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Prophecy in general

"Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, "My lord, what shall be the end of these things?" And he said, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." (Dan 12:8-9 NKJV)

Daniel did not understand...so he asked...he was told its not for you at this time Daniel. Was he aware of who this man clothed in linen was? Are you armylngst aware of who spoke those things that were considered "the fulfillment of these wonders?
It is not clear, and it doesn't have to be clear. Also, if those things had been completed, this world would be over, and sin would have died a long time ago.
With Daniel, God was specific. Keep it bound, don't tell anyone. You aren't really speaking in riddles when you interpret everything. (Those seventy weeks.. they aren't actually weeks. Each weeks stands for 7 years... If God wanted it to be a mystery, why did He explain everything to Daniel and tell Daniel to tell us?)
Correct, they are 70.................................7s or as the Hebrew really means, 70 heptads or groups of 7. The last 7 (Heptad) is yet to come.

Daniel had no clue remember, he kept asking God/Jesus what this meant but he was told to go his way, these things will be locked up until the very end of times. The point is, we have the advantage, we live at the very end and God wants to show us, but can't in many cases because (as the holy spirit told me) "you guys already know everything Ron". That was an answer to why is the church so all over the place on answers to these things when there is only one true answer. So, I realized I had put off old understandings and simply ask God, what does this mean AND wait upon the Lord for an expectant answer.

So, God didn't tell Daniel the 1335 was the Two-witnesses, it that the 1290 was the False Prophet, or really even tell him who the 1260 was, even though he knew that was the "Little Horn" of Daniel 7 and 8. Looking back through time I can figure out that Dan. 8:9 mandates the end time Beast has to be born in Greece by the way he CONQUERS TOWARDS, to the South and East means he come for the Northwest. We now also see that Greece would be in the E.U. (10 = Completion, not 10 actual kings) and thus he also will fulfill Dan. 7:7-8. The 3rd key is he has an Old Assyrian (Turk/Iraqi) bloodline. So, add it al up, a Turks (common border with Greece) family migrates into Greece somewhere down the line, he is born in Greece, and since Greece is in the E.U. he is eligible to become the E.U. President. There is no way anyone could know even 100 year ago tat Greece would be a part of a European Nation. Thus we have that grand advantage, time is on our side !! God GAVE GREAT MYSTERIES, now he needs them understood in these end times, and that is my calling.

Should we believe in the flood? Yes. Should we believe in the tower of Babel? Yes. What was God speaking to with the tower of Babel? The capability of man to stand against God united. Not that man would win. He was basically saying, imagine what man could do if they are united and of one mind. It is also the only biblical understanding of where languages come from that stands against evolution. God confused the mind and the languages. Why? Languages are a result of a mindset. There is a reason why western logic and eastern logic don't line up. The thought process is different. And that different thought process is borne out through the language. Besides, some archaeologists believe they found evidence for the existence of the tower. Strange how God keeps dropping hints. And, actually, computers through social networking has DIVIDED us more than ever, more by ideology than language.
Well we will have to agree to disagree a wee bit here, confusing the languages (Babel means confusion) led to men not being able to work together, and it led to wars etc. where men had deep seated fears of each other, the Japanese in WW2 were brainwashed into thin king the ret of the world wanted to kill them off.

Read Johnathan Chans "Return of the GODS" ad he shows why the East and West are different, the Gospel freed Western Civilizations, but in the Eastern Civilizations they were never freed for the most part from these Demonic Cultures. Like the man possessed who had 7 Demons return when his house became empty (of God) he says Jesus spoke this about a Generation, thus we are now seeing the Demonic Entities rush back in because we kicked God out of the schools, culture etc. Best book I ever read (Audible). In the old Greek/Roman gods they shook via Demonic possessions, they had men in Diana's court that were neither male nor female, like we see today. The Greeks were huge into Homosexuality etc. etc.

Computers has allowed Scientists etc. to share knowledge, to bring in knowledge to retain knowledge, we have actual Human/Pig hybird animals created to harvest organs, did you know that? We are as in the Days of Noah now.

Irenaeus says it speaks to Nebuchadnezzar's statue in Daniel. Each number deals with a different measure. It isn't 666, it is 600, 60, and 6.

It is 666, 600 60 and 6 is still 666, as I explained, its just telling us the Anti-Christ will be a MAN.

