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Forum Rules

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May 19, 2023
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New England
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You are responsible for reading and agreeing to the rules​

0: All new members, please introduce yourselves. Please also summarize your beliefs, especially any religious, denominational, or sectarian orientation, and any theological positions in your Profile page. The objective is to provide members with potentially relevant information without having to digress in the threads with inquiries. This requirement is retroactive for all existing members. It is also recommended that members volunteer a label for underneath their avatar, especially for those holding views outside historical orthodoxy. Examples of the former might be "Reformed" or "Presbyterian." Examples of the latter are, "Jehovah's Witness," or "Latter Day Saint." The profile summaries are required, but the avatar labels are requested solely on a voluntary basis and are not currently required. It is our hope that discussions will occur in a more forthcoming manner.

1: Members must be at least 16 years of age.

2: Grant others the courtesy to be understood and acknowledge their views. Be gentle, patient and tolerant with one another (Ephesians 4:2) and as far as it depends one each of us (Rom. 12:18), be on good terms with one another, speak truth in love (Mathew 7:12, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13).

3: Please make a conscious effort to post your opening posts in the appropriate board. Please specify a specific point(s) of inquiry or comment so that others understand the subject to be discussed. Please also make a conscious and deliberate attempt to post content relevant to the point of inquiry or comment specified in an opening post. For example, not every post is about end times. Not every thread on soteriology is about all of salvation. Do not hijack others' threads for your own purpose or agenda.

4: Always tag a member that you mention in any thread.; (@ plus name).

5: Do not misquote or misrepresent another member.

6: Use self-control and focus on reconciliation when discussing differences. Disagreements exist, but that is not a license to post divisive content or violate the forum's rules. No bickering. Address the issue or specified subject or topic, not the person. Do not make derogatory personal remarks or your posts will be removed from the thread. Repeated offenses may result in temporary or permanent suspension.

7: No trolling - content posted for the purpose of baiting others or soliciting emotional provocation. No flaming, insults, or remarks used to intentionally upset members. Intentional disruption of this nature may result in immediate termination of your membership.

8: Do not attempt to circumvent the security on the site. This includes attempting to gain access to an account which is not your own. This includes but is not limited to staff, restricted areas, servers or databases etc.

9: Do not use this site for illegal purposes. If such activity is discovered, the proper authorities will be notified, including the police and your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Christcentered.community.forum thereby states that we intend to cooperate fully with the proper authorities in the effort to enforce, to the full extent of the law, any illegal activity and the consequences thereof.

10: No profanity, pornographic, sexually offensive, sexually explicit, or similarly related material or gratuitously violent content allowed. This includes words purposely misspelled or alternate use of characters to indicate such statements, mockery, ridicule, or blatant disrespect.

11: Universalism is a prohibited topic for discussion. So too are satanism and witchcraft. Religions other than Christianity will not be promoted, evangelized or proselytized in the forum.

12: No spamming or solicitation. Our message boards are for discussions, not the selling of goods or services.

13: We want to respect copyrighted material. Be sure at minimum to cite your source and keep all posts in compliance with Fair Use copyright law.

14: Threads started by members are not to be considered as a member's thread or otherwise "owned".

15: The contents of private conversations with members or staff are to be kept strictly confidential. Staff reserves the right to share private messages among themselves for purposes of moderation duties.

16: (Talk With Mods) If you feel that any action taken was unfair, it can be appealed. To appeal an action taken against you by CCCF, you are advised to start a new thread in the ‘Talk with the Mods. Threads in this forum are viewable only by the person initiating the thread and CCCF staff. In this private forum, only you and CCCF staff are able to respond. The OP can address your concerns with regard to the action taken. This forum is primarily intended for appeals to actions by CCCF. (Talk with the Mods) area may also be used, according to Staff discretion, for other expedient purposes of communication. Whether a member agrees or disagrees with a Moderator's decision, they are not to make their opinion public.

17: You can only create up to two new threads per day. You may not post the same thread or posts on more than one board within the forum. This does not apply to Administrators & Moderators. Violation of this rule can get your posts deleted and your account suspended for a time.

18: No jerks allowed. Admins and Mods define who and what jerks are in private. Jerks are kicked out and/or banned.

19. There is one specific area where videos are to be placed. There and only there. This is so that Mods can look at them before approving to prevent bad content that can harm members and the witness of the Forum. Also please limit the time to about 20 minutes. Mods are all volunteers, and it takes time to review the videos.

20: Each person will have one account. Each post and IP is logged. Only people who have created an accurate account are permitted to participate in the community. Registering with false information is grounds for immediate blocking of access to the Christcentered community. Misrepresentation of age, gender, location or identity in the forums is also prohibited.

21: Private Messages should be used to discuss topics found in the threads in private between two (or more) forum members and other collaborative content. PMs are not to be used to correct poster's conduct. In cases where a poster has violated the forum's rules the post should be reported, and the moderators will evaluate that content and respond accordingly. Similar abuses occurring in private messages should also be reported.

Please keep in mind if you are not an orthodox Christian (the Trinity being central to the orthodox faith), and you are in the Trinity forum, you are allowed to ask questions, disagree and even deny but you are not allowed to attack the doctrine and conduct yourself as if you are teaching truth and correcting others. If you would like to discuss your beliefs, do so, but not in a way of attacking the Trinity or Christ. This goes for all those who deny the Trinity.

Thank you

As a member of Christcentered.community.forum, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service, and you stipulate that you understand the disciplinary process in response to violations of the TOS.

We understand the Body of Christ is very diverse. It is this site's goal to facilitate an environment where charity and humility rises above hostility, divisiveness, and the unnecessary contentiousness often present in other forums.
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