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Are you born again ? Then here you are...



"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ"

"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ'

"i am seated in heavenly places, in Christ".........right now.

I am..... "As Jesus is, so are the born again, in THIS World".......... right now.

I am. "one with God".... now and forever.....= Having Eternal life.

See all that?
You are all that, you have all that... and more...if you are BORN AGAIN.


1.) Heir of God
2.) Joint Heir with Jesus
3.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
4.) Bone of Jesus's bone and flesh of Jesus's Flesh
5.) Son/Daughter of God
6.) Made Righteous
7.) Translated from Darkness. TO LIGHT.

And there is more..

Jesus is the """LIGHT OF THE WORD""... and "" God exists in LIGHT".... and the born again are "Children of the LIGHT"".

We are already IN the Kingdom of God, as THEY are the KOG< and we are "IN CHRIST", and "one with God"
See yourself?

That is How God sees us all who are born again.

See that MIND?
"That Knowledge of God" that is our "renewed mind"?

That's the renewed mind., and if you have it, then you are this..

= "As many as be Perfect".

That is not about Behavior, that is about REVELATION KNOWLEDGE.... = "the renewed mind".

God help you to see it.
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Jesus is Salvation.

He is what God our Father provided on the Cross so that We can "through Christ" and only "through Christ". John 14 6,... be eternally accepted by God = born again,. 'one with God".

Being BORN AGAIN, is not a "trial run" to see if we can be good enough to keep it.

Its not a TEST.... Its a GIFT.... "The GIFT of Eternal Life"... "The GIFT of Righteousness"... "The GIFT of Salvation"...

We dont keep Salvation.
Salvation is Jesus, and His Sacrifice that makes us acceptable to God and ALWAYS WILL.

God Keeps us, through the Cross. Through the BLOOD...of Jesus.

Philippians 1:6

How do you know?

Because Jesus is IN US....

Where is He going?
We are "one" we are ONE with HIM...

"but what if i"....."but what if i".

READER.... God knew what you were going to Do the rest of your life, and He SAVED YOU ANYWAY.....
Because Salvation establishes you as "in Christ"... and that is ETERNAL LIFE.

Born again is FOREVER.
We are "Blood Bought' and "Holy Spirit Birthed".

How long does that last?

For as long as God lives, and He has no beginning and no ending.

We, the believer, are spiritually birthed into the Holy Spirit ("God is A Spirit")....by the Holy Spirit.

"One with God" means that God's Holy Spirit and our Spirit are in Eternal Spiritual Union.

This is what it means to be "IN CHRIST", as a "TEMPLE of the HOLY Spirit".

John 17:23

""""I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected and completed into one, so that the world may know [without any doubt] that You sent Me, and [that You] have loved them, just as You have loved Me.""""

Salvation is necessary due to the consequences of Adam and Eves transgression in the garden of Eden.

The born-again experience is for the inside of our body or vessel it regenerates our contaminated sprit and redeems reconnects restores and reconciles us back to God

Water baptism is for the outside of the body or vessel it is an outward sign and is a symbolic demonstration to witnesses we are burying our old nature and lifestyle and arising as this new person in Christ Jesus with a clear conscience towards God.

Renewing our mind transforms us and helps us to walk in the Spirit and develops the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

Then we can submit and love the Lord our God with all our heart soul mind and strength so we will be able to unconditionally love our neighbors as our selves.

The transformation process is not for earning or working for our Salvation it develops our Christlike nature and we become more like Jesus and this maintains our obedience and fruitfulness.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is to equip and empower us to be witness for Jesus when we are evangelizing and ministering to the needs and requests of people.

The transformation processes is for our development growth foundation obedience and fruitfulness etc.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for evangelism and ministering to the needs of others.

They have two completely different purposes with 2 completely different contexts.

You can’t substitute the baptism of the Holy Spirit for the transformation process.

However, I think one of the most underestimated forms of evangelism for the average believer is our access to family and friends.

Believers should be encouraged to plant and water seeds with family friends and associates at work, social, or public events because this form of evangelism.

Is simple and effective for the average believer because it is a daily occurrence rather than focusing on ministry platforms which are already filled with 99 percent of believers in the building.

The Ministry platforms are used to equip believers.

We should be naturally liaising with family and friends and planting and watering seeds in and out of season for harvest time.

