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Clothed In Righteousness


Staff member
May 27, 2023
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Be patient as he lays the groundwork for what is to come. It is important. Like music, it begins softly and builds to a conclusion that explodes with the knowledge of God.
I'm listening to it on another separate link while I go through the forum. I like R.C. (not Roman Catholicism)🥸

That was deep. That's why I like these teachers like R.C. Sproul. They dedicate their lives to the study of God's Word and we benefit from it. R.C. Sproul, and his crew, as we might call it these days, like JMac, Begg, and the rest, are a great blessing for anyone who wants to benefits from their gifts of teaching.

I never really truly understood just how deep the connection between our shame of nakedness, or rather, sin, and being clothed in Christs righteousness were so connected. R.C. really did a good job of connecting the dots. Clothed in Christs righteousness is usually considered to be just about justification. We never really consider it beyond that. Thanks. A good sermon for the day to ponder.

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That was deep. That's why I like these teachers like R.C. Sproul. They dedicate their lives to the study of God's Word and we benefit from it. R.C. Sproul, and his crew, as we might call it these days, like JMac, Begg, and the rest, are a great blessing for anyone who wants to benefits from their gifts of teaching.

I never really truly understood just how deep the connection between our shame of nakedness, or rather, sin, and being clothed in Christs righteousness were so connected. R.C. really did a good job of connecting the dots. Thanks for that. A good sermon for the day to ponder.

Glad you enjoyed it and benefited from it. I did too. I had made the connection before of God clothing Adam and Eve with animal skins to the type of Christ before, but not at that deep and profound level. And never the nakedness without shame and its connection to the covenant of creation. The order of creation.

All of it such a perfect, brilliant, "living tapestry", to borrow my own analogy from a different thread.
I had made the connection before of God clothing Adam and Eve with animal skins to the type of Christ before, but not at that deep and profound level. And never the nakedness without shame and its connection to the covenant of creation. The order of creation.
I agree with you, but I had presented that connection before at one time to a pastor and he challenged me by asking, "What proof do you have that God had killed an animal?"
I agree with you, but I had presented that connection before at one time to a pastor and he challenged me by asking, "What proof do you have that God had killed an animal?"
I don't know where else skins would come from? But the point is that God gave what was necessary to cover their nakedness. And later, even before the Mosaic sacrificial system was established, animals were sacrificed as the substitute. So I don't know why a preacher would focus on the wrong thing. ;)
I don't know where else skins would come from? But the point is that God gave what was necessary to cover their nakedness. And later, even before the Mosaic sacrificial system was established, animals were sacrificed as the substitute. So I don't know why a preacher would focus on the wrong thing. ;)
Genesis 3:21 LSB
Then Yahweh God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and He clothed them.

Maybe he thought God weaved a new set of threads for the pair....which would be anti-typical to the rest of Scripture.
fwiw, Sproul brought up Desmond Morris' The Naked Ape', the topic of Streakers and Jean Paul Sartre which brought back old memories.
I'm trying to think if it was here or in CF we had a thread going on the same theme. So much to get to and no time. RC did well to stick to what he did; the more one reads, New Testament and Old, the more of that theme there is to see.

It is richly and heavily interwoven into that tapestry you mentioned elsewhere. This body is called both temple and tent. Completely true, already, but not yet.
I agree with you, but I had presented that connection before at one time to a pastor and he challenged me by asking, "What proof do you have that God had killed an animal?"
Wow. (Wonder if he was a PETA aficionado. People associate punishment with death so easily that they think an animal's death is necessarily unjust.)
Wow. (Wonder if he was a PETA aficionado. People associate punishment with death so easily that they think an animal's death is necessarily unjust.)
I think he sensed I was more of a Calvinist persuasion ( he was Lutheran) and may have been out to prove a point.