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An Angel v An Angel of The Lord

So let me get this straight. You believe all you need to do is put your hands on someone's head and bless someone, you don't even need to address God,

The word "God" is found in Genesis 48:15.
No. As far as we know through scripture angels are a species so to speak of creatures. Creatures who are given various jobs and who have an hierarchical structure.
Essentially messengers, but also creatures capable of soldiering. In your comparison, I see no reason to imagine anything other than one of them being differentiated from a fallen angel.
Greek Angeliafóros ... Sent messengers. How beautiful are the feet of the apostles shod with the gospel of peace .

No invisible creation a oral traditons of dying men making the idea of serving a legion of what today are called patron saints passed on from the Pharisees with Sadducees ..

Christ in us not a legion of creatures not spoken of . One manner our Father in heaven not angel s . . . patron saints his and hers gods.

Some follow after Satan the king of lying signs to wonder after rather than trusting prophecy seal with 7 seals till the last day under the Sun

Angel fake word coined somewhere around the 11th century
In post 21 I didn't ask God did to bless anyone.
What is your point?
The Messenger/Angel of the Lord is YHWH in that He is the proper recipient of prayer (Genesis 48:16).
Your original assertion about praying to the angel didn't go so well. Next.
You haven't demonstrated how it didn't.

No surprise that you want to move on.
Your arguments have been that a man blessing other men is a prayer and that we are supposed to pray to angels. Better to stop giving you something to reply to so you don't have chances to talk more nonsense.
Jacob called his divine benefactor an angel. (Gen 48:15-16)

Steven said that the divine apparitions that participated in the giving of Moses' law
were angels. (Acts 7:53)
Jacob called his divine benefactor an angel. (Gen 48:15-16)

Steven said that the divine apparitions that participated in the giving of Moses' law
were angels. (Acts 7:53)

Angel a fake word sounds like the Greek Aggellō.

It was not coined until hundreds of years after the closing of sola scriptura.

But has a entirely different meaning. "Messenger or apostles", "those sent with the living word" .How beautiful are their feet shod with the gospel.

Again Christ in us. . . not a legion of gods in the likeness of men (patron saints) 3, 511 and rising

No such invisible creation. Its Christ (one not a legion ) that works in us to both will and do the labor of love of Christ .Yoked with him he makes our daily burdens lighter .

No a legion of what some call angels that they say work in us to both work to will and do .
Does angel always mean a being or does it also mean messenger?
Yes, Angelos or Hebrew Malack. Simply sent messenger, apostles sent as prophets to preach the gospel.

How beautiful are the feet of the messengers shod with the gospel of peace the living abiding word

Angel a fake word not coined until the 10 century sounds like the Greek Angelos but rather than the messenger errand boy, UPS, FED X,. their feet become the powerful source of the message of faith as it is written that oral tradition making the Holy Spirit, the author of faith without effect.

An oral tradition of dying mankind it was needed of the father of lies to develop a legion of disembodied workers with familiar spirts guides (3500 and rising) his and hers gods today called patron saints.

In that way violating the first loving commandment have no other gods in the likeness of men before our one Holy Father in heaven.That would include our own selves as sons of God he calls us gods in that way

Christ in us (Emanuel) two walking together not a legion of his and hers gods . One invisible authority as it is written (sola scriptura)

No such thing as angel invisible god.

One God as a invisible powerful Spirit

The message board filled will with angels just like my wife