I don't think God gave us Relevation to assume so much. An interesting point is that preterists state that it is Nero Caesar who is the beast because his name is 666. Irenaeus puts a huge spike through that idea when he clearly states that the name is calculated using Greek, not any other language. With Nero Caesar they used Hebrew and Aramaic. Irenaeus was the student of John's disciple Polycarp and heard John speak, so he may know a lot of things we don't have a clue about. Also, he was a premillennialist. (Like Polycarp and Papias, who was Polycarp's other student.)
Well, that's not my bag either, I am called unto Prophecy, I went 30 years without this knowledge, the end is upon us and God is blessing us with much understandings. I don't follow men from long ago per se, who had no access to the End Times OUTPOURING, which I do have access unto, but I do take heed unto what they say, of course. But I agree with him, Nero was not the Beast. The Beast MUST be born in Greece (Dan. 8:9 mandates this) and Jesus returns for the 2nd Coming, but with us the Church, who marry him in Heaven after the Pre Trib Rapture.

Good Stuff....
That is true. Jesus returns to destroy the armies of the beast and his kingdom that have come to destroy Jerusalem, the symbol of God's ultimate covenant with mankind, the promise to destroy Satan through the seed of Eve. If Satan could destroy Jerusalem as the symbol of the Nation of Israel, God fails.


The Jews worship Jesus at the end of Zechariah 12. This is after Jerusalem is saved at the end. Don't get lost in the weeds. Watch and pray. Consider that technology is catching up to a literal fulfillment of Revelation. Should we ignore the possibility of literal fulfillment, so that the church (not God) be magnified? That the church saves God's creation, not God?
Read Zech. 13:8-9 the 1/3 REPENT THEN.......Zech. 14:1 is the DOTL coming, then vs. 2 is the Anti-Christ conquering Jerusalem/Israel. Then in vs. 3 we jump 1260 days, to Jesus showing up on the Mt. of Olives. In Malachi 4:5 we are told Elijah will be sent back BEFORE the DOTL. Israel repents at the 1335 Blessing, that is why they know to flee at the 1290 AoD. When everyone gets to heaven and see what I was telling them about the 1335, 1290 and 1260 are true, they are going to say Mama Mia !!!
Correct, they are 70.................................7s or as the Hebrew really means, 70 heptads or groups of 7. The last 7 (Heptad) is yet to come.

Daniel had no clue remember, he kept asking God/Jesus what this meant but he was told to go his way, these things will be locked up until the very end of times. The point is, we have the advantage, we live at the very end and God wants to show us, but can't in many cases because (as the holy spirit told me) "you guys already know everything Ron". That was an answer to why is the church so all over the place on answers to these things when there is only one true answer. So, I realized I had put off old understandings and simply ask God, what does this mean AND wait upon the Lord for an expectant answer.
We don't know everything, but we have the tools necessary to discern the truths we need. (That is how I would put it.) However, there will always be one huge barrier set before us... us. Not everyone in the church proper is a believer. Simply saying one is a believer doesn't mean anything. (James taught us that when he said, so you believe God is one, good for you. The demons do also, and tremble.)
So, God didn't tell Daniel the 1335 was the Two-witnesses, it that the 1290 was the False Prophet, or really even tell him who the 1260 was, even though he knew that was the "Little Horn" of Daniel 7 and 8. Looking back through time I can figure out that Dan. 8:9 mandates the end time Beast has to be born in Greece by the way he CONQUERS TOWARDS, to the South and East means he come for the Northwest. We now also see that Greece would be in the E.U. (10 = Completion, not 10 actual kings) and thus he also will fulfill Dan. 7:7-8. The 3rd key is he has an Old Assyrian (Turk/Iraqi) bloodline. So, add it al up, a Turks (common border with Greece) family migrates into Greece somewhere down the line, he is born in Greece, and since Greece is in the E.U. he is eligible to become the E.U. President. There is no way anyone could know even 100 year ago tat Greece would be a part of a European Nation. Thus we have that grand advantage, time is on our side !! God GAVE GREAT MYSTERIES, now he needs them understood in these end times, and that is my calling.
I don't dig into it that much, for fear that I will dig past what God was saying, and keep right on going, like some here. I don't claim the answer, I claim a possible answer, and here is something for consideration of that answer. I won't be upset if my final though was wrong, I will just breathe a sigh of relief, and pack it all in (metaphorically speaking). However, I won't let myself be caught off guard when scripture keeps telling us to watch and wait.
Well we will have to agree to disagree a wee bit here, confusing the languages (Babel means confusion) led to men not being able to work together, and it led to wars etc. where men had deep seated fears of each other, the Japanese in WW2 were brainwashed into thin king the ret of the world wanted to kill them off.
It is also the birth place of hatred between peoples. The whole reason for what God did at Babel was to preven the unification of all men in one mind. The idea is if that happened, there would be nothing we couldn't do. (Imagine 8 billion minds all focused on the same thing. Somehow that thing will happen.) Consider it to be like the reason for the flood. God could do nothing with a group of people of like mind. There is no way to change anyone's mind. Just look at activists and social media. Could you imagine if everyone picked up the belief that this particular group of people were a problem, and then they militarized? There would be no stopping it. Now imagine this on a global scale, with every single individual on Earth joining together in like mind, and they all choose to reject God. There is a lot more to the tower of Babel story than simply a scrambling of brains and language.
Read Johnathan Chans "Return of the GODS" ad he shows why the East and West are different, the Gospel freed Western Civilizations, but in the Eastern Civilizations they were never freed for the most part from these Demonic Cultures. Like the man possessed who had 7 Demons return when his house became empty (of God) he says Jesus spoke this about a Generation, thus we are now seeing the Demonic Entities rush back in because we kicked God out of the schools, culture etc. Best book I ever read (Audible). In the old Greek/Roman gods they shook via Demonic possessions, they had men in Diana's court that were neither male nor female, like we see today. The Greeks were huge into Homosexuality etc. etc.
Our logic grew out of that Greek thought process. Oriental logic did not.
Computers has allowed Scientists etc. to share knowledge, to bring in knowledge to retain knowledge, we have actual Human/Pig hybird animals created to harvest organs, did you know that? We are as in the Days of Noah now.
I didn't know that, but now I do know that it doesn't mean what one might think it means reading how you wrote it. It isn't an actual human/pig hybrid, but a pig that has been genetically modified. (Mentioned for anyone who might become confused.) This isn't the Greek god belief that humans and animals can get busy and now you have a centaur, or a fawn, or other human/animal cross breed.
It is 666, 600 60 and 6 is still 666, as I explained, its just telling us the Anti-Christ will be a MAN.
Ireneaus takes the 600 years as the time of apostasy in connection with Noah's flood, the 60 is the 60 cubits height for Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue he attempted to force Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego to bow down to, and the statue had a breadth of 6 cubits. Some really interesting thought process there. (The kind where I look for a door to walk away, since it is a bit much.)
Well, that's not my bag either, I am called unto Prophecy, I went 30 years without this knowledge, the end is upon us and God is blessing us with much understandings. I don't follow men from long ago per se, who had no access to the End Times OUTPOURING, which I do have access unto, but I do take heed unto what they say, of course. But I agree with him, Nero was not the Beast. The Beast MUST be born in Greece (Dan. 8:9 mandates this) and Jesus returns for the 2nd Coming, but with us the Church, who marry him in Heaven after the Pre Trib Rapture.
You'd be surprised how much they knew. Polycarp, Papias, and Irenaues were premillennialists, and Papias was more than happy to say that he believed in a 1000 year physical kingdom on earth over Israel. Eusebius kind of buried it in his Ecclesiastical Histories of the Church. (He ridiculed Papias for having this belief.)
Good Stuff....


