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Scripture Interprets Scripture


Staff member
May 27, 2023
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What does it mean that scripture interprets scripture? This is a huge component of sola scriptura and the Scriptures being the only authority of God's truth. I would say that the majority of those on the forum understand the concept of how scripture interprets scripture but for the sake of those who don't, or the few for which the concept is alien and untenable; for the sake of acting as a refresher course which we all need in all things from time to time; and to open the conversation for additional input, insight, and understanding; I will give my understanding and input.

The Bible is a book and is meant to be read as any other book is read. It contains 66 books within it, many penned by different authors, and containing various types of literature or genre. The ultimate author of course is God the Holy Spirit. (2 Tim 3:16-17; John 17:18-19) Books are often divided into sub-books so the fact that there are many books within the one book, does not change the dynamic of reading it as we would any other book.

In some novels for example we will see the story being told from one viewpoint or time period, a pause, and then Book 2, which continues the same story from a different vantage point or perspective or time period. But it is the same story leading to the same conclusion. So it is with the Bible. Some books overlap, some give the same account as others from the viewpoint of a different author, and for a different purpose. It is particularly to be noted that this is the case with the Gospels.

Some are historical, some apocalyptic, some poetry, some letters etc. but all are part of the same story. And through them all God is revealing Himself; revealing sin; giving instruction in righteousness; revealing our need of Him; revealing His actions in history and in individual lives; exposing our utter helplessness to change our standing before Him. It is all the story of redemption and the Redeemer.

As such, everything in the Scriptures is connected to this overarching theme and must be consistent throughout, in every passage, every word, every event, with itself in the truth it is revealing. Therefore all our doctrine and teaching must remain consistent with these scriptures. We cannot arrive at a true doctrine unless we weigh and measure it against the whole. There can be no contradictions. And who God reveals Himself to be within the scriptures is the number one thing that must be considered when we search out interpretations of scripture. We must never arrive at an interpretation that would contradict who He says He is, or contradict any other statement of truth in the scriptures.

There are many difficult to interpret passages in the Bible, and many that at first glance would appear contradictory with other scriptures. And many, many more that seem, contradictory because we bring a preconceived doctrine into the scripture and are unable to remove that from our own thinking and simply ignore the contradiction or deny it exists, failing to measure it by the first principle and premise----who does God say He is.

Sometimes with difficult passages we can not always find the resolution in other scriptures that are clear on the same subject (the usual way), to our own satisfaction. Sometimes it takes time and waiting upon the Lord to direct our paths in the matter. And often in these cases, for we never stop learning, we can let it rest by seeing what it cannot mean since it says otherwise somewhere else. But there are ways to search out the matter that are helpful.

Context, context, and context. This does not only mean the surrounding text, though that must always be considered. It also includes the historical context, and in the case of the epistles especially, where we learn the Christology and soteriology of Christianity; who is writing, who they are writing to, why they are saying what they are saying, when----what was the historical and cultural situation surrounding those who are being written to, what was the writer's purpose was in writing the letter.

Theology. The study of God, the absolute and only revealing of God by God Himself, found only within the pages of our Bible, that must be our first plumbline because all else within the Bible's pages aligns with Him, and is therefore utterly trustworthy in interpreting itself and defending itself. Everything He says and gives to us in His Book does not move one iota off of who He is, what He is doing, and how He is doing it.
What does it mean that scripture interprets scripture? This is a huge component of sola scriptura and the Scriptures being the only authority of God's truth. I would say that the majority of those on the forum understand the concept of how scripture interprets scripture but for the sake of those who don't, or the few for which the concept is alien and untenable; for the sake of acting as a refresher course which we all need in all things from time to time; and to open the conversation for additional input, insight, and understanding; I will give my understanding and input.

The Bible is a book and is meant to be read as any other book is read. It contains 66 books within it, many penned by different authors, and containing various types of literature or genre. The ultimate author of course is God the Holy Spirit. (2 Tim 3:16-17; John 17:18-19) Books are often divided into sub-books so the fact that there are many books within the one book, does not change the dynamic of reading it as we would any other book.

In some novels for example we will see the story being told from one viewpoint or time period, a pause, and then Book 2, which continues the same story from a different vantage point or perspective or time period. But it is the same story leading to the same conclusion. So it is with the Bible. Some books overlap, some give the same account as others from the viewpoint of a different author, and for a different purpose. It is particularly to be noted that this is the case with the Gospels.

Some are historical, some apocalyptic, some poetry, some letters etc. but all are part of the same story. And through them all God is revealing Himself; revealing sin; giving instruction in righteousness; revealing our need of Him; revealing His actions in history and in individual lives; exposing our utter helplessness to change our standing before Him. It is all the story of redemption and the Redeemer.

