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Discovering the Year of the Exodus with Scripture Only

Remember that a figure no less established than Velikovsky (a pal of Einsteins) said he believes the earth was hit or brushed in ancient times slowing its orbit. Prob in connection with the cataclysm. This means that current years are now longer (lower year tally) than previous. If this had not happened there might have been 'normal' 70-80 year lives back then, but instead the counts back then are very high.

Velikovsky is known for declaring that when Viking went by Jupiter, it would find 'hot' radiation readings instead of 'cold.' It did. He also believed the ice rings of Saturn and ice mountains of Pluto were recent.
Concerning those particular apologetic subjects, I recommend some of Spike Psarris videos, 'Our Created Solar System' for example. Answers in Genesis and a number of others cover those very interesting topics.
Jar, do you have a doctrine worked out about Gen 1:1-2?
Genesis 1:1-2 is the actual creation event, early portion of Day 1, shortly before light (including the host of heaven) was created. Genesis 1:5 tells us that the duration of time from v1 to v5 is 'one day'. Thus, the length of a 'day' was determined/set in that moment. The rest of the 'creation week' would include 'days' of that same length of time... and thereafter. A day = an evening and a morning. One revolution of the earth.
The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9 is included in the Path 1 portion of the article, 'Discovering the Appointed Time of Judgement'.

That's no help. Where is the article? Link only please.
Genesis 1:1-2 is the actual creation event, early portion of Day 1, shortly before light (including the host of heaven) was created. Genesis 1:5 tells us that the duration of time from v1 to v5 is 'one day'. Thus, the length of a 'day' was determined/set in that moment. The rest of the 'creation week' would include 'days' of that same length of time... and thereafter. A day = an evening and a morning. One revolution of the earth.

There are some surfaces to scratch here.

1, most important is the definition of the phrase 'tohu wa-bohu' "formless and void." It means something happened before it. Jer. 4:23 is the other usage.

2, Does the initial local darkness have any connection to what Peter or Jude describe as the blackness of darkness?

3, Is 2 Peter 3 saying that the universe (distant) is much older than our local system, which was made 'through water' (there is already water in 1:2? As you may know, Ps 104 shows a fundamental similarity between creation and the cataclysm, almost to the point where you can't tell which is meant.

I currently conclude that while creation week is 7 24 hour days, there is time and materials before it happened.
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There are some surfaces to scratch here.

1, most important is the definition of the phrase 'tohu wa-bohu' "formless and void." It means something happened before it. Jer. 4:23 is the other usage.

2, Does the initial local darkness have any connection to what Peter or Jude describe as the blackness of darkness?

3, Is 2 Peter 3 saying that the universe (distant) is much older than our local system, which was made 'through water' (there is already water in 1:2? As you may know, Ps 104 shows a fundamental similarity between creation and the cataclysm, almost to the point where you can't tell which is meant.

I currently conclude that while creation week is 7 24 hour days, there is time and materials before it happened.
Concerning item 1, Genesis 1:31-2:1 "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."
Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

According to scripture, the only thing that could have existed before the creation of Genesis 1:1, was God himself, in eternity.

Concerning item 2, I haven't looked into that, but given my response to item 1, you can probably imagine my current impression. LOL

Concerning item 3, here are a couple of documents (attached) relating to the subject of 2 Peter 3:8.

I believe that Genesis 1:1 was the creation of time, space and all matter. I recently posted a question for discussion on this subject as well, "An Engineer's Perspective on Creation'. Perhaps that would be a better location for these discussions, since this post was intended specifically for the timeline from Adam to the Exodus.


The primary purpose of this post was to show how the Bible (all by itself) gives us a direct timeline from Adam to the Exodus.

This is interesting because everyone seems to be looking for the year of the Exodus (but they don't seem to be looking for it in the Bible).

The year of the Exodus is important because it quickly unlocks so many other dates, like the year that the Jubilee count begins.

The attached file is 'Appendix D' of another article (also posted on this site), 'Discovering the Appointed Time of Judgement'. It solidifies the only inexplicit link in scripture from Genesis 6:3 to Daniel 9:27.

In other words, the Bible (all by itself) gives us a completely traceable timeline from Adam to New Jerusalem. Just one more layer of God's written word that has shown itself to be completely trustworthy... thus, we must give Him the glory for His magnificent work!
Here's a 30 min long video you might enjoy.

I'm not for or against the video...I just found it interesting. I think you will too. Enjoy.
There are a number of documentaries and various theories about when the Exodus occurred. However, I haven't seen one that traces the timeline from the creation of Adam, through scripture, all the way to the Exodus. Instead, most of them try to move backwards from the 4th year of Solomon's reign, but that relies on secular dating and all sorts of other subjective interpretations.

