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What you've become "in Christ" : is not a work you perform.

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1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement.

So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being "made righteous".

If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........

""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then the Beleiver with the " mind of the flesh"... will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??.

They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become already... as born again.
See, having become = "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.
Being "made righteous" is not something you work out.
And, having become "the righteousness of God in Christ" is not something you are striving to keep by holding unto your faith.

2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God.

= "God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.

This is also know as being "IN Christ" .

By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".

And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as..

= "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".

This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader

That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do........ = its this..."The New Creation, in Christ".

And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or literal keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.

Are you ready ??

A.) Stay ready.

The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the """" mind of the flesh"""""

This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it.
I’m definitely a believer, he’s proved to me over and over that he is who he says he is by the work he’s done in me.

As an only child I grew up in a very stressful environment (not judging) drug dealers, alcoholism, pornography, abuse…….I didn’t come to realize who God truly was until I actually started to read my Bible and surround myself with solid believers. Unfortunately as a boy I decided to take upon some of the addictions that I grew up around to be able to cope with the spiritual warfare that my mom and dad was and have been fighting for many years………I kinda just begged God over and over to just take those from me (not really trusting him) but after some pretty hard hitters I finally learned and decided to give him those addictions in exchange for a transformation.

I’m seeing that Jesus did the work on the cross so that I could finally have peace through him, and all I have to do is continue to trust him when I’m feeling like I’m about to have a weak moment.

Some days are tough but his way is much better than mine
1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement.
So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being "made righteous".
If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........
""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then the Beleiver with the " mind of the flesh"... will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??.
They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become already... as born again.
See, having become = "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.
Being "made righteous" is not something you work out.
And, having become "the righteousness of God in Christ" is not something you are striving to keep by holding unto your faith.
2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God.
The rebirth is the re-impartation of God's divine eternal life within the immortal human spirit, which life was lost when Adam rebelled, and which loss/absence is spiritual death.
= "God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.
This is also know as being "IN Christ" .

By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".
And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as..
= "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".
This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader
That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do........ = its this..."The New Creation, in Christ".
Being made righteous is justification, which is an imputed righteousness, a right standing with God (not guilty), not an actual righteousness of sanctification.
"Being made righteous;" i.e., actual righteousness, as distinct from imputed righteousness (Ro 4:1-11), is the work of sanctifiction through obedience in the Holy Spirit which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16, 19).
And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or literal keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.
Are you ready ??
A.) Stay ready.

The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the """" mind of the flesh"""""
This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
The nature of born again is presented in the NT (Jn 3:3-8, Ro 3:28, 4:1-11, 6:16-19), which is the way a believer should explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it.
They should be doing it as the NT presents it being done (Jn 3:3-8, Ro 3:28, Ro 4:1-11, 6:16-19).
1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement.

So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being "made righteous".

If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........

""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then the Beleiver with the " mind of the flesh"... will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??.

They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become already... as born again.
See, having become = "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.
Being "made righteous" is not something you work out.
And, having become "the righteousness of God in Christ" is not something you are striving to keep by holding unto your faith.

2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God.

= "God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.

This is also know as being "IN Christ" .

By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".

And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as..

= "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".

This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader

That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do........ = its this..."The New Creation, in Christ".

And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or literal keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.

Are you ready ??

A.) Stay ready.

The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the """" mind of the flesh"""""

This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it.
You give the impression that if a person doesn't understand this he is not born again. You can't know that.

Do YOU understand it? Not nearly as well as it would take, if being born again hinges on that understanding.
1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement.

So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being "made righteous".

If i say that all the born again should think of themselves as this..........

""I am the Righteousness of God...In Christ""........then the Beleiver with the " mind of the flesh"... will think.....>>"how can i DO that".??.

They will think of " doing it", because their un-renewed mind does not understand = "NEW CREATION"..."IN CHRIST"< Is not what you DO.
Its who you have eternally become already... as born again.
See, having become = "the Temple of Holy Spirit" is not something you do for yourself.
Being "made righteous" is not something you work out.
And, having become "the righteousness of God in Christ" is not something you are striving to keep by holding unto your faith.