Read Zech. 13:8-9 the 1/3 REPENT THEN.......Zech. 14:1 is the DOTL coming, then vs. 2 is the Anti-Christ conquering Jerusalem/Israel. Then in vs. 3 we jump 1260 days, to Jesus showing up on the Mt. of Olives. In Malachi 4:5 we are told Elijah will be sent back BEFORE the DOTL. Israel repents at the 1335 Blessing, that is why they know to flee at the 1290 AoD. When everyone gets to heaven and see what I was telling them about the 1335, 1290 and 1260 are true, they are going to say Mama Mia !!!
I really like Zechariah 12, the ending is outstanding.
I really like Zechariah 12, the ending is outstanding.
I love Zech. 12 also, but like Gen. 1 & 2 it pre tells what is going to happen (Israel repents) then we get the full details in Zech. 13 (my fav. chapter over via Prophecy). a going to veer a bit, I think you will get this as per how Zech. 14:3 and Matt. 24:29 tells the same story. Both confirm the timing and Pre Trib Rapture. But first, Zech. 13 has two prophesies in one, it confuses some people, they say this was about Jesus death because of verse 6 and 7. But its is rally about Israel repenting in THAT DAY, that they accept Jesus as their Messiah, then a Fountain is opened unto them (holy spirit) on THAT DAY. It goes on about how those who were deceivers (Jewish Rabbis) will then say I am no prophet, I am a husband, basically admitting they were wrong about Jesus in so many words. In verses 8-9 we see that 1/3 of the Jews repent, God tries the and brings them through the fire (tribulation) and they call God God and He calls them His people again. But in verses 6 and 7 were are shown Jesus in the house of his friends being killed and the sheep scattered, or something close to that affect. What is so powerful about that is, Zechariah foretold of End Time Events that would happen 2500 years or so later, and in the midst of that, he shows WHY that Fountain was opened, in verses 6 and 7, he intermingles and weaves Jesus' death 500 years before it happened, into an End Time Prophecy where the Jews repent, he basically shows HOW thy are forgiven.

The in the very next vs. (Zech. 14:1) we see the DOTL arrives.

