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● 2Tim 1:13 . . Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from
The Greek word for "hold fast" means to clutch, cling, or adhere to.
The word for "pattern" means a sketch; viz: a blueprint, a schematic diagram,
and/or an example, i.e. a model. (e.g. 1Tim 1:16)
When Noah was commissioned to build the ark, he wasn't left clueless as to what it
was supposed to look like. God gave him a design to work with. And when Moses
was tasked to fabricate articles of worship for the Tabernacle, he too was given
designs. In other words, Moses and Noah both made everything according to God
given specifications; viz: Christianity is a God-given religion; He has not left it to
human ingenuity.
What this boils down to is that modern churches have been handed down from
Paul, and to a certain extent from Peter, a God-given pattern for their operations.
When they depart from His pattern, then they are no longer following Christ,
rather; they are attempting to revise his ways.
● 2Tim 1:13 . . Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from
The Greek word for "hold fast" means to clutch, cling, or adhere to.
The word for "pattern" means a sketch; viz: a blueprint, a schematic diagram,
and/or an example, i.e. a model. (e.g. 1Tim 1:16)
When Noah was commissioned to build the ark, he wasn't left clueless as to what it
was supposed to look like. God gave him a design to work with. And when Moses
was tasked to fabricate articles of worship for the Tabernacle, he too was given
designs. In other words, Moses and Noah both made everything according to God
given specifications; viz: Christianity is a God-given religion; He has not left it to
human ingenuity.
What this boils down to is that modern churches have been handed down from
Paul, and to a certain extent from Peter, a God-given pattern for their operations.
When they depart from His pattern, then they are no longer following Christ,
rather; they are attempting to revise his ways.