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Give Us This Day


Staff member
May 27, 2023
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Out of curiosity, in the Lord's Prayer, after praise to God is given why does Jesus say "Give us this day our daily bread---"? And why did He give this prayer as the way in which we are to pray?

There are of course a number of right answers but I am looking specifically for this part, "Give us this day."

I believe it is saying something about God, rooted deep in the OT, in how He set up certain things in the Sinai covenant law. Who can find what I am referring to?
No one? Or absolutely no interest?

We begin to see one of the things God was teaching the Israelites about Himself (and by extension us) and teaching them to trust Him. It is further expressed in the covenant law itself. And it is why He was so angry when they made the golden calf when Moses disappeared for so long.
Deuteronomy 29:5 Yet the Lord says, "During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet.

The manna came day by day with strict instructions to only gather enough for that day.

When they were thirsty God brought water from the rock.

In the covenant law we have six days to work, the seventh for rest. (Lev 23:3)

Every seventh year the land was to rest. Lev 25:1-7 The Lord said to Moses at Mt Sinai, "Say to the people of Israel, 'When you come to the land I will give you, then the land will have a Year of Rest to the Lord. SIx years you will plant seeds in your field. Six years you will take care of your vines and gather their fruit. But the seventh year will be a Year of Rest for the land, a Year of Rest to the Lord. You will not plant seeds in your field or take care of your vines. You will not gather what grows of itself in your field. And do not gather the fruit of the vines that have not been cared for. The land will have a Year of Rest. During the Year of Rest the land will give food for you, for your men and women servants, the man you pay to work for you, and the stranger who lives with you. Even your cattle and the animals in your land will have food to eat.

And of course there was the Year of Jubilee every seven times seven years.

When Jesus shows us how to pray He says, "Give us this day our daily bread---".

God does not measure time as we do and is well aware that we are in time. Later in the same chapter of Matt 6: 25-34 He gives us the "Do not worry about---" discourse on our daily life. God teaches us through His covenant relationship with Israel, His revealing Himself to them and by extension us, (let the reader hear), to trust Him, He is trustworthy and He always sees, He hears, He knows, He cares for you, He loves, He provides. Those in Christ through faith are His covenant children. He is the One who has all the power and can multiply loaves and fishes, send a raven with food, bring streams out of dry land. We serve this same God. Trust Him.

No one? Or absolutely no interest?

When Jesus shows us how to pray He says, "Give us this day our daily bread---".
This refers to the Eucharist.
Does it? Statements without support are pointless.
That is true.... I didn't know if you were interested two weeks later (y)......

daily = supersubstantial
That is true.... I didn't know if you were interested two weeks later (y)......

daily = supersubstantial
Daily means day by day. Everyday. Each day.
Daily means day by day. Everyday. Each day.
In English, yes

Mt 6:9-11

The Lord’s Prayer

“This is how you are to pray:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread; ....

[What would be our daily bread?... The Eucharist is offered at Mass every day]​

Something not "daily," but something "supersubstantial" has taken place…. If you peer under the veil of the English word "daily," you will find this wondrous nugget of a word: ἐπιούσιον, or, transliterated, epiousion.

The word epiousion, an adjective modifying the word bread (ἄρτον = arton), is the accusative form of the adjective epiousios. It is the only adjective in the entirety of the Lord's Prayer, suggesting a special or unique importance.
In English, yes

Mt 6:9-11

The Lord’s Prayer

“This is how you are to pray:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread; ....

[What would be our daily bread?... The Eucharist is offered at Mass every day]​

Something not "daily," but something "supersubstantial" has taken place…. If you peer under the veil of the English word "daily," you will find this wondrous nugget of a word: ἐπιούσιον, or, transliterated, epiousion.

The word epiousion, an adjective modifying the word bread (ἄρτον = arton), is the accusative form of the adjective epiousios. It is the only adjective in the entirety of the Lord's Prayer, suggesting a special or unique importance.
That is a Catholic construct for which I see no actual scriptural basis. It also assumes that their way is the right way because they are the ones who have the authority to determine the right way. I am a Protestant. And this is not the thread to discuss Catholicism or put forth their beliefs and I will not engage in that conversation in this thread. If you post anymore RCC dogma in this thread you will be warned.
That is a Catholic construct for which I see no actual scriptural basis. It also assumes that their way is the right way because they are the ones who have the authority to determine the right way. I am a Protestant. And this is not the thread to discuss Catholicism or put forth their beliefs and I will not engage in that conversation in this thread. If you post anymore RCC dogma in this thread you will be warned.
Were you asking the question in post #1 to protestants only? Thanks
after praise to God is given why does Jesus say "Give us this day our daily bread---"?
Out of curiosity, in the Lord's Prayer, after praise to God is given why does Jesus say "Give us this day our daily bread---"? And why did He give this prayer as the way in which we are to pray?

There are of course a number of right answers but I am looking specifically for this part, "Give us this day."

I believe it is saying something about God, rooted deep in the OT, in how He set up certain things in the Sinai covenant law. Who can find what I am referring to?
This that was spoken to the disciples I believe had a clear reference to the Israelites' experience with the daily manna provided in the wilderness. Any extra daily manna left over was not to be stored up for the next day, because it bred worms and stank; a lesson in trusting God to provide for each day and not to get greedy.

Yet miraculously, the double portion of manna gathered on the sixth day was preserved for the 7th day and did not breed worms and stink. When the situation calls for it, God can provide double what is needed for our sustenance, to carry us over a time when no fresh portion of "daily bread" is available.

As an extended application of this OT example, we in this sixth millennium of human history ever since AD 1033 until now have experienced an explosion of physical and spiritual blessings unheard of in the previous 5 millenniums since creation. I believe God has poured out His physical and spiritual blessings during this sixth millennium in order to carry us through the 7th millennium beginning in 2033. I believe the world at large will experience a fallow type of Sabbath existence to give rest to the very land itself, and to give humanity an imposed rest period when they can more readily "Be still, and know that I am God." When God wants to get His people's attention and draw them close to Himself, He brings them into the wilderness and makes them dependent upon Him for their day-to-day sustenance when they are required to trust Him for each day's provision.
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This that was spoken to the disciples I believe had a clear reference to the Israelites' experience with the daily manna provided in the wilderness. Any extra daily manna left over was not to be stored up for the next day, because it bred worms and stank; a lesson in trusting God to provide for each day and not to get greedy.

Yet miraculously, the double portion of manna gathered on the sixth day was preserved for the 7th day and did not breed worms and stink. When the situation calls for it, God can provide double what is needed for our sustenance, to carry us over a time when no fresh portion of "daily bread" is available.
That is what I said in different words.
As an extended application of this OT example, we in this sixth millennium of human history ever since AD 1033 until now have experienced an explosion of physical and spiritual blessings unheard of in the previous 5 millenniums since creation. I believe God has poured out His physical and spiritual blessings during this sixth millennium in order to carry us through the 7th millennium beginning in 2033. I believe the world at large will experience a fallow type of Sabbath existence to give rest to the very land itself, and to give humanity an imposed rest period when they can more readily "Be still, and know that I am God."
This is all speculation and belongs in the end times forum.
" When God wants to get His people's attention and draw them close to Himself, He brings them into the wilderness and makes them dependent upon Him for their day-to-day sustenance when they are required to trust Him for each day's provision.
I believe that is sometimes but not always the case. We are always supposed to be trusting Him, and its is best we learn to do that before calamity strikes. It helps to not take what we have for granted or consider it us blessing ourselves, but to remember day by day that we have nothing, not even our breath or our breakfast, that does not come from the hand of God.
Did I not answer in a Christian way?
You gave the Catholic definition of the Lord's Prayer---as though the prayer itself had no meaning other than what the RCC attaches to it. WHich is "It is the Eucharist. The Catholic mass." No encouragement or wisdom in it that teaches us that day by day God provides and protects and watches over His covenant children.
You gave the Catholic definition of the Lord's Prayer---as though the prayer itself had no meaning other than what the RCC attaches to it. WHich is "It is the Eucharist. The Catholic mass." No encouragement or wisdom in it that teaches us that day by day God provides and protects and watches over His covenant children.
I did not say that... I responded to 'daily'.
This is all speculation and belongs in the end times forum.
Granted that there is some speculation in what I commented. But I am not speaking of the "end times". I am speaking of the increased level of blessings humanity has experienced in the last thousand years, our current state of affairs, and what is on the near horizon in ten years from now when the sixth millennium transfers over to the 7th millennium of human history. It is a direct reflection of God's pattern in scripture of pouring out a double blessing on the sixth period of things in comparison to the seventh period. That can be a sixth day, a sixth month, a sixth year, a sixth millennium. Scripture gives a repeated pattern of a double blessing on the sixth period in preparation for the seventh period of something.
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You could get 30 different answers from different denominations. I responded as a pre-denominational poster. Thanks for the question!
What does that have to do with the OP. First warning will be issued.
Granted that there is some speculation in what I commented. But I am not speaking of the "end times". I am speaking of the increased level of blessings humanity has experienced in the last thousand years, our current state of affairs, and what is on the near horizon in ten years from now when the sixth millennium transfers over to the 7th millennium of human history. It is a direct reflection of God's pattern in scripture of pouring out a double blessing on the sixth period of things in comparison to the seventh period. That can be a sixth day, a sixth month, a sixth year, a sixth millennium. Scripture gives a repeated pattern of a double blessing on the sixth period in preparation for the seventh period of something.
It has nothing to do with the OP, and opens a door for derailment.