In Matt. 24 those who do not understand Pre Trib make a fata mistake, they think IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Tribulation means after the 1260 days, but that is not what it means, it is referring to the Sun & Moon going dark in vs. 29, and Jesus comes back 1260 days later via the word THEN..........the same thing happens in Zech. 14:3

Matt. 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days[STARTS] shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then (1260 days later after the middle of the week Asteroid Impact in Rev. 8) shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven(2nd Coming): and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

We see the exact same thing below:

Zech. 14:1 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.

2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken(The A.C. Conquers Jerusalem), and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

3 Then(1260 days LATER) shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

Prophesy has long periods of time, that have to be meshed together like this, you can't just forget that long periods of time must have huge jumps in the timelines, even between verses like these right next to each other.
I love Zech. 12 also, but like Gen. 1 & 2 it pre tells what is going to happen (Israel repents) then we get the full details in Zech. 13 (my fav. chapter over via Prophecy). a going to veer a bit, I think you will get this as per how Zech. 14:3 and Matt. 24:29 tells the same story. Both confirm the timing and Pre Trib Rapture. But first, Zech. 13 has two prophesies in one, it confuses some people, they say this was about Jesus death because of verse 6 and 7. But its is rally about Israel repenting in THAT DAY, that they accept Jesus as their Messiah, then a Fountain is opened unto them (holy spirit) on THAT DAY. It goes on about how those who were deceivers (Jewish Rabbis) will then say I am no prophet, I am a husband, basically admitting they were wrong about Jesus in so many words. In verses 8-9 we see that 1/3 of the Jews repent, God tries the and brings them through the fire (tribulation) and they call God God and He calls them His people again. But in verses 6 and 7 were are shown Jesus in the house of his friends being killed and the sheep scattered, or something close to that affect. What is so powerful about that is, Zechariah foretold of End Time Events that would happen 2500 years or so later, and in the midst of that, he shows WHY that Fountain was opened, in verses 6 and 7, he intermingles and weaves Jesus' death 500 years before it happened, into an End Time Prophecy where the Jews repent, he basically shows HOW thy are forgiven.

The in the very next vs. (Zech. 14:1) we see the DOTL arrives.

In Matt. 24 those who do not understand Pre Trib make a fata mistake, they think IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Tribulation means after the 1260 days, but that is not what it means, it is referring to the Sun & Moon going dark in vs. 29, and Jesus comes back 1260 days later via the word THEN..........the same thing happens in Zech. 14:3

Matt. 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days[STARTS] shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then (1260 days later after the middle of the week Asteroid Impact in Rev. 8) shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven(2nd Coming): and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
It was more fun to think that asteroid was actually a nuclear bomb. (Back when everyone said that the translation of Chernobyl is Wormwood...) It would explain the "bitter waters" that are poisonous. Water itself does not become radioactive, however, water has all kinds of stuff in it that does...Crazy trivia fact. Water does not conduct electricity, and would actually make a good insulator. However, all the junk and stuff in water is great at conducting electricity...so proceed at your own risk...
We see the exact same thing below:

Zech. 14:1 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.

2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken(The A.C. Conquers Jerusalem), and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

3 Then(1260 days LATER) shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

Prophesy has long periods of time, that have to be meshed together like this, you can't just forget that long periods of time must have huge jumps in the timelines, even between verses like these right next to each other.
I haven't gone that deep into it, because I have to stop and consider the greatness of God in how things will unfold and end. It's too much sometimes. Just wait until God shows us the tapestry and blows our mind.
It was more fun to think that asteroid was actually a nuclear bomb. (Back when everyone said that the translation of Chernobyl is Wormwood...) It would explain the "bitter waters" that are poisonous. Water itself does not become radioactive, however, water has all kinds of stuff in it that does...Crazy trivia fact. Water does not conduct electricity, and would actually make a good insulator. However, all the junk and stuff in water is great at conducting electricity...so proceed at your own risk...
Yes, I remember that phase/theoretical musings, but we now are pretty sure that the first four trumps are one asteroid event. The fallout of sulfur killed of the Dinos 70 million years or so ago. So, as the asteroid comes in it is breaking apart(Trump #1). Causing fires in 1/3 of the world, I think the 1/3 is God giving us the destination of the impact. (more on that later). Then comes violent THE IMPACT (Trump #2). Then the FALLOUT (Wormwood) is Trump #3. Followed by the Sun & Moon's light being reduced by 1/3 because of al the smoke (Trump #4). This is when I got a bright idea.

