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The Biblical Theology of Love

  • Thread starter Thread starter jeremiah1five
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Do you agree Leviticus 19:17-19 are commands and instruction on who to love are given to the twelve tribes of Israel?
That's the only people in view here as in all 66 'books' of the bible.
Incorrect. God's laws apply to everyone and the tribes of Israel were supposed to be an example for and to all other nations, not just themselves. Furthermore, the Law itself stipulated that anyone coming into Israel from outside had to comply with those laws. It is not an Israel-only code of conduct.
Thirty-seven 'books' of the Hebrew Scripture is all about God and His relationship with Israel, a relationship that Gentiles cannot claim nor experience.
Partly correct. Thirty seven "books" of Hebrew scripture is much larger than the Law and 37 books of Hebrew scripture are only half of all scripture.
For if the Hebrew Scripture is wholly about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His relationship with this people, a relationship of which there is no equal in all human history....
The Hebrew scriptures wholly about Jesus. God's people are anyone and everyone who believes in His resurrected Son by, through, and for whom creation was created and by and through whom the redeemed have salvation from sin and wrath, whether they be genetically descended from Abraham or not. The Hebrews scripture explicitly state a people who were not God's people have been declared God's people..... apart from the Jews. That is what the Hebrew scriptures teach.
, to interpret any writings of the New Testament by Jewish Christians... everything about Jesus and the salvation of the Jews and make it fit Gentiles is a violation of God's established Word...
No, it's not.

The Hebrew scriptures start with Eden, not Israel. The Hebrews scriptures include the Law and the Law applies to all. The Hebrew scripture explicitly stte Israel was supposed to be a witness for all the nations, not just itself. The Hebrew scripture explicitly state a people not God's people would be made God's people. Technically the New Testament written by former Jews turned Christian is "Hebrew scripture," and it plainly states there are no Jews or Gentiles in Christ AND it plainly states all the men and women of faith in the Old Testament are made complete in the body of Christ.

In other words, the Hebrew scriptures do not state what you state.
in the Hebrew Scriptures because there is no relationship between Gentiles in those writings like the relationship the Hebrews have with their God. So, the result is that Gentiles since the destruction of the Jewish Temple have stolen everything God had and gave to the Hebrew people (children of Israel, House of Israel) and made it apply to themselves excluding Israel, a people who can evidence a covenant with Almighty Creator God, something Gentiles never had in the past and do not have today.
The only temple of God that has ever existed is Christ crucified and resurrected. The Jewish temple was a man-made work of sinful flesh that attempted to fulfill God's plan in its own corrupt might. It became an idol in Judaism and was destroyed by God.
Once Gentiles accept that salvation - and all its parts - is of the Jews, THEN one can rightly understand the role Gentiles may play in that salvation which is of the Jews.
Partly correct. No one - Jew or Gentile understands anything in Christ unless or until they are given salvation. Once they do that, they understand there are no Jews or Gentiles in Christ!
So, is the book of Leviticus between God and the children of Israel and the context of everything said is between God and the children of Israel where covenant, sacrifices, holy days, diet, social behaviors, etc., is written about?
I've already answered that question. The Law itself states the Law applies to all, whether Jew or Gentile and the Hebrew scripture plainly report Israel was to be an example to all other nations, a witness to God and His Son.
Do you also agree that in the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets that there is no evidence, passage, verse, of God having made a covenant between Himself and Gentiles?
No. All the Law, the psalms, and the prophets testify to Christ and Christ is available to anyone who believes, whether Jew or Gentile.
Can you agree to these truths?
What you have posted is not truths.