No, it isn't.
It is described as "new covenant." (Jeremiah 31:31)
The New Covenant if founded on the body and blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
It was initiated with the Advent of the Holy Spirit of Promise to seal God's people to Himself, which is why He is also called the Seal of the Promise.
Jesus Christ was prophesied to Israel (Deut. 18:15, 18.)
Jesus Christ came and among other Ministries to the Jewish people also came to teach them God's Torah/Commands. Jesus Christ instructed Israel in God's Torah.
Jesus Christ said, "
If you love me obey my commandments" which are the commands to the Children of Israel also known as the Law or Torah.
The New Covenant was the fulfillment of the Law (Matt. 5:17) which bound God to Israel through the Son and His sacrifice (without the shedding of blood...) and the prophecies about Him throughout the Hebrew Scripture.
Until Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself there was no permanent remission of Israel's sins, which is why the prophecies contain the words, "He shall save His people" (Israel - Matt. 1:21), "He hath not beheld the iniquity in Jacob/Israel" (Num. 23:21-22), and "I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more" Jer. 31:34.)
This IS the New Covenant in His blood. And the Torah remains God's Law(s) that command Israel's behavior and treatment towards God and among themselves (love neighbor as thyself) forever.
Anyone who claims to love Christ and does not obey His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. Anyone who refuses to obey Christ's commandments - the very same commandments Christ gave to the Children of Jacob/Israel in the desert - is against Christ or antichrist for they reject not only Christ's commandments but reject and deny the Father and the Son and all they represent to His covenant people Israel.
The Torah you and other Gentile Christians reject and do not obey is the same Torah by which you and they will be judged AGAINST.
So, I'd make sure whether you obey Christ's commandments (Torah) that teach us how to treat God and how to treat God's people because obedient to Christ's commandments sealed in His blood will show whether they genuinely love Christ. Your blood is on your own head having been made aware.