I heard Apophis was going to hit (if it hit.....IT WILL) just off the California Coastline, in the Pacific Ocean. So I wondered how much landmass the New World (Americas) had, I looked it up, it is 1/3 of the total landmass on earth. Wow I thought, lets loo up the Pacific Oceans mass, Wow !! It has 1/3 of the total waters on the face of the earth, but alas I thought, the Oceans are all one we just named them......NO.......Each Ocean has a unique PHD level, and waters from one ocean can not cross into another ocean, I was flabbergasted (LOL). Here is why, God is goin to burn up the New World, of course He is, Jesus has to rule from the Old World (Jerusalem) for 1000 years. So, its just common sense that the 1/3 will be the Americas. (After the Pre Trib Rapture of course). I am strange, I think about thins like this, (SMILE). I guess it is just the way God created me. I was told in 1986, in a vision, that "The Man of Sin is Here" so it was my calling before I even knew who the Man of sin was !! So, massive amounts of sulfur fallout can poison the waters, or it could be an explosion of a foreign substance or metal we have never heard of, but we do know the fallout will poison the fresh waters according to Revelation chapter 8.

I haven't gone that deep into it, because I have to stop and consider the greatness of God in how things will unfold and end. It's too much sometimes. Just wait until God shows us the tapestry and blows our mind.
Yes, but my calling is too reveal all of these things. Why? Well, we need to know somewhat, but if we testify, leave a record of what is going to go down, and these things come to pass, then those not rapture can come to faith easier, the Jews can BELIVE of they see everything the Church proclaimed was coming, coming to pass. They will see 1 billion people die at the Pre Trib Rapture and they will all be Christian, our bodies do not go to heaven with us, that is a misconception. When they see Israel join the E.U. and rea where I stated this over and over as the Dan. 9:27 agreement (Covenant) and that this E.U. President will betray them, and that the False Prophet is a Jewish High Priest like unto Jason (real name Yeshua) under Antiochus, all this is how the Churches MERCY helps brings them unto Christ as Romans 11 says. God Bless
"Daniel ...was he aware of who this man clothed in linen was? Are you armylngst aware of who spoke those things that were considered "the fulfillment of these wonders?"

It is not clear, and it doesn't have to be clear. Also, if those things had been completed, this world would be over, and sin would have died a long time ago.

In reference to the man above the water clothed in linen speaking about the end of the age…I asked you, ”Are you armylngst aware of who spoke those things that were considered "the fulfillment of these wonders?” Your response to my question in part was “it is not clear”…I am ok that it is not clear to you, I understand that you are admitting an ignorance in this case, the scripture does that to all of us, however fresh manna is a requirement for spiritual health and maturity.

To then go on and claim that “it doesn’t have to clear” is a presumptuous statement after an admitted ignorance of that very thing.

The most basic of thought in regards to the man above the water is first the description Daniel gives in Ch. 10, then perhaps one could consider the significance of His position "above the water” then followed the oath He makes as sworn by God that then produces what may be some of the most detailed “first looks” at the events that signify the end of the age, from 2500 – 2700 years ago. It is clear who this "Man" is...and He is no "ordinary angel"...He is not even an angel though most conflate Him with one.

It is no wonder Daniel was weakened nearly to death in the presence of this “man above the water.” This is the same effect this “Man” has upon all humanity that encounters Him. He looked like and spoke as God speaks…and “it is not clear” to you “armylngst” nor is the entire issue of matter to you.

This man is a prominent character throughout the scripture, established in Genesis, fulfilled in Revelation, revealed continually in-between the two. I assure you that a “clear revelation of who this man is”…is essential and it will eventually become “clear.” At that point it only has to do with which end of the sword you find yourself.
Yes, I remember that phase/theoretical musings, but we now are pretty sure that the first four trumps are one asteroid event. The fallout of sulfur killed of the Dinos 70 million years or so ago. So, as the asteroid comes in it is breaking apart(Trump #1). Causing fires in 1/3 of the world, I think the 1/3 is God giving us the destination of the impact. (more on that later). Then comes violent THE IMPACT (Trump #2). Then the FALLOUT (Wormwood) is Trump #3. Followed by the Sun & Moon's light being reduced by 1/3 because of al the smoke (Trump #4). This is when I got a bright idea.
Except the Earth is younger than 10000 years. The creation story is not a myth. The reason the dinosaurs died is partly the flood, and partly/mostly the ice age that came up after the flood. Also the decrease in the amount of available food, and the kinds of plants/food available. (Not all survived the flood).
I heard Apophis was going to hit (if it hit.....IT WILL) just off the California Coastline, in the Pacific Ocean. So I wondered how much landmass the New World (Americas) had, I looked it up, it is 1/3 of the total landmass on earth. Wow I thought, lets loo up the Pacific Oceans mass, Wow !! It has 1/3 of the total waters on the face of the earth, but alas I thought, the Oceans are all one we just named them......NO.......Each Ocean has a unique PHD level, and waters from one ocean can not cross into another ocean, I was flabbergasted (LOL). Here is why, God is goin to burn up the New World, of course He is, Jesus has to rule from the Old World (Jerusalem) for 1000 years. So, its just common sense that the 1/3 will be the Americas. (After the Pre Trib Rapture of course). I am strange, I think about thins like this, (SMILE). I guess it is just the way God created me. I was told in 1986, in a vision, that "The Man of Sin is Here" so it was my calling before I even knew who the Man of sin was !! So, massive amounts of sulfur fallout can poison the waters, or it could be an explosion of a foreign substance or metal we have never heard of, but we do know the fallout will poison the fresh waters according to Revelation chapter 8.
This, to me, is a case of going beyond what prophecy gives us. It is something we won't know until it happens, but, for those watching, they will realize what it is from prophecy. So be careful, that you don't do what Israel did with the prophecies of the Messiah. My image is having the prophecies on the table, and after events happening, going through prophecies to see if it lines up with what happened.
Yes, but my calling is too reveal all of these things. Why? Well, we need to know somewhat, but if we testify, leave a record of what is going to go down, and these things come to pass, then those not rapture can come to faith easier, the Jews can BELIVE of they see everything the Church proclaimed was coming, coming to pass. They will see 1 billion people die at the Pre Trib Rapture and they will all be Christian, our bodies do not go to heaven with us, that is a misconception. When they see Israel join the E.U. and rea where I stated this over and over as the Dan. 9:27 agreement (Covenant) and that this E.U. President will betray them, and that the False Prophet is a Jewish High Priest like unto Jason (real name Yeshua) under Antiochus, all this is how the Churches MERCY helps brings them unto Christ as Romans 11 says. God Bless
People are not called to reveal those things, but to sound the warning of the possible coming of events. (Like someone in a watchtower.) This call is to recognize the signs of the season, not to tell people what they are looking for. You are watching the times, and will supposedly recognize those events that line up with the start of the season. For instance, when Israel became a nation again in 1948. However, that only showed that the times were approaching, not that they were here.
"Daniel ...was he aware of who this man clothed in linen was? Are you armylngst aware of who spoke those things that were considered "the fulfillment of these wonders?"
Daniel may have been, but did not consider it important enough to tell us in direct terms. What Daniel found more important was the conversation taking place, and what was said afterwards. Who the person was doesn't change the content of what took place.
In reference to the man above the water clothed in linen speaking about the end of the age…I asked you, ”Are you armylngst aware of who spoke those things that were considered "the fulfillment of these wonders?” Your response to my question in part was “it is not clear”…I am ok that it is not clear to you, I understand that you are admitting an ignorance in this case, the scripture does that to all of us, however fresh manna is a requirement for spiritual health and maturity.
It is not clear who it is. I apologize for being unaware that I was speaking to the utmost authority on the subject.
To then go on and claim that “it doesn’t have to clear” is a presumptuous statement after an admitted ignorance of that very thing.
I don't think that the identity of the person has to be clear, as the content we are interested in is not who the person is, but what is being talked about, and the events unfolding.
The most basic of thought in regards to the man above the water is first the description Daniel gives in Ch. 10, then perhaps one could consider the significance of His position "above the water” then followed the oath He makes as sworn by God that then produces what may be some of the most detailed “first looks” at the events that signify the end of the age, from 2500 – 2700 years ago. It is clear who this "Man" is...and He is no "ordinary angel"...He is not even an angel though most conflate Him with one.
If many people believe it is an ordinary angel, is it proper to step on everyone's head and call them ignorant?
It is no wonder Daniel was weakened nearly to death in the presence of this “man above the water.” This is the same effect this “Man” has upon all humanity that encounters Him. He looked like and spoke as God speaks…and “it is not clear” to you “armylngst” nor is the entire issue of matter to you.
The effect that this Man, if you are claiming is God, has upon all humanity that encounters Him is that they simply burn up and die. Moses is the only one who has seen God, and he only saw His back, for God said that none can look upon Him and live. Jesus has also told us that none have seen the Father. So yes, it is not clear.
This man is a prominent character throughout the scripture, established in Genesis, fulfilled in Revelation, revealed continually in-between the two. I assure you that a “clear revelation of who this man is”…is essential and it will eventually become “clear.” At that point it only has to do with which end of the sword you find yourself.
And if it is clear, why have you not yet told us who it is?
Except the Earth is younger than 10000 years. The creation story is not a myth. The reason the dinosaurs died is partly the flood, and partly/mostly the ice age that came up after the flood. Also the decrease in the amount of available food, and the kinds of plants/food available. (Not all survived the flood).
Don't fall for that Army, it will push people away from the Gospel for no reason. Look at the thread on here about Creation, I show how the word YOWM is used for 50 different things in the bible, not just day. Via the universe as mapped out with Radar, we can see the first 400 million years was total darkness, just like Gen. 1:2 says, Darkness was on the face of the deep. I explain creation in Gen. via how God sees it, YOWM always means a Period of time, the author has to insert the DESCRIPTION, so I can show where YOWM is used for day, month, year, season, evermore, X Whole etc. etc. etc.

