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Dec. 25th—the maji’s gifts


Well Known Member
Jun 24, 2023
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One of the great things Larson worked out by extensive use of Starry Night astronomical software is about the date of Dec. 25.

Through the astronomical references of Matt and Luke, and the date/festival info given there, and using the Kepler based mathematics, he found that the birth of Jesus was in September but the later visit of the Persian astronomers was Dec. 25, when Jesus was about 16 months.

It’s a good basis for giving gifts that spread His kingdom!
One of the great things Larson worked out by extensive use of Starry Night astronomical software is about the date of Dec. 25.

Through the astronomical references of Matt and Luke, and the date/festival info given there, and using the Kepler based mathematics, he found that the birth of Jesus was in September but the later visit of the Persian astronomers was Dec. 25, when Jesus was about 16 months.

It’s a good basis for giving gifts that spread His kingdom!
Dec. Is the liturgical celebration of the birth of our savior, not His actual birthday.

Christ-mas holy mass!

Mary Christmas!

You must mean merry Christmas?
You try having Christmas without Her! The Lord is with Her! Lk 1:28
Christmas can only found: “Round yon virgin, mother and child!

According to tradition the holy family sold the gifts and gave a third to the temple, a third to the poor, and a third to sustain them in Egypt!

Christmas gift giving is based more on the conversion of an old miser to the Christian faith who have all his wealth to St. Nicholas (catholic Bishop) in Asia Minor in the 5th century who distributed it all to the poor and needy!

Santa (saint) clause (Nicholas) was a dressed as a bishop!

The carol of the 12 days of Christmas is really a catholic catechism (teaching) formed under the bloody reign of terror in the English so-called reformation under the witch Elizabeth so-called queen!

The twelve days of Christmas song was written during a time of persecution in England between 1558 and 1829 as a catechism song for young Catholics who were forbidden to practice their faith. Each number signifies a teaching of our Faith. The song can be understood on two different levels - the literal meaning of the words, which appear harmless enough to a stranger, and the hidden meaning behind those words which expressed the religious beliefs of a people who could have been killed on account of their Catholic faith.
1st Day
“True Love” represents God and “me” the baptized soul. The “partridge in a pear tree” is Jesus, symbolically shown as a mother partridge pretending injury to lure predators away from her nestlings. The mother dies to protect her young.
2nd Day
“Two turtle doves” are the Old and New Testaments of the Bible;
Noah brought two of every kind of species into the Ark;
When Mary and Joseph presented the Child Jesus in the Temple, they offered two turtle doves (Luke 2:24).
3rd Day
“Three French Hens” were beautiful and costly birds in those days. They represent faith, hope and charity, which can be given by God alone;
They also represent the three persons of the Blessed Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
And also the three days Christ spent in the tomb. 4th Day
The “Four Calling Birds” are the four Gospels written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
5th Day
The “Five Golden Rings” are the first five books of the Bible known as the Law, Torah or Pentateuch;
and the five wise and five foolish virgins.
6th Day
The “Six Geese A Laying” are the six days when God created everything

7th Day
The “Seven Swans A Swimming” represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord; Seven are appointed to assist the Apostles (Acts 6:3);
Peter asks Jesus whether he should forgive his brother seven times (Matthew 18:21, Luke 17:4) and Jesus answers that he should forgive 70 times seven, i.e., forgive with no limit;
The Israelites marched seven days around Jericho with seven priests blowing seven horns (Jos 6:1); the seventh year is the year of the Sabbath;
The Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick;
The seven Deadly Sins: Pride (Ecc 10:15), Covetousness (Luke 12:15), Lust (Eph 5:5), Anger (Jos 1:19), Gluttony (Galatians 6:8), Envy (Story of Joseph in the Old Testament), Sloth (Revelation 3:15);
The seven Sorrows of Mary: the Prophesy of Simeon, the Flight into Egypt, the Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Mary Meets Jesus on the Way to Calvary, Jesus Dies on the Cross, Mary Receives the Dead Body of Jesus from the Cross, Mary Places the Body of Jesus on the Tomb Awaiting the Resurrection.
8th Day
The “Eight Maids A Milking” represent the eight Beatitudes in Matthew’s Gospel. 9th Day
The “Nine Ladies Dancing” refers to the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22): Love Joy Peace, Patient Endurance, Kindness, Generosity, Faith Mildness and Chastity.
10th Day
The “Ten Lords A Leaping” represent the ten commandments which guide our lives;
The ten lepers cleansed by Jesus.
11th Day
The “Eleven Pipers Piping” represent the 11 faithful Apostles, not including Judas.
12th Day
The “Twelve Drummers Drumming” represent the 12 points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed;