1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement.
So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being "made righteous".
If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........
""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then the Beleiver with the " mind of the flesh"... will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??.
They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become already... as born again.
See, having become = "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.
Being "made righteous" is not something you work out.
And, having become "the righteousness of God in Christ" is not something you are striving to keep by holding unto your faith.
2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God.
= "God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.
This is also know as being "IN Christ" .
By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".
And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as..
= "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".
A.) This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader
That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do........ = its this..."The New Creation, in Christ".
And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or literal keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.
Are you ready ??
A.) Stay ready.
The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the """" mind of the flesh"""""
This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it.
1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement.
So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being "made righteous".
If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........
""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then the Beleiver with the " mind of the flesh"... will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??.
They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become already... as born again.
See, having become = "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.
Being "made righteous" is not something you work out.
And, having become "the righteousness of God in Christ" is not something you are striving to keep by holding unto your faith.
2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God.
= "God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.
This is also know as being "IN Christ" .
By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".
And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as..
= "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".
A.) This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader
That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do........ = its this..."The New Creation, in Christ".
And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or literal keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.
Are you ready ??
A.) Stay ready.
The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the """" mind of the flesh"""""
This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it.