2.) When a person is born again, they have literally been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, into the Holy Spirit of God.

= "God is A Spirit". and the CHRISTian is "born again" = spiritually.

This is also know as being "IN Christ" .

By being born again....They are now IN the Kingdom of God. They exist "in Christ"..."""seated in heavenly places"""", as "ONE with God".

And...While still on this earth, the born again exist as..

= "As Christ is...so are the born again, in...this...world".

This isn't mental ascension or "behavior modification self makeover",.... Reader

That stuff is taught by self righteous fakirs who dont understand being 'Made Righteous" is not what you do........ = its this..."The New Creation, in Christ".

And....regarding the born again.... They are literally become a "NEW CREATION"....located in the 3rd Heaven, while still down here typing on a phone or literal keyboard, inside a body that is "dead because of sin"... that will be replaced sooner than you think if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.

Are you ready ??

A.) Stay ready.

The un-renewed mind can't see any of that eternal reality, and exists as... the """" mind of the flesh"""""

This means they will try to explain being born again, exactly as an unbeliever would try to explain it.
This means they will try to exist as a Christian, exactly as an unbeliever would try to DO it.
Brother where are you?...you are missed...🙏💗

The Holy Spirit taught/ teaching me all about the renewing of my mind......the word came through you Brother.....he has me focused on the renewing of our minds......if God wills us to learn something....it will be done through the Spirit.

Hurry back Bro...I miss you!..
The rebirth is the re-impartation of God's divine eternal life within the immortal human spirit, which life was lost when Adam rebelled, and which loss/absence is spiritual death.

Being made righteous is justification, which is an imputed righteousness, a right standing with God (not guilty), not an actual righteousness of sanctification.
"Being made righteous;" i.e., actual righteousness, as distinct from imputed righteousness (Ro 4:1-11), is the work of sanctifiction through obedience in the Holy Spirit which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16, 19).

The nature of born again is presented in the NT (Jn 3:3-8, Ro 3:28, 4:1-11, 6:16-19), which is the way a believer should explain it.

They should be doing it as the NT presents it being done (Jn 3:3-8, Ro 3:28, Ro 4:1-11, 6:16-19).

Lots of ambiguity here (saying two things when trying to say one).

Salvation has at least two features:
1, justification: God's work in Christ for us in history, which is necessarily imputed or credited against our debt.
2, transformation: God's work in us through the Spirit now. This has to do with actual acts of sin now or anticipated.

These two cannot be crossed without huge confusion.

Leave 'being born again' alone. It is quite rare in the NT. Twice it is spoken to those who used to think their physical lineage was the important thing. 'Anothen' does not mean 'again' unless the original state is mentioned. "From above" or "from the top (of the story)" is best. I know 'being born again' has been popularized, but the NT is not like this. 'Being made alive' in Christ is way more common.
Lots of ambiguity here (saying two things when trying to say one).

Salvation has at least two features:
1, justification: God's work in Christ for us in history, which is necessarily imputed or credited against our debt.
Justification is the result of remission of sin.

Through faith in the person and atoning work of Christ, his death is credited to our account, whereby our sin is forgiven, its debt of death cancelled.
That is salvation from the wrath of God (Ro 5:9) on our guilt and sin.
As a result of our debt being paid, God declares us not guilty, issues a sentence of acquittal, affirms a right standing with the court; i.e., debt paid, time served, released by the court.
That is justification, which is an imputed forensic righteousness through faith (Ro 4:1-11), not actual righteousness as in sanctification (Ro 6:16-19).
2, transformation: God's work in us through the Spirit now. This has to do with actual acts of sin now or anticipated.
This is the actual (imparted) righteousness of sanctification.

Righteousness has two features:
1) imputed in justification
2) imparted in sanctification
These two cannot be crossed without huge confusion.

Leave 'being born again' alone. It is quite rare in the NT.
Are you sure about that?

Jesus' description of "rebirth" by the sovereign act of the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3-6), as unaccountable as the wind (Jn 3:7-8) is much too significant in soteriology to dismiss as unimportant.
Nor is it that rare, being referred to in Jn 3:3, 5, 7, 1 Jn 2:29, 3:9, 4:7, 5:1, 4, 18.

