Well Known Member
● 1Tim 5:14 . . I will that younger women marry, have children, manage their
homes, and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander.
The Greek word for "younger" actually means new and unused; so I'd say that
Paul's orders are for girls not yet married and settled down, and maybe thinking of
putting all that off awhile for careers, adventure, and/or whatever.
A very real danger for unattached girls is immorality. Desire, loneliness, and
longings for appreciation, have a way of building up to unbearable levels in people
who live alone; and just about that time, along comes a really great somebody who
maybe breaks down their defenses and gets a little too chummy. That can be a
difficult moment.
"To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have
her own husband." (1Cor 7:2)
NOTE: Immorality isn't the only danger related to long-term celibacy. Those who've
decided on that path need to think rationally and objectively about their future; and
ask themselves: Do I really want to live out my youth without someone; alone and
unloved in the world? Can I bear up without a nervous break-down and/or turning
to alcohol, Prozac, and overeating? Will I become irritable and difficult, and/or end
up resenting the existence of men like aunt Lucy?
Have to be brutally honest with these questions because one's mental health is on
the line here. It's very possible for a woman to wake up one day and realize, with
terrible regret, that the aging process has set in and she's allowed the very best
years of life for love and family to slip through her fingers.
● 1Tim 5:14 . . I will that younger women marry, have children, manage their
homes, and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander.
The Greek word for "younger" actually means new and unused; so I'd say that
Paul's orders are for girls not yet married and settled down, and maybe thinking of
putting all that off awhile for careers, adventure, and/or whatever.
A very real danger for unattached girls is immorality. Desire, loneliness, and
longings for appreciation, have a way of building up to unbearable levels in people
who live alone; and just about that time, along comes a really great somebody who
maybe breaks down their defenses and gets a little too chummy. That can be a
difficult moment.
"To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have
her own husband." (1Cor 7:2)
NOTE: Immorality isn't the only danger related to long-term celibacy. Those who've
decided on that path need to think rationally and objectively about their future; and
ask themselves: Do I really want to live out my youth without someone; alone and
unloved in the world? Can I bear up without a nervous break-down and/or turning
to alcohol, Prozac, and overeating? Will I become irritable and difficult, and/or end
up resenting the existence of men like aunt Lucy?
Have to be brutally honest with these questions because one's mental health is on
the line here. It's very possible for a woman to wake up one day and realize, with
terrible regret, that the aging process has set in and she's allowed the very best
years of life for love and family to slip through her fingers.