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Surveying The Dark Side of Our Social Order

Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
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Surveying The Dark Side of Our
Social Order

Buff Scott, Jr.

[Widespread Sexual Deviations Are Gaining
Momentum Rapidly

Environmental Relationships
It is common knowledge that homosexual behavior is often blamed on environmental causes, such as a daughter being raised without a motherly relationship or a son being brought up without a fatherly bond. During their early teenage years, the daughter is likely to direct her affections toward females, as though seeking a motherly attachment, while the son directs his "tenderness" toward males and becomes sexually affixed to them. In the long-run, he adopts homosexual behavior while the daughter embraces lesbianism. This truism, of course, is not applicable to all daughters without a mother or relevant to all sons without a father. But research has shown that these factors are widespread among homosexuals and lesbians.

Considering Birth Aberrations
Do I believe all homosexuals and lesbians are "born that way"? No more than I believe pedophiles, voyeurs, exhibitionists, liars, and thieves are "born that way." That a small segment of the homosexual community is born with sexual aberrations or defects, no knowledgeable person will deny. A good estimate, I think, is that 99.9 percent of homosexuals and lesbians are that way because they have chosen that lifestyle.

The "Gene" Argument
Of interest is that according to various medical sources, the "female gene" argument is highly questionable and is no more valid than the "rapist gene" or the "pedophile gene" or the "gene" associated with lying.

Is All Discrimination Wrong?
But what about this "discrimination" charge from the homosexual community? Is it a legitimate charge? No, it isn't. Not all discrimination is wrong. When I decided to move to the Southwest, I discriminated against the Northeast. When I purchased a particular brand of automobile, I discriminated against all other car manufacturers. Did I violate their civil rights by not buying their automobiles? Of course not! My decision was based on choice and desire.

School Boards may decide not to hire homosexuals to teach their students. They prefer that sexual eccentrics not be placed in a position that might influence their students toward immorality or aberrant sexual activity, just as the same School Boards may prefer that voyeurs and exhibitionists not be placed in a position that might sway their students toward abnormal forms of sexuality. The principle works both ways. In either case, no one's civil rights are breached, and no one is constitutionally discriminated against. School Boards and employers must be granted the freedom to choose, else their civil rights are violated.

Inborn Or Learned?
One more question: Are homosexual desires inborn? This is a difficult question. We might ask the same question about voyeurs, exhibitionists, pedophiles, and those who have sex with animals [bestiality]. It is apparent that the vast majority of perverted sexual desires are developed and cultivated by fallen man, not instilled by a righteous God who destroyed whole cities that had been overrun by sexual perversions [Genesis, chapter 19]. Homosexuality is not acceptable behavior, as the "politically correct" and liberals try to tell us. Most of it is learned behavior, and what is learned can be unlearned.

Compassion For The Homosexual
Lest I be accused of lacking compassion for those caught up in the web of sexual perversions, let me say that I have ministered to homosexuals—and shall continue doing so, as opportunity affords. They, too, are in need of help and heaven. The man Jesus died for them, as He died for everyone else. The homosexual should note, however, that attending a homosexual church will not soften the perversion. It only delays the inevitable—God's judgment. It will take a "turning around" and a "turning against" and an acceptance of Jesus to tread the road to recovery. "May it be thus."
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