Mankind was created on the 6th Day (Period of time) which started about 300-350 million years ago, 70 million years ago the Dinos were killed off by an asteroid. Then 6000 years or so ago God created Mankind by placing His Spirit in us, making us immortal Human Beings with a vast intellect. Any man like animal before that was not a human being. I always shut the atheists down on that one, because they can not measure when God placed His Spirit in us, old bones mean nothing in that instance. The laws of nature or constants (speed of Light etc.) do not change, thus we know exactly how old the universe is. God created the Space Time Continuum for us, He is not restrained by time, therefore there is NO REASON for God to change the Laws of Nature He created for us in order to HURRY UP Creation, He lives in the past, present and future already, so as soon as He put forth the command God was already living in this universes completion. So, from the first YOWM (time period) to the 2nd YOWM that time period lasted 9.2 billion years because our Sun & Moon were created 4.5 billion years ago. God did not lie, but He also DID NOT call it a day, its a YOWM (time period). I agree Creation is not a myth, but God never stated He created the universe in 6 days, He said 6 YOWMS.

This, to me, is a case of going beyond what prophecy gives us. It is something we won't know until it happens, but, for those watching, they will realize what it is from prophecy. So be careful, that you don't do what Israel did with the prophecies of the Messiah. My image is having the prophecies on the table, and after events happening, going through prophecies to see if it lines up with what happened.
We can read it all in Revelation, its a Play by Play announcement unto us. Israel did nothing with the Prophesies, that was their problem, you feel me? They had a blind spot because their desire was a Conquering King that is all they could see they could not see the Suffering Messiah. So, its just the opposite, we need to dig down, not rest on our laurels and say, well it will all work out in the end.

Everything I am telling you will come to pass because I do not just put forth things I do not understand in the spiritual realm. I can explain the exact order of the book of Revelation, it is not in chronological order. Rev. 1 is Jesus as seen in all his Glory (Eternal Glory). Rev. 2 & 3 is the Church Age (7 = Divine Completion ), thus the THINGS WHICH ARE. Then in Rev. 4 and 5 we see the Raptured Church in heaven before the Seals are ever opened, Rev. 4:1 is the Rapture, Rev. 4:4 is The Church, look at the three things mentioned, all are seen in Rev. 2 and 3 as promises to those who OVERCOME in Rev. 2:10, Rev. 3:5 and Rev. 3:21, they sit at the THRONE of God, they have on Crowns of gold, and they have on White Raiment (Robes). In Rev. 5:9 they say the are Redeemed by God.

Rev. 6 is the Seals being opened, the seals DO NOTHING, Jesus is simply opening them in the presence of the Church and foretelling them (Prophesying) what is soon to come via the 7 Trumps. Seals 1-5 is the Anti-Christ and in each case actions we see the causations of his reign over a 42 month period of time, he 1.) Conquers 2.) Brings War for "42 months" 3.) Which bring Famines of course 4.) His rule will bring us Sickness/Death and the Grave or Hades. 5.) He Martyrs the Gentile Converts, God protects the Jewish converts. Seal number 6 is God's coming Wrath, it gets fulfilled via Trumps 1-7 but we see this in Trump #4, the Sun and Moon will turn dark, by the way, Joel 2:31 prophesies the exact same thing. Only when the 7th Seal is taken off can the Judgments fall, that is why they are in Rev. 8.

Rev. 7 is the Jews who repented fleeing Judea at the 1290, the 1260 brings God's Wrath AND the Anti-Christ is allowed to go forth conquering. Notice God says HOLD UP the four winds (Judgment) and HURT NOT the Earth, Sea nor Trees until the 144,000 (code for ALL Israel) have) been Sealed (Saved and Protected). So these Jews need protection, they are not Super Preachers, that is a bad teaching. Then we get a glance up to heaven at the Pre Trib Raptured church one last time in Rev. 7:9-17.

