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Give Us This Day

Out of curiosity, in the Lord's Prayer, after praise to God is given why does Jesus say "Give us this day our daily bread---"? And why did He give this prayer as the way in which we are to pray?

There are of course a number of right answers but I am looking specifically for this part, "Give us this day."

I believe it is saying something about God, rooted deep in the OT, in how He set up certain things in the Sinai covenant law. Who can find what I am referring to?

Our Daily bread is the Word of God teaching, our spiritual food. Jesus said that He is the Bread of Life. John 6:35

And, a more accurate translation could read.... " Our bread for the coming day . . . be giving us daily. " Luke 11:4
Our Daily bread is the Word of God teaching, our spiritual food. Jesus said that He is the Bread of Life. John 6:35

And, a more accurate translation could read.... " Our bread for the coming day . . . be giving us daily. " Luke 11:4
Those in Christ are in union with the Bread from Heaven. "Our daily bread is a prayer for God to meet all of our needs for that day, both natural and spiritual needs. Day by day. Matt 6:25-30.
Those in Christ are in union with the Bread from Heaven. "Our daily bread is a prayer for God to meet all of our needs for that day, both natural and spiritual needs. Day by day. Matt 6:25-30.

Daily bread...

And every day, in the temple and in every house, they did not cease teaching
and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ." Acts 5:42​

Very few are capable and qualified to teach daily.... It requires genuine skill with a calling to STUDY and teach.

We should only find a few teachers. James 3:1

Only a few. But? We find many, and in many varieties each contradicting the other in many cases.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."
2 Tim 4:3

Daily Bread? On the other hand..

Anyone who has the gift of gab? He can learn a particular format (denominational) desired by certain people, so they can gather together once, or twice a week, to "socialize" and bond, while sharing a verse or two.

What we need is quality teaching....
Daily bread...

And every day, in the temple and in every house, they did not cease teaching
and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ." Acts 5:42​

Very few are capable and qualified to teach daily.... It requires genuine skill with a calling to STUDY and teach.

On the other hand..

Anyone who has the gift of gab? He can learn a particular desired format (denominational) that people can gather together once, or twice a week, to "socialize" and bond while reading a verse or two.

What we need is quality teaching....
That is completely off topic.
That is completely off topic.
NO! Don't do that!

Your own words in post #1...
Out of curiosity, in the Lord's Prayer, after praise to God is given why does Jesus say "Give us this day our daily bread---"? And why did He give this prayer as the way in which we are to pray?

Daily Bread is to be our life!

Don't try to suppress this with some regulation that does not fit.

It is RIGHT on topic!

This is why Christianity has become so weak today.
Daily Bread is to be our life!
Daily bread is daily bread. And the subject of the OP is why are we told to pray daily for that day?
I believe it is saying something about God, rooted deep in the OT, in how He set up certain things in the Sinai covenant law. Who can find what I am referring to?
Any thoughts?

You went off on your own tangent.
Our Daily bread is the Word of God teaching, our spiritual food. Jesus said that He is the Bread of Life. John 6:35
Very few are capable and qualified to teach daily.... It requires genuine skill with a calling to STUDY and teach.
We should only find a few teachers. James 3:1

Only a few. But? We find many, and in many varieties each contradicting the other in many cases.
Daily Bread? On the other hand..

Anyone who has the gift of gab? He can learn a particular format (denominational) desired by certain people, so they can gather together once, or twice a week, to "socialize" and bond, while sharing a verse or two.

What we need is quality teaching....
Does that really sound like it has anything to do with the OP to you? If it does then I would have to say you have difficulty identifying subjects and topics.
Don't try to suppress this with some regulation that does not fit.

It is RIGHT on topic!

This is why Christianity has become so weak today.
Suppress? :unsure: If you want to talk about teachers, people with the gift of gab, spiritual food, look down your nose at people, you are free to start a thread on the subject and talk, talk, talk, all you want about it. But not in an OP that is about something entirely different.
Daily bread is daily bread. And the subject of the OP is why are we told to pray daily for that day?

Any thoughts?

You went off on your own tangent.

Does that really sound like it has anything to do with the OP to you? If it does then I would have to say you have difficulty identifying subjects and topics.

Suppress? :unsure: If you want to talk about teachers, people with the gift of gab, spiritual food, look down your nose at people, you are free to start a thread on the subject and talk, talk, talk, all you want about it. But not in an OP that is about something entirely different.

I went to the Topic though it appears now it was not your intent in how you see it.

Look at what you asked....

Out of curiosity, in the Lord's Prayer, after praise to God is given why does Jesus say "Give us this day our daily bread---"? And why did He give this prayer as the way in which we are to pray?

I guess you did not realize what you were asking for.

That is why I showed how they were taught daily for their Bread. Daily spiritual food! "Daily Bread."

Daily Bread is being taught the Word of God.
Jesus taught his disciples daily. Later, pastors taught daily in the early church.

God has given some to be pastor-teachers.
They are to be our "bakers" to serve us what we need to be spiritually nourished.

Jesus was not teaching them to pray for food/bread.

But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown
into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! Do not worry then,
saying, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear for clothing?’
For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need
all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will
be provided to you." Matthew 6:30-33​

Physical food was not the issue.

Jesus said to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all those things will be added onto you.
Those things included food and shelter.

Seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness only comes from learning and understanding the Word of God.
Not praying for food. But, by praying to find a perfect teacher for your needs.

We simply can pray....

"Father in Jesus name. Please give me sound doctrine for every area of my life."

Without realizing it. The passage cited in the OP was referring to what I have been trying to share with you.
Sorry if you think it was off topic when I responded to the passage that was given.

grace and peace .............
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I went to the Topic though it appears now it was not your intent in how you see it.

Look at what you asked....

I guess you did not realize what you were asking for.
Of course I knew what I was asking for. It is you who does not know what I was asking for.
Out of curiosity, in the Lord's Prayer, after praise to God is given why does Jesus say "Give us this day our daily bread---"? And why did He give this prayer as the way in which we are to pray?

There are of course a number of right answers but I am looking specifically for this part, "Give us this day."

I believe it is saying something about God, rooted deep in the OT, in how He set up certain things in the Sinai covenant law. Who can find what I am referring to?
I guess you couldn't find it.
Here is it is and I had to answer the question myself. Post #2

We begin to see one of the things God was teaching the Israelites about Himself (and by extension us) and teaching them to trust Him. It is further expressed in the covenant law itself. And it is why He was so angry when they made the golden calf when Moses disappeared for so long.
Deuteronomy 29:5 Yet the Lord says, "During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet.

The manna came day by day with strict instructions to only gather enough for that day.

When they were thirsty God brought water from the rock.

In the covenant law we have six days to work, the seventh for rest. (Lev 23:3)

Every seventh year the land was to rest. Lev 25:1-7 The Lord said to Moses at Mt Sinai, "Say to the people of Israel, 'When you come to the land I will give you, then the land will have a Year of Rest to the Lord. SIx years you will plant seeds in your field. Six years you will take care of your vines and gather their fruit. But the seventh year will be a Year of Rest for the land, a Year of Rest to the Lord. You will not plant seeds in your field or take care of your vines. You will not gather what grows of itself in your field. And do not gather the fruit of the vines that have not been cared for. The land will have a Year of Rest. During the Year of Rest the land will give food for you, for your men and women servants, the man you pay to work for you, and the stranger who lives with you. Even your cattle and the animals in your land will have food to eat.

And of course there was the Year of Jubilee every seven times seven years.

When Jesus shows us how to pray He says, "Give us this day our daily bread---".

God does not measure time as we do and is well aware that we are in time. Later in the same chapter of Matt 6: 25-34 He gives us the "Do not worry about---" discourse on our daily life. God teaches us through His covenant relationship with Israel, His revealing Himself to them and by extension us, (let the reader hear), to trust Him, He is trustworthy and He always sees, He hears, He knows, He cares for you, He loves, He provides. Those in Christ through faith are His covenant children. He is the One who has all the power and can multiply loaves and fishes, send a raven with food, bring streams out of dry land. We serve this same God. Trust Him.
Stop arguing with me about whether you are on topic or not. You aren't. You started a whole different conversation. One you wanted to have. And don't insult me anymore in order to attempt to stand your ground as being in the right.
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Of course I knew what I was asking for. It is you who does not know what I was asking for.

I guess you couldn't find it.
Here is it is and I had to answer the question myself. Post #2

Stop arguing with me about whether you are on topic or not. You aren't. You started a whole different conversation. One you wanted to have. And don't insult me anymore in order to attempt to stand your ground as being in the right.

Not as in the right. Only regards to my responding to the original OP.

Not for the next post which I had not read in my desire to respond to what was written in the original post.

And.. please.

I do not wish to insult you.

But, it would be most helpful to simply recognize what happened, and accept why I did what I did, and leave it be.

We all make missteaks.
Not as in the right. Only regards to my responding to the original OP.

Not for the next post which I had not read in my desire to respond to what was written in the original post.

And.. please.

I do not wish to insult you.

But, it would be most helpful to simply recognize what happened, and accept why I did what I did, and leave it be.

We all make missteaks.
Why all the arguing with me then? Why not just say you misunderstood what I was asking, you didn't finish reading, and say sorry? You were not responding the original OP. Do you suppose you could do so now?
Why all the arguing with me then? Why not just say you misunderstood what I was asking, you didn't finish reading, and say sorry? You were not responding the original OP. Do you suppose you could do so now?

And, you please do the same?

For it was you who wrongly reprimanded me for only doing what one is supposed to do after reading a post.

I noticed that your second post that you mention I should have read before posting? Why should I have done so?
The second post was made because no one had been responding to the one I chose to respond to.

"No one? Or absolutely no interest?"

I do not recall if I had read that far.. But, If I had read that? I would have stopped right there, and gladly respond to the first post, which I did.

The Lord is working on us all. Sometimes by exposing areas in us that He wishes to weed out and replace with His Word and thinking.

He sometimes does that by landing us in embarrassing situations caused by an attitude He wants us to take to the Cross.

Look at Peter. Jesus totally humiliated Peter before others by calling him, "Satan."

Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me;
you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny
themselves and take up their cross and follow me." Mat 16:21-24​

I would not be saying what I just did if I did not know that personally..... I have been corrected by my own mistakes.
At times I was even jumped on by a few others.

But, God meant it for my good.

For my good if I was willing to lose my life in order to save my life. Life to be found in Him.

"If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Matthew 16:24-26​
Everything happens with a purpose when we are his own.

I will ask for forgiveness if you still see me as wrong for responding to your first post.
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