The attached article shows that there is no need for all of the 'speculation', since the Bible itself gives us a direct timeline.
This particular documentary goes to where they actually have a dig site that fits all of the needs for Jews in Egypt, and Goshen, and goes by the dating of that site. The problem is, it doesn't fit the Egyptologist timeline, so they refuse to consider it. It didn't even enter their mind.

There was a pyramid, which would only be present if there was an important Egyptian leader. There is a statue of a person with a coat of many colors (though the pigments have faded away, there is enough that they were able to reproduce what it looked like. The back area had twelve pillars. There were once bones in the tomb (pyramid) but it appears that they were hastily removed. Everything fits. The people living there were shepherds.
This particular documentary goes to where they actually have a dig site that fits all of the needs for Jews in Egypt, and Goshen, and goes by the dating of that site. The problem is, it doesn't fit the Egyptologist timeline, so they refuse to consider it. It didn't even enter their mind.

There was a pyramid, which would only be present if there was an important Egyptian leader. There is a statue of a person with a coat of many colors (though the pigments have faded away, there is enough that they were able to reproduce what it looked like. The back area had twelve pillars. There were once bones in the tomb (pyramid) but it appears that they were hastily removed. Everything fits. The people living there were shepherds.
I'd seen that one before, but it's been a while, so I took another look this morning. He left out the additional 586 years from Genesis 5, and didn't mention that the LXX records a lot of other numbers that are in excess of what the MT records. Although, I'd done research on Genesis 46, and the differences there are due to who was being counted and who wasn't. So one version using 70 and another using 75 is just a matter of included groups. No idea why it's like that, but when you map out the names and then add them up, that's how it comes out.

I am glad that he pointed out some inconsistencies between LXX and MT, although I come to a completely different conclusion since the MT timeline works from creation to New Jerusalem. That would be an interesting study though, to identify exactly how/where the LXX distorts an otherwise working Biblical timeline.
Here's a 30 min long video you might enjoy.

I'm not for or against the video...I just found it interesting. I think you will too. Enjoy.

Jarhead4Jesus ....did you get a chance to watch the video?​

Parts of the video sound pretty compelling.
I did watch the video and responded. But here it is... for convenience...

I'd seen that one before, but it's been a while, so I took another look this morning. He left out the additional 586 years from Genesis 5, and didn't mention that the LXX records a lot of other numbers that are in excess of what the MT records. Although, I'd done research on Genesis 46, and the differences there are due to who was being counted and who wasn't. So one version using 70 and another using 75 is just a matter of included groups. No idea why it's like that, but when you map out the names and then add them up, that's how it comes out.

I am glad that he pointed out some inconsistencies between LXX and MT, although I come to a completely different conclusion since the MT timeline works from creation to New Jerusalem. That would be an interesting study though, to identify exactly how/where the LXX distorts an otherwise working Biblical timeline.
I did watch the video and responded. But here it is... for convenience...

I'd seen that one before, but it's been a while, so I took another look this morning. He left out the additional 586 years from Genesis 5, and didn't mention that the LXX records a lot of other numbers that are in excess of what the MT records. Although, I'd done research on Genesis 46, and the differences there are due to who was being counted and who wasn't. So one version using 70 and another using 75 is just a matter of included groups. No idea why it's like that, but when you map out the names and then add them up, that's how it comes out.

I am glad that he pointed out some inconsistencies between LXX and MT, although I come to a completely different conclusion since the MT timeline works from creation to New Jerusalem. That would be an interesting study though, to identify exactly how/where the LXX distorts an otherwise working Biblical timeline.
As I said parts of the video were compelling such as the "witnesses" of other older manuscripts and Josephus...as well as some of the biblical authors and Jesus "apparently" quoting from the LXX derived scripture.

The linages when plotted out and the LXX graph of Pelag and those around him seem to makes more sense.

What I don't like is the LXX "ages" places some of Noahs linage ( I believe it was Methuselah) as dying after the flood began.
I emailed the video author and pointed that out, but he didn't seem to be interested in discussing it.
Jar, did you think about the Velikovsky belief about the earth being bumped or at least glanced during the cataclysm? and it's affect on year-counts?
Concerning item 1, Genesis 1:31-2:1 "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."
Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

According to scripture, the only thing that could have existed before the creation of Genesis 1:1, was God himself, in eternity.

Concerning item 2, I haven't looked into that, but given my response to item 1, you can probably imagine my current impression. LOL

Concerning item 3, here are a couple of documents (attached) relating to the subject of 2 Peter 3:8.

