What habit of aggressive vehemence shows in the Schaeffer HITAHINS reference post, except perhaps your feelings about it?
Since you didn't link to it nor even give it a post # here, I'm not going back through the last two pages to find it. But I'm not just talking about that—I was referring to your general demeanor here.
So, let's get back to the OP.
It is very likely that the person who believes biological life is explained by evolution also is a person who faults God for mistakes and shortsightedness in the human body, as one example.
I like that, because it does point out a certain irony that I have seen too.
I understand that some born again believers can believe also in a certain view of evolution that more closely resembles atheistic evolution than the 6-day week of Genesis 1. And some combine them, somehow.
But as a generality, I think your point is correct, or least applicable: If a person is an atheist or even Deistic, and rejects the Genesis account as irrelevant legend, they are also likely to mock the notion that God has designed anything, by pointing out what seem to them errors (in design, effectiveness, purpose, etc) in whatever actually occurs.
I've argued with some of them, even in other subjects, like God's handling of human events, ending up having to say something along the lines of, "What makes you think you know God's purposes?" (At which they then go into, "Well, Christians say...")