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Technology and the futurist fulfillment of Revelation


May 28, 2023
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I am throwing this into a thread so that it is the OP, part of the OP. There are prophecies in Revelation that have been denied a futuristic fulfillment because people could not see how they could be fulfilled outside of being allegorized. However, as time as gone on, technology has been catching up to prophecy. For instance, with the two witnesses, it is now possible for that to happen, and for everyone around the world to know if it immediately, and to even watch it happen. We have the technology to literally fulfill that prophecy now. I have been bringing up the idea of AI being the possible technological fulfillment of the Image of the Beast, and just yesterday, on Fox News (perhaps this morning) we have this article:

All I can say is that if the image of the beast is actually future, and it is based on AI (and perhaps robotics), we are not far from having the technology, and someone is already going to use a very rudimentary version. The technology required for a workable framework to fit with the image of the beast already exists. And it isn't in its infancy. The technologies do need to grow a little, but if one were to integrate the technology that already exists, it isn't too long before what Revelation calls for is a reality. Not long at all. The only thing they need is a slight improvement in graphical quality, and some more AI training. Perhaps the next step up from GPT4. Supposedly that will be a HUGE evolution in AI. (And this is forgetting that some google engineer has already stated that google's AI engine has already achieved sentience. I can't say it has not, because in a world where demon's exist and can possess people/things, anything is possible.) Unreal engine has already provided the capability that if paired with AI, would provide a pretty convincing replica of a person's face, and can add voice to AI text, and emotion using the Unreal engine. That part of the technology is the closest to infancy. The rest has been maturing for over a decade.
That would work if it had Tony Stark's face...

The main reason for the OP is to say, one has to be awake, pay attention, because you may be looking at everything wrong. It isn't some move to force a change in belief, but to watch. For it is possible that Revelation is futuristic. One must keep an eye open and watch, just in case. There are so many prophecies in Revelation where technology is either at the point of literal fulfillment, or will be in the near future. All that should do is perk one up to watch and see if perhaps there actually is a literal fulfillment. If there is, one may need to reconsider Revelation.
We always want to be on guard against manipulation, but the Rev was about things in Little Asia in the 1st century. Better to spend time helping Tactical Civics.com than to find the 'exact' thing.
Few see this verse

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: