God being omnipresent means to me God is in Hell...though the benevolence of God is not expressed.
Non sequitur. I'm glad you believe hell is not outside of God's presence (I don't think you meant God is literally
in hell like all those he tosses there in vengeance), but that has nothing to do with my point.
Dispensational premillennialism doesn't fail.
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
Yes, Dispensational Premillennialims does fail. It fails in many ways but relevant to the point I was making, it fails because it rejects the truths Jesus is now king of the earth, his kingdom has been established on earth, there is a single unified kingdom encompassing all of creation, and God can be God but not king.
Jesus' kingdom won't be established until he sets foot on earth.
There are two kingdoms (one in heaven and another on earth, one for Jews and another for Christians)
The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom on earth are different
Satan is the ruler of the air, not Jesus.
Jesus is God, but not king on earth.
These and many other God-is-not-everywhere beliefs contained within Dispensationalism can be found in many of the threads here in this board. Some Dispensational Premillennialists try to justify themselves by say, "Well, that's not a specific belief I believe," but then the go one to propagate positions that inherently and necessarily mean the exact same thing: there are places where God is not yet God and Jesus is not yet king. When someone says, "Nunh uhn," they're not helping their case.
Dispensational Premillennialism doesn't fail.
Yeah, it does and merely saying it does not further the discussion one bit.
I've learned you can't lump SDA into one category.
I completely agree! And implied that very same truth when I said the SDA did not start out premillennially apocalyptic. The Millerites were, but as an institution the SDA are not all dispies. That does not change the fact SDA preachers like Michael Oxentenko mae it to the radio airwaves and those of other eschatological povs do not. You are invited to provide evidence to the contrary but in the absence of such evidence I expect you to bow to the facts and not post non sequiturs, or appeals to personal anecdotal experience like.....
I've met some who claim Jesus isn't God and met some who understand Jesus is God. In fact I know of one personally who doesn't believe in the theta of the pre-rapture or dispensations.
Good for you.
I don't disagree[,] but Satan believes he can.
Oh do please provide me with the scripture explicitly stating Satan does not understand the difference between infinite and finite or almighty and not-mighty. Please provide for me the verse stating Satan does not know he is a created creature. Please provide for me the verse that states Satan is oblivious to the truth of Romans
3:23 and
6:23. Please provide me with the verse that specifically and explicitly states Satan believes he can win an actual war against God.
In Satans war Satan tries to "harm" those made in Gods image.
Harming others made in God's image is not the same as defeating God Himself. You just moved the goalposts and created a false equivalence.
And since we're far afield of the topic of soul sleep I will wrap up my half of this conversation to commend you for rejecting the SDA doctrine of soul sleep and move on.