It is spiritual regeneration, the communication/re-impartation of God's divine eternal life within the immortal human spirit, which was lost by Adam in the fall, which loss is spiritual death.
Spiritual death is not death of the immortal human spirit, it is the absence of God's divine eternal life within the immortal human spirit.
The birth from above, by the Holy Spirit who is from above, is the sovereign re-impartation of God's divine eternal life to the immortal human spirit.
It is what makes us sons of God, born of God, by the will of God, not the will of man (Jn 1:13).
It is the initiation of salvation itself.

You gut the gospel when you deny re-birth by the Holy Spirit.
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Gee, I think you could "gut" me if I disagreed with you. You know your stuff and can articulate ideas very well. Kudos

Aside: If I disagree with you, be gentle. *giggle*
And for you I would, because you would never strongly assert error.
You might present it, but you wouldn't assert and defend it, at the expense of what Scripture clearly presents to the contrary.
And even if you hung in there, I would still be gentle with you.
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Being made righteous is justification, which is an imputed righteousness,

The "imputed righteousness" is God's very righteousness, itself.

The born again become "the righteousness OF GOD......in Christ". "made righteous".

And that righteousness, has no growing to do, as its prefect, as it's God's.

This is "the GIFT of Righteousness".

Its this Sanctification. 1 Corinthians 1:30
The "imputed righteousness" is God's very righteousness, itself.

The born again become "the righteousness OF GOD......in Christ". "made righteous".

And that righteousness, has no growing to do, as its prefect, as it's God's.

This is "the GIFT of Righteousness".

Its this Sanctification. 1 Corinthians 1:30
Righteousness is from God (Ro 1:17, 3:21, 5:17, Php 3:9).

Christ is our righteousness, our atonement and sacrifice absolving us from sin.
Righteousness is from God (Ro 1:17, 3:21, 5:17, Php 3:9).

Christ is our righteousness, our atonement and sacrifice absolving us from sin.


When our "faith is counted as righteousness", then it's "Christ's Righteousness" that becomes who we are become as a born again.... "new Creation in Christ".

When our "faith is counted as righteousness", then it's "Christ's Righteousness" that becomes who we are become as a born again.... "new Creation in Christ".
Actually, it is a forensic righteousness by faith.

Christ is our righteousness in the sense of being our atonement and sacrifice absolving us from sin.
Our actual righteousness; i.e., sanctification, is through obedience in the Holy Spirit which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16-19).
Our actual righteousness; i.e., sanctification, is through obedience in the Holy Spirit which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16-19).

A person who is born again, has received "the Gift of Righteousness" from God Himself.

That's not a leading.
Thats an Eternal Fact regarding beng born again, as God can't take us = unless God makes us as righteous as He is... through the Cross of Christ.
A person who is born again, has received "the Gift of Righteousness" from God Himself.

That's not a leading.
Thats an Eternal Fact regarding beng born again, as God can't take us = unless God makes us as righteous as He is... through the Cross of Christ.
Yes, it is a forensic righteousness, a right standing with justice--penalty paid, time served, in good standing with the Court.
Yes, it is a forensic righteousness, a right standing with justice--penalty paid, time served, in good standing with the Court.

It's beyond "good standing".

As to become a eternal SON/Daughter of God, based on the imputed righteousness of Christ, is well beyond a "standing".

You dont become that in a "court", even if you are proven innocent.
It's beyond "good standing".

As to become a eternal SON/Daughter of God, based on the imputed righteousness of Christ, is well beyond a "standing".
The righteousness imputed to us is not that of Christ, it is a forensic righteousness, a clearing of guilt.
We don't need sanctification if we are actually righteous with the righteousness of Christ.

The NT presents
imputed righteousness (Ro 4:1-11) - a forensic righteousness, a clearing of guilt, a right standing with the Court,
actual righteousness (Ro 6:16-19) - in the process of sanctification which leads to righteousness, leading to holiness, and
Christ our righteousness (1 Co 1:30) - our atonement and sacrifice absolving us of sin.