As such, everything in the Scriptures is connected to this overarching theme and must be consistent throughout, in every passage, every word, every event, with itself in the truth it is revealing. Therefore all our doctrine and teaching must remain consistent with these scriptures. We cannot arrive at a true doctrine unless we weigh and measure it against the whole. There can be no contradictions. And who God reveals Himself to be within the scriptures is the number one thing that must be considered when we search out interpretations of scripture. We must never arrive at an interpretation that would contradict who He says He is, or contradict any other statement of truth in the scriptures.

There are many difficult to interpret passages in the Bible, and many that at first glance would appear contradictory with other scriptures. And many, many more that seem, contradictory because we bring a preconceived doctrine into the scripture and are unable to remove that from our own thinking and simply ignore the contradiction or deny it exists, failing to measure it by the first principle and premise----who does God say He is.

Sometimes with difficult passages we can not always find the resolution in other scriptures that are clear on the same subject (the usual way), to our own satisfaction. Sometimes it takes time and waiting upon the Lord to direct our paths in the matter. And often in these cases, for we never stop learning, we can let it rest by seeing what it cannot mean since it says otherwise somewhere else. But there are ways to search out the matter that are helpful.

Context, context, and context. This does not only mean the surrounding text, though that must always be considered. It also includes the historical context, and in the case of the epistles especially, where we learn the Christology and soteriology of Christianity; who is writing, who they are writing to, why they are saying what they are saying, when----what was the historical and cultural situation surrounding those who are being written to, what was the writer's purpose was in writing the letter.

Theology. The study of God, the absolute and only revealing of God by God Himself, found only within the pages of our Bible, that must be our first plumbline because all else within the Bible's pages aligns with Him, and is therefore utterly trustworthy in interpreting itself and defending itself. Everything He says and gives to us in His Book does not move one iota off of who He is, what He is doing, and how He is doing it.
Interpretation is an action that can only be taken by sentient beings, of which Scripture is not, so Scripture can't interpret Scripture. We should use the context surrounding a verse and the border context of other passages that speak on the same subject to help us to correctly interpret it, but we are the one who does the interpreting. Likewise, the Bible does not speak for itself, otherwise there would be no one who disagreed about how to interpret it.
Interpretation is an action that can only be taken by sentient beings, of which Scripture is not, so Scripture can't interpret Scripture. We should use the context surrounding a verse and the border context of other passages that speak on the same subject to help us to correctly interpret it, but we are the one who does the interpreting. Likewise, the Bible does not speak for itself, otherwise there would be no one who disagreed about how to interpret it.
Oh come on! Do you for one minute think I was saying that scripture gives us the interpretation, which is how you are framing it? Are not the surrounding context, and the broader context of other passages etc. the scriptures?! Maye you got no father in the OP than the title? If that is the case, get back to me after you have read it.
Oh come on! Do you for one minute think I was saying that scripture gives us the interpretation, which is how you are framing it? Are not the surrounding context, and the broader context of other passages etc. the scriptures?! Maye you got no father in the OP than the title? If that is the case, get back to me after you have read it.
I did not think that of you. I read your post and understood the concept, but I just didn't think it is accurate to refer to it as Scripture interpreting Scripture when it is not Scripture doing the interpreting.
I did not think that of you. I read your post and understood the concept, but I just didn't think it is accurate to refer to it as Scripture interpreting Scripture when it is not Scripture doing the interpreting.
I think there is an impasse in me being able to communicate what it means that scripture interprets scripture as long as you look at "interpret" the say in which you are. When we give an interpretation of scripture it must line up with what scripture itself teaches on any given matter. And if we can't see it clearly in one place, in one scripture, there will be other ways to find the meaning----in the scriptures. Scripture determines what scripture means. It is the word of God.
Interpretation is an action that can only be taken by sentient beings, of which Scripture is not, so Scripture can't interpret Scripture. We should use the context surrounding a verse and the border context of other passages that speak on the same subject to help us to correctly interpret it, but we are the one who does the interpreting. Likewise, the Bible does not speak for itself, otherwise there would be no one who disagreed about how to interpret it.
I would think the finger of God is that which creates the subject surrounding verse support it.

We can interpret as he lovingly commands us the study rightly dividing the written word we can miraculously seek His approval as the finger of God.

The living drawing abiding word
Only authority?

Scripture Verses that contradict the “Bible is our ONLY AUTHORITY”!

