(Part 1 of 3)Over the centuries believers have taken theoretical positions which are in opposition to each other when taken to extremes but may very well reflect different aspects of the same truth.
God created everything so knows its implications and outcomes. We have though the creation of infinities, and combinations of simple principles that create infinite outcomes. God also created the ability within animals to choose behavioural reactions to events, with different emphasises which lead to many different outcomes. Jesus declared the Kingdom was like the sower and the seed. Different soils react differently because of how they exist. Taking the parable into heart life, some peoples hearts are hard, while other soft and open. The cause of the hardness is a combination of how they are made and their choices. So one can propose people have no choice over their heart reaction because of who they are, while others can emphasis they responded which was a choice.
My problem with predetermism at the extreme is there is no need to seek out the lost and preach, to be a light, to let Gods love shine through good works, rather it is withdrawal from society to create isolated pockets of believers who do their own thing, as if the world will contaminate them. The opposite approach is hard work is needed to convince and draw people unto Jesus, and without this no one will hear or know the gospel.
I believe a person is confronted with Jesus's words, His heart and approach and they can choose to invest time and listen and follow or walk away. I have seen people do both, choose to seek out Jesus and His way and also walk away when faced with the changes they are being called to make and issues to resolve in their lives. I have understood His people hear His voice and follow, and those who do not, are not His people.
The phrase chosen has two aspects, the generic, Jesus chooses those who have followed ie. His people are His followers, or out of a crowd He chooses randomly individuals who come to be a believer.
I have been shocked to know, I do not know because I am not God, but I will preach and pray for and bless everyone, some will respond and some will reject and walk away. But I am called to be a light, so show the power of Christ transforming the heart and making me a disciple of the King.
The divide appears to be what this transformation is and how far it can go. Some are so stubborn they claim to know Jesus but refuse to resolve life issues and relationships which Jesus is calling them to resolve. My test is now if people will not repent, will not work through the issues and let change occur, they do not know the Lord of love. These folk are everywhere on every position theological one can imagine, but equally so are the Lords people. To say we are emotional beings with an intellectual framework of faith that brings us life for some is just too difficult, but it becomes clearer to me, this is what we actually are, and Jesus opens the prison doors so we can be mature, a Holy and cleansed people.
God bless you
Paragraph 1: The middle of the road fallacy is utilized by pointing toward oppositional extremes, while the truth is supposedly in the middle. First, the truth is what is it regardless of extremes. Second, the use of the term "extremes" is arbitrary; for one can almost always point to one supposed extreme or another to justify something in the middle.
For example: one can point to atheism and traditional Christianity as extremes to promote the middle of deism. One can point to hypercalvinism and Arminianism to point to the middle of Calvinism. One can point to Pelagianism and Calvinism to promote the middle of Arminianism.
Suggestion: One should quit looking at the supposed extremes and focus on an exegetical theology. People's reactions to scripture are not the standard. Rather, God's word is ultimately the standard.
Paragraph 2: Choices are acts of preference in keeping with one's highest motive; hence, when a choice is made a person is anything but indifferent. To select an option is to demonstrate one's preference of that object of choice over others. There is no such thing as "infinite outcomes" or "many different outcomes". Reality is one; it is not several. The idea of "many different outcomes" is a simple violation of the law of identity. A plurality of objects of choice does not therefore mean that one can with equal ease choose any of them. It seems that a chance view of the will and reality is being advocated.
Near the end of the paragraph a dichotomy is set up. "So one can propose people have no choice over their heart reaction because of who they are, while others can emphasis they responded which was a choice." As the quote states, either "people have no choice over their heart reaction because of who they are," or "they responded which was a choice." Note how acting in accord with one's nature is pitted against making a choice, supposedly over one's nature. The problem here is that one option is simply not viable and violates nature itself. One cannot speak of having a choice over one's nature because the will or choice-making faculty of a person is part of their nature. In other words, you cannot stand outside of yourself to choose who you are going to be. You don't get to split yourself up to make such a choice. Rather, choosing is part of one's nature. And even if one cannot choose to be another person, one is still acting and making choices in keeping with the person he is. So the dichotomy fails to note that choosing in accord with one's nature is also making choices. Just because the fish cannot choose to have lungs doesn't mean that it cannot make choices in keeping with what it is. So rather than proposing a dichotomy between choice and nature, one should rather consider that the two here a falsely put into a dichotomy.
Further, Jesus points out that out of the heart comes evil deeds in Matthew 15:19.