding of the word of God to arrive at and teach doctrines that are sound and consistent with the whole counsel of God. If pastors were to do this, the congregants would learn to do it too, though that does not remove their responsibility to do it for themselves. Such has been the case for a vast number of Christians that are alive today and whose parents and grandparents were in that same boat. So neither shepherd or flock are equipped with the knowledge they need to discern a wolf in sheep's clothing. In effect both God and Christianity are treated lightly and casually.

And this also applies to any platform that involves Christianity.

How do we discern what is a wolf in sheep's clothing and what is just disagreement in doctrine, or the voice of an immature Christian, when we cannot see them, or know anything but the words they type and send into the ether? And they are here, these wolves, and in every Christian forum, for a true wolf in sheep's clothing is a predator, seeking out whatever avenue is easiest. They use scripture and a wolf will too. That scripture needed can be found by googling the subject with no knowledge of belief behind it at all. And I would say, that most often we cannot without any doubt make this discernment, and so accusations should never be made. But we can learn to fine tune our antenna, learn when and how to fight against that enemy, and when to let it wear itself out.

But there is only one way to do this, but with the uses of a few things. We pray putting our trust in God and not ourselves. We ask for discernment , not for ourselves lest we boast, but for His glory,and above all we do not think that because we asked for discernment that it will immediately be given to us and therefore whatever we think is discernment from God.

I have found over the years that God answers such prayers by teaching, not just handing out, and it takes place in grace upon grace over a lifetime. And we cannot have discernment without knowledge. All that knowledge He gives us---in His word. He will open things to us through the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit, in His word. Our foundation for discernment of wolves in sheeps clothing is His word, and that requires us to do our own systematic study (not just reading) of His word, and also through the writings of those He has given the church who have done that work, in order to help us onto the path of carefully established doctrine, that many of us are not equipped to do on our own. But once set on that path, we go to the scriptures ourselves to see it and find it.
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them. There were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

An answer to the OP is that through Covetousness they will make Merchandise of you somehow. Also, they will bring in Damnable Heresies; speaking out against Truth. Non Calvinists are not as bad as Anti Calvinists, who rail against the Truth. And do not forget; wolves will deny the Lord who bought them...

It seems easy to spot them. They are Mormons, Witnesses, etc...
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I've got to think there are some 'good trees' that bare 'bad fruit' at times ... we all don't have the gift of understanding or the opportunity to learn ... Job, a 'good' guy got rebuked for his theology IMO.
I don't think it's bad and white. I'm not saying your general point is invalid... I wish my theology for 100% right, though I don't know anywhere that it is wrong (giggle).
When it comes to good or bad fruit, I think the thorns and thistles analogy is better. It's like making pudding with over-ripe bananas (It's not bad fruit, but some will gripe), versus making banana pudding with thorns instead...

Hindus make pudding with thistles, A'ists don't. A'ists make it with over-ripe bananas and stale vanilla wafers. A'ists are in the Pale of Orthodoxy, Hindus aren't...

I think it's wrong to say that anyone who's belief is within the Pale of Orthodoxy, though it differs from your belief; is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. They may just be a jacked-up looking Sheep...
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It has become increasingly difficult to do, and their presence is everywhere and in many different ways, including on Christian forums, with the internet and social media platforms. The words the wolf needs are readily available at the flick of a finger, as are those of whatever they are opposing or promoting. So Paul's warning in Acts 20:28-31 that the enemy of the gospel would be in our midst, is no longer confined to the visible church, and therefore leaves the door open for any wolf to join the devil's attempt to destroy and deceive. It is not flesh and blood that His church wars against, but spiritual enemies in spiritual places. (Eph 6) But he works through flesh and blood.

There is another reason why these wolves make inroads into the visible churches and preach from our pulpits blatant falsehoods and go unchecked, with thousands upon thousands of followers. Much of the reason has to do with the loss of the doctrinal confessions and the systematic expounding of the word of God to arrive at and teach doctrines that are sound and consistent with the whole counsel of God. If pastors were to do this, the congregants would learn to do it too, though that does not remove their responsibility to do it for themselves. Such has been the case for a vast number of Christians that are alive today and whose parents and grandparents were in that same boat. So neither shepherd or flock are equipped with the knowledge they need to discern a wolf in sheep's clothing. In effect both God and Christianity are treated lightly and casually.

And this also applies to any platform that involves Christianity.

How do we discern what is a wolf in sheep's clothing and what is just disagreement in doctrine, or the voice of an immature Christian, when we cannot see them, or know anything but the words they type and send into the ether? And they are here, these wolves, and in every Christian forum, for a true wolf in sheep's clothing is a predator, seeking out whatever avenue is easiest. They use scripture and a wolf will too. That scripture needed can be found by googling the subject with no knowledge of belief behind it at all. And I would say, that most often we cannot without any doubt make this discernment, and so accusations should never be made. But we can learn to fine tune our antenna, learn when and how to fight against that enemy, and when to let it wear itself out.

But there is only one way to do this, but with the uses of a few things. We pray putting our trust in God and not ourselves. We ask for discernment , not for ourselves lest we boast, but for His glory,and above all we do not think that because we asked for discernment that it will immediately be given to us and therefore whatever we think is discernment from God.

I have found over the years that God answers such prayers by teaching, not just handing out, and it takes place in grace upon grace over a lifetime. And we cannot have discernment without knowledge. All that knowledge He gives us---in His word. He will open things to us through the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit, in His word. Our foundation for discernment of wolves in sheeps clothing is His word, and that requires us to do our own systematic study (not just reading) of His word, and also through the writings of those He has given the church who have done that work, in order to help us onto the path of carefully established doctrine, that many of us are not equipped to do on our own. But once set on that path, we go to the scriptures ourselves to see it and find it.
Actually its pretty simple- Jesus' real teachers teach-EVERY utterance from God to the flock without fail. After all Jesus said man must live by every utterance from God.
A friend of mine recently said---If all bibles were opened at the same time, there would be a huge dust storm.
Actually its pretty simple- Jesus' real teachers teach-EVERY utterance from God to the flock without fail. After all Jesus said man must live by every utterance from God.
A friend of mine recently said---If all bibles were opened at the same time, there would be a huge dust storm.
Watch Tower Society?