I believe that Genesis 1:1 was the creation of time, space and all matter. I recently posted a question for discussion on this subject as well, "An Engineer's Perspective on Creation'. Perhaps that would be a better location for these discussions, since this post was intended specifically for the timeline from Adam to the Exodus.

According to scripture, the only thing
But this is not true according to 2 Pet 2, 3 and Jude. And then there is the term 'tohu wa-bohu' which is used when a structured place has been decimated. The connection here to the 2 P and Jude passages is that: Peter calls the place of confinement of the rebellious angels 'tartarus' which is the name from Greek legend that is dark and watery as I recall. Guess what two features we find in 1:2?

One literary tip: Rabbi Cassuto pointed out (and defeated JEDP) by showing that Genesis has a format for the sake of memorization--because there wasn't writing until Joseph. That format goes:
1, title line
2, pre-existing conditions
3, new material/action
4, summary line

This means that Gen 1:1 is not action; the grammar also shows this. It is simply the phrase "The beginning of God creating heaven and earth". Cp 2:4, 5:1, and many others.

The student who was memorizing would be given a title line, and was supposed to recite from that point on.
Concerning item 1, Genesis 1:31-2:1 "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."
Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

According to scripture, the only thing that could have existed before the creation of Genesis 1:1, was God himself, in eternity.

Concerning item 2, I haven't looked into that, but given my response to item 1, you can probably imagine my current impression. LOL

Concerning item 3, here are a couple of documents (attached) relating to the subject of 2 Peter 3:8.

I believe that Genesis 1:1 was the creation of time, space and all matter. I recently posted a question for discussion on this subject as well, "An Engineer's Perspective on Creation'. Perhaps that would be a better location for these discussions, since this post was intended specifically for the timeline from Adam to the Exodus.

Sorry but I can't imagine trying to take a route through the Rev to figure out creation and/or 2 P 3. Regardless of the 1000 year allusion, which is prob just an effective phrase for his point, not a 'diagram' statement.

Grammatically, what is truly significant is that 'ekpalai' (from ancient time) and 'sunestosa' (to form, in the pottery sense) are most likely set in contrast. The universe is out there, but the earth's system (inc. its star) are more recent. I notice a couple logical things about this:
1, that our local sun does not appear until the 4th day, just after we learn that vegetation has been embedded in the land. This has the same necessary logic as the 2 tables of 3 days: the earth goes from unformed to formed and from unfilled to filled in each of the 3 day sets (1 and 4, 2 and 5, 3 and 6). This can also suggest how light was 'there' before our local sun.
2, that our local system may be a special creation that was not here before Gen 1, while the distant universe was. There could have been a big bang as far as the distant universe is concerned. But not our local system. Physical support for this is the number of indicators of recentness (for ex., the salinity of the oceans), the 'hot' radiation readings of Jupiter taken in the 70s by Viking, the life span of Saturn's ice and Pluto's ice mountains.
Jar, did you think about the Velikovsky belief about the earth being bumped or at least glanced during the cataclysm? and it's affect on year-counts?
I've kept my research at the year level, so the number of days in a year doesn't really affect the counting. It seems to me that trying to discern time by the number of days is a never ending speculation. However, scripture does seem to speak clearly as to the years that have passed, and those that are left to come.
According to scripture, the only thing
But this is not true according to 2 Pet 2, 3 and Jude. And then there is the term 'tohu wa-bohu' which is used when a structured place has been decimated. The connection here to the 2 P and Jude passages is that: Peter calls the place of confinement of the rebellious angels 'tartarus' which is the name from Greek legend that is dark and watery as I recall. Guess what two features we find in 1:2?

One literary tip: Rabbi Cassuto pointed out (and defeated JEDP) by showing that Genesis has a format for the sake of memorization--because there wasn't writing until Joseph. That format goes:
1, title line
2, pre-existing conditions
3, new material/action
4, summary line

This means that Gen 1:1 is not action; the grammar also shows this. It is simply the phrase "The beginning of God creating heaven and earth". Cp 2:4, 5:1, and many others.

The student who was memorizing would be given a title line, and was supposed to recite from that point on.
The structure of scripture is indeed fascinating. Although, it sounds like you're angling for a pre-Adamic, pre-Genesis 1:1 existence for something/someone other than God. Which I don't mind engaging with you in that conversation, but it's way out of scope for the purpose of this post.
The mathematics of this is something like the automotive world using larger tires to gain more mpg. It's not the number of days in a year. It is the fact that orbit got slowed in a collision in the cataclysm.

He believes the orbit was faster before, so counts were high back then. Afterwards, there are lower counts. But those lives before the cataclysm may still have been 80 of our current years in length.