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Faith without works is works without faith


Well Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
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If A=B, then B=A. If our faith is without works, then our works are without faith.

If our saving faith must be apart from any works, then all our works must remain apart from our saving faith.

Faith alone without works, only produces works alone without faith.

There is faith, and there are works, but they are always apart and separate from one another.

Our saving faith cannot possibly be part of our works, if our works have no part in our saving faith.

Once we willingly separate faith from our works to be saved by, we must separate works from our faith to live by.

If our saving faith has nothing to do with what we do, then our saving faith has nothing to do with how we live.

In the name of being saved by our faith alone, we preach a life by works alone: we do not live by our faith.

The just shall live by his faith.

The justified shall live by our faith. That is not possible for them who separate their justifying faith from their works. They have a faith that they do not live by. And they must never live by their saving faith, else their works judge their faith as being righteous or unrighteous.

It's the doctrinal and practical hypocrisy of inward religion, that must be separated from outward living.

What we believe has changed, but our practice has not changed: We still live by our own works alone without faith.

Having faith alone without works, is living by works alone without faith. Living without faith is living by unbelief.

The gospel of separating inward saving faith from outward works, is being saved by faith within, and living by unbelief without.

It's the gospel of being justified by faith within, and not justified by works without.

No wonder they declare they are not justified with the righteous Lord by their works. Because they're not. And their unrighteous works prove it.

And so, while they preach hypocritical religion, that are not hypocrites about living it as they preach it. They certainly do practice their religion, that does not justify them with the righteous God in how they live.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Those who have Christ living within us, now live by His faith. And so, if we are not now living by His faith, we do not have Christ living within us.

Conclusion: Faith alone is not just without works, but is also without the life of Christ within us. And also without His Spirit.

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

The faith that saves alone, is without works, the life of Christ, nor His Spirit.

No wonder God declares having faith alone is dead.

It's not possible to separate saving faith from our works, and yet have the Spirit and Christ living within us.

We cannot have the life of Christ, without living His life.

We cannot have His faith within us, without living by His faith.