Matt 5:14
Matt 13:11
Matt 18:17
Matt 28:19
Lk 1:4
Lk 10:16
Jn 8:32
Jn 16:13
Jn 20:21
Acts 1:8
Acts 2:42
Acts 8:26
Acts 8:31
Acts 18:25
Rom 10:15
1 cor 4:11
1 cor 11:23
1 thes 2:23
2 thes 2:15
Col 2:7
Eph 4:5
Heb 13:7
Heb 13:17
1 Tim 3:15
1 Jn 1:3-5
1 Jn 4:6
2 Jn 1:12
Jude 1:3

How can it be said scripture is “sole authority” or the only source of truth or the rule of faith when scripture says we must hear the church Matt 18:17 the apostles are the light of the world Matt 5:14 we must hold the doctrine of the apostles acts 2:42 the church is the pillar and ground of truth 1 Tim 3:15
Scripture Verses that contradict the “Bible is our ONLY AUTHORITY”!
Still no use of hermeneutics, no exposition of any scripture given, no exegesis of any of them, no interpretation of them. Still useless as support for your unstated premise.
Still no use of hermeneutics, no exposition of any scripture given, no exegesis of any of them, no interpretation of them. Still useless as support for your unstated premise.
Is All scripture is the inspired word of God, or just how you prefer to present it?
Is All scripture is the inspired word of God, or just how you prefer to present it?
All of it. At least I do present it and then people can make up their own minds. I have yet to see you present any scripture, you only list them without even establishing what it is you think they are saying or why.
All of it. At least I do present it and then people can make up their own minds. I have yet to see you present any scripture, you only list them without even establishing what it is you think they are saying or why.
Obviously i opposed “scripture is the only authority” since scripture does
Only authority?

Scripture Verses that contradict the “Bible is our ONLY AUTHORITY”!

Matt 5:14
Matt 13:11
Matt 18:17
Matt 28:19
Lk 1:4
Lk 10:16
Jn 8:32
Jn 16:13
Jn 20:21
Acts 1:8
Acts 2:42
Acts 8:26
Acts 8:31
Acts 18:25
Rom 10:15
1 cor 4:11
1 cor 11:23
1 thes 2:23
2 thes 2:15
Col 2:7
Eph 4:5
Heb 13:7
Heb 13:17
1 Tim 3:15
1 Jn 1:3-5
1 Jn 4:6
2 Jn 1:12
Jude 1:3

How can it be said scripture is “sole authority” or the only source of truth or the rule of faith when scripture says we must hear the church Matt 18:17 the apostles are the light of the world Matt 5:14 we must hold the doctrine of the apostles acts 2:42 the church is the pillar and ground of truth 1 Tim 3:15

Please type out each scripture and explain your thought
If scripture interprets scripture and is the only source of revealed truth why does Christ say: seek ye first the kingdom (apostolic church) and not the Bible alone? Matt 6:33
If scripture interprets scripture and is the only source of revealed truth why does Christ say: seek ye first the kingdom (apostolic church) and not the Bible alone? Matt 6:33
The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of heaven. It is not the apostolic church. And the apostolic church is the church founded, and its doctrines laid, by the 12 apostles and Paul during their lifetime---not the Catholic church.

I have no more to say.
And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
The kingdom has come it is the church. Jesus is now at the right hand side of the father and ruling in the kingdom as we speak
I agree with Ariel. There are difficult parts in the Bible that needs interpretation. But we have to read interpretations from Saints even though a Saint can do also wrong interpretation. But this will happen. 1 in 100 cases. If we are living a moral live and pray that God will open our minds we can even see the wrong interpretation. In example God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only Son. Most people interpratate that God wanted to test Abraham faith. But this wasn't the case. God KNEW the faith of Abraham. He asked this not to test Abraham but in order to raise Abraham in the eyes of men so that Abraham will be an eternal example of faith, like He "tested" Job. And by raising Abraham He could say later to the Jews that "I exist WAY BEFORE ABRAHAM". (John 8-56).
Most people interpratate that God wanted to test Abraham faith. But this wasn't the case. God KNEW the faith of Abraham. He asked this not to test Abraham but in order to raise Abraham in the eyes of men so that Abraham will be an eternal example of faith, like He "tested" Job.
It is true that God knew Abraham's faith and was not testing it to see how strong it was. But neither was He testing hIm in order to raise Abraham in the eyes of men. He was putting Abraham's faith to the test. Not for His sake, but for Abraham's sake. Through it Abraham's faith was strengthened. His trust in God was increased by trusting through this most extreme of commands to offer his son as a sacrifice.

And we see the same thing in Christ that it was foreshadowing. God offered His own Son as a sacrifice for the remission of sins for all who believe. Trust the Son.
It is true that God knew Abraham's faith and was not testing it to see how strong it was. But neither was He testing hIm in order to raise Abraham in the eyes of men. He was putting Abraham's faith to the test. Not for His sake, but for Abraham's sake. Through it Abraham's faith was strengthened. His trust in God was increased by trusting through this most extreme of commands to offer his son as a sacrifice.

And we see the same thing in Christ that it was foreshadowing. God offered His own Son as a sacrifice for the remission of sins for all who believe. Trust the Son.
I cant see wrong in that position. After all God do and say things for multiple reasons.