Blessings and Peace.
-"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ"
"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ'
"i am seated in heavenly places, in Christ".........right now.
I am..... "As Jesus is, so are the born again, in THIS World".......... right now.
I am. "one with God".... now and forever.....= Having Eternal life.
See all that?
You are all that, you have all that... and more...if you are BORN AGAIN.
1.) Heir of God
2.) Joint Heir with Jesus
3.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
4.) Bone of Jesus's bone and flesh of Jesus's Flesh
5.) Son/Daughter of God
6.) Made Righteous
Made forensically righteous--in right standing with the Court, not actually righteous, which is the process of sanctification which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16-19).
7.) Translated from Darkness. TO LIGHT.
And there is more..
Jesus is the """LIGHT OF THE WORD""... and "" God exists in LIGHT".... and the born again are "Children of the LIGHT"".
We are already IN the Kingdom of God, as THEY are the KOG< and we are "IN CHRIST", and "one with God"
.See yourself?
That is How God sees us all who are born again.
See that MIND?
"That Knowledge of God" that is our "renewed mind"?
That's the renewed mind., and if you have it, then you are this..
= "As many as be Perfect".
That is not about Behavior, that is about REVELATION KNOWLEDGE.... = "the renewed mind".
God help you to see it.
To give a person the new birth, God has to give them "the Gift of Righteousness".
The new birth is re-impartation of God's divine eternal life within our immortal human spirits, which life Adam lost for us in the fall.
That loss is the meaning of spiritual death, which does not mean death of our immortal human spirit, but absence of eternal life therein.
That is 'actually" true.
RIghteousness (removal of sin) comes with remission of sin through faith in Jesus' atonement (Ro 3:25) for our sin.
"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ"
"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ'
"i am seated in heavenly places, in Christ".........right now.
I am..... "As Jesus is, so are the born again, in THIS World".......... right now.
I am. "one with God".... now and forever.....= Having Eternal life.
See all that?
You are all that, you have all that... and more...if you are BORN AGAIN.
1.) Heir of God
2.) Joint Heir with Jesus
3.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
4.) Bone of Jesus's bone and flesh of Jesus's Flesh
5.) Son/Daughter of God
6.) Made Righteous
7.) Translated from Darkness. TO LIGHT.
And there is more..
Jesus is the """LIGHT OF THE WORD""... and "" God exists in LIGHT".... and the born again are "Children of the LIGHT"".
We are already IN the Kingdom of God, as THEY are the KOG< and we are "IN CHRIST", and "one with God"
See yourself?
That is How God sees us all who are born again.
See that MIND?That BELIEF?
"That Knowledge of God" that is our "renewed mind"?
That's the renewed mind., and if you have it, then you are this..
= "As many as be Perfect".
That is not about Behavior, that is about REVELATION KNOWLEDGE.... = "the renewed mind".
Does the refer to the book of Revelation?
To give a person the new birth, God has to give them "the Gift of Righteousness".

That is 'actually" true.
That God gives righteousness is actually true.
That it is actual rather than forensic is not true.

Look up the meaning of justification/righteousness.
I'll save you the time.
It is a declaration of "not guilty," a sentence of acquittal, a finding of right standing with the Court (no penalty owing), which is forensic (guilt cleared) and imputed, not actual.
Actual righteousness (sanctification) is imparted through obedience in the Holy Spirit, which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16, 19).
How to be born again?
According to Jesus, the new birth is a sovereign act of the Holy Spirit with which we have nothing to do (Jn 3:3-6). It is as unaccountable as the wind (Jn 3:7-8).

We have no more to do with our spiritual birth than we do with our natural both. It is by God's sovereign choice alone.
Then I suppose all men are born again?
All men are born, but not all men are born again (Jn 3:3-8).
And those who are born again have no more to do with their second birth than they did with their first birth (Jn 3:7-8).
All men are born, but not all men are born again (Jn 3:3-8).
And those who are born again have no more to do with their second birth than they did with their first birth (Jn 3:7-8).
If it’s all God then would it not be injustice to not make all men born again?
What’s the water for? Jn 3:5
If it’s all God then would it not be injustice to not make all men born again?
Why does God owe his enemies (Ro 5:10) anything?
What’s the water for? Jn 3:5
It refers to Eze 36:25-27, the promise of the Holy Spirit to cleanse, and Eze 37:1-14, the promise of spiritual restoration after the exile,
about which Nicodemus should have been familiar.
Why does God owe his enemies (Ro 5:10) anything?

It refers to Eze 36:25-27, the promise of the Holy Spirit to cleanse, and Eze 37:1-14, the promise of spiritual restoration after the exile,
about which Nicodemus should have been familiar.
But not baptismal regeneration?
New creation in christ
But not baptismal regeneration?
New creation in christ
Regeneration is only by the sovereign act of the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3-6), as unaccountable as the wind (Jn 3:7-8).
It is subject to nothing we do, or it would not be sovereign and as unaccountable as the wind.
Regeneration is only by the sovereign act of the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3-6), as unaccountable as the wind (Jn 3:7-8).
It is subject to nothing we do, or it would not be sovereign and as unaccountable as the wind.
Please explain Acts 8:36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
Please explain Acts 8:36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? Thanks
The man's faith shows that he was reborn.
In the beginning of the church, baptism was accompanied with special signs of the Holy Spirit, as a testimony to the truth of the gospel.
There is no faith apart from the rebirth, for spiritually dead men cannot do anything spiritual.