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What you've become "in Christ" : Is not a work you do.




1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant, yet.

So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being = "made righteous".

If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........as Paul teaches...

= ""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then their carnal mind will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??..<<??

They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become,already... as = born again.
See, being now "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.

2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God. = '"one with God". "In Christ".

"God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.

The reason this is also know as "IN Christ" is because Jesus is God manifested in the Flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16

By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".

And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as.. = "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".

This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader

As That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do, its this..."The New Creation, in Christ" is the result of being born again.

And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think.

Are you ready to meet the Lord ??

A.) Stay ready.

The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the mind of the flesh.... the carnal minded believer.

This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it, as in both cases neither understand having become "a new creation, in Christ", as "the Righteousness of God, in Christ".

1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant, yet.

So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being = "made righteous".

If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........as Paul teaches...

= ""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then their carnal mind will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??..<<??

They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become,already... as = born again.
See, being now "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.

2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God. = '"one with God". "In Christ".

"God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.

The reason this is also know as "IN Christ" is because Jesus is God manifested in the Flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16

By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".

And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as.. = "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".

This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader

As That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do, its this..."The New Creation, in Christ" is the result of being born again.

And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think.

Are you ready to meet the Lord ??

A.) Stay ready.

The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the mind of the flesh.... the carnal minded believer.

This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it, as in both cases neither understand having become "a new creation, in Christ", as "the Righteousness of God, in Christ".
In Titus 2:11-14, our salvation is described as being trained by grace to do what is godly, righteous, and good, and to renounce doing what is ungodly, so God graciously teaching us to do these works is the content of His gift of salvation. Moreover, in Titus 2:14, Jesus gave himself to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people of his own possession who are zealous for doing good works, so becoming zealous for doing good works in obedience to God's law is the way to believe in what Christ accomplished through the cross (Acts 21:20).

In Jeremiah 31:33, the New Covenant involves God putting His law in our minds and writing it on our hearts. Becoming righteous through faith means becoming someone who practices righteousness through faith, and God's law is His instructions for how to practice righteousness, not for how to become righteous. In 1 John 3:4-10, those who do not practice righteousness in obedience to God's law are not born again. In 1 John 2:6, those who are in Christ are obligated to walk in the same way he walked, so those who choose not follow Christ's example of walking in obedience to God's law should not consider themselves to be in Christ. In Romans 8:4-7, those who walk in the Spirit are contrasted with those who have carnal minds who are enemies of God who refuse to submit to His law. In Ephesians 2:10, we are new creations in Christ to do good works.
In Titus 2:11-14, our salvation is described as being trained by grace to do what is godly, righteous, and good, a


An unbeliever can do all the "good works" you can do.
They can go to church.
They can follow the Pope.
They can, take the Sacraments.
They can worship John Calvin or Martin Luther, the Apostle Peter, Mary, or Billy Graham.
They can be water baptized or sprinkled and confirmed.
They can give to the Poor.
They can start a "christian" forum, or a "new Denomination".

See all that?
You can do that, and i can do that, and so can any UNBELIEVER.
Just ask Moroni, Calvin, L. Ron Hubbard, or Mary Baker Eddy.

Why? Because its all just SELF EFFORT, and none of this is accepted by God to accept us, as His Son/Daughter.

What DOES God accept, to accept us as His own?

A.) Jesus on the Cross, shedding His blood and dying, and then being raised from the Dead for our eternal Justification.

See that?
That is the "only way to God"... The "only way to heaven".

Not commandments.
Not Law.
Not water baptism.
Not trying to be like Christ.
Not memorizing the Koine Greek Texts.

Just this.. John 14:6 is the only Way to God.
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An unbeliever can do all the "good works" you can do.
They can go to church.
They can follow the Pope.
They can, take the Sacraments.
They can worship John Calvin or Martin Luther, the Apostle Peter, Mary, or Billy Graham.
They can be water baptized or sprinkled and confirmed.
They can give to the Poor.
They can start a "christian" forum, or a "new Denomination".

See all that?
You can do that, and i can do that, and so can any UNBELIEVER.
Just ask Moroni, Calvin, L. Ron Hubbard, or Mary Baker Eddy.
Our actions express our beliefs. In James 2:18, he said that he would show his faith through his works, so everyone who acts as a believer by doing the same works as James has the same faith as him regardless of whether or not they claim with their word to be a believer, while everyone who act like an unbeliever is an unbeliever regardless of whether or not they claim with their words to be a believer.

Why? Because its all just SELF EFFORT, and none of this is accepted by God to accept us, as His Son/Daughter.

What DOES God accept, to accept us as His own?
Self effort does not involve relying on anyone else, so it is contradictory to think that obediently relying on what God has instructed is self effort. God is trustworthy, therefore His law is also trustworthy (Psalms 19:7), so the way to rely on God is by relying on what He has instructed, while it is contradictory for someone to think that we should rely on God, but not on what He has instructed. In 1 John 3:4-10, those who do not practice righteousness in obedience to God's law are not children of God.

A.) Jesus on the Cross, shedding His blood and dying, and then being raised from the Dead for our eternal Justification.

See that?
That is the "only way to God"... The "only way to heaven".

Not commandments.
Not Law.
Not water baptism.
Not trying to be like Christ.
Not memorizing the Koine Greek Texts.
In Titus 2:14, Jesus gave himself to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people of his own possession who are zealous for doing good works, so becoming zealous for doin good works in obedience to God's law is the way to believe in what Jesus accomplished through the cross (Acts 21:20).

Just this.. John 14:6 is the only Way to God.
God's law is His way (Psalms 119:1-3), the truth (Psalms 119:142), and the life (Deuteronomy 32:46-47), and the way to know the Father (Exodus 33:13), and Jesus expressed the nature of God through living in sinless obedience to God's law, so he is the embodiment of the way, the truth and the life, and the way to know the Father (John 14:6-7). In other words, it is contradictory to think that God's word made flesh is the only way to God while thinking that God's word is not the way to God.