God's Wrath Falls via the 7 Trumps starting in Rev. 8

The number 7 is Divine Completion, the 7 Trumps will complete Gods Wrath in full. The first four are the asteroid Apophis as seen in different phases. Rev. 8:13 then tells us the last three trumps yet to sound are the Three Woes to come. Rev. 9 shows us two Woes, one is the Demon hordes of the pit being released, led by Apollyon. The 2nd Woe is 200 million Angels killing 1/3 of those who have taken the Mark of the Beast. It is not Demons, Satan can not cast out Satan. Then we SKIP to Rev. 16 (really 15&16 is one chapter) where we see the 3rd Woe, which is the 7 Vials which comes out of the 7th Trump. Read Rev. 11, it says the 2nd Woe is past the 3rd Woe will come quickly, and then the 7th Trump blows bringing victory. That ends everything, in Rev. 16:19 Jesus defeats the nations.

The Parenthetical Citation chapters

Rev. chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19 all happen (mostly, save 11, 14 and 19, more detail later) during the 42 months of God's Wrath as seen in Rev. 8, 9 and 16. (Looking at Rev. 8 the angels ready the Trumps to blow and deliver the Judgments, so, in Rev. 15 the angels ready the Vials to be poured out, so its one chapter, imho)

Rev. 10 is simply John being shown that the 7 Thunders (think Trumps) will end times as we know it [on earth]

Rev. 11 is the Two-witnesses Ministry which lass for 1260 days, since they die at the 2nd Woe, just before the 3rd Woe arrives via the 7th Trump, we understand they have to show up before the Beasts 1260 day rule starts, and they do, at the 1335 Blessing, which is 45 days before the 1290 and 75 days before the 1260. That is why they die before the Beast dies, and why both are given 1260 day ordained offices on earth by God, so we can juxtapose their timelines against each other. They pray down all of the plagues, just like Moses did in Egypt. So, this chapter mostly parallels with God's Wrath, but as Rev. 7 shows, Gid wans to SEAL or SAVE Israel before His Wrath falls, of course.

Rev. 12 starts with he Rev. 8 Asteroid Impact, Satan is cast down to earth and chases the Woman (Israel or the 144,000 Jews) for 1260 days, exactly how long God's Wrath lasts.

Rev. 13 is the Anti-Christ/Beast whose rule we know lasts for 42 months !! This thus starts via the Rev. 8 Impact also.

Rev. 14 is the Harvest Chapter, because of the FLASHBACK to the Pre Trib Rapture in vs.14 this chapter covers the full Seven (7) years of the 7th week. The Wheat and Wicked Grapes (Tares) are seen here also.

Rev. 17 is the Harlot (All False Religion of all time) and this starts via the Rev. 8 judgments, because the A.C. will forbid all worship of any god, save Beast Worship, in so doing he kills of the other Harlot Religions like Islam etc.

Rev. 18 is God judging Babylon (the whole world under Satan's Dark Rule of confusion) we see in vs. 2 Babylon has become the Habitation of devils, well yes, Apollyon and his hordes of demons are released, and Satan and his demons are cast down unto earth. Then in vs. 4 we see Gd saying COME OUT OF HER my People, well, that is God calling Israel to flee Judea.

Rev. 19 also covers the full 7 years, we go to heaven to marry the Lamb, then we return with Jesus 7 years later
People are not called to reveal those things, but to sound the warning of the possible coming of events. (Like someone in a watchtower.) This call is to recognize the signs of the season, not to tell people what they are looking for. You are watching the times, and will supposedly recognize those events that line up with the start of the season. For instance, when Israel became a nation again in 1948. However, that only showed that the times were approaching, not that they were here.

The 12 Gifts of the Spirit tells us a different story:

1 Cor. 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

The "Fig Tree Prophecy is not about the 1948 rebirth per se. It is a part of Prophecy (Ez. 36-37) but its not a 70 year countdown. The Parable of the fig tree was juxtaposing the SIGNS with Jesus; 2nd coming (which will see the Church return with him, after the Pre Trib Rapture takes us to the Fathers mansions to be married to the Lamb) and the LAS SIGN is the Sun & Moon going dark, thus THAT GENERATION, of Jews, will see Jesus' 2nd coming. So, in other words those Jews who see the 70th week wrath will also see the 2nd Coming (most will, a few will die I guess).,

The Prophesies in Ezekiel 37 specifically states Israel will be reborn in the very end times.
The 12 Gifts of the Spirit tells us a different story:

1 Cor. 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

The "Fig Tree Prophecy is not about the 1948 rebirth per se. It is a part of Prophecy (Ez. 36-37) but its not a 70 year countdown. The Parable of the fig tree was juxtaposing the SIGNS with Jesus; 2nd coming (which will see the Church return with him, after the Pre Trib Rapture takes us to the Fathers mansions to be married to the Lamb) and the LAS SIGN is the Sun & Moon going dark, thus THAT GENERATION, of Jews, will see Jesus' 2nd coming. So, in other words those Jews who see the 70th week wrath will also see the 2nd Coming (most will, a few will die I guess).,

The Prophesies in Ezekiel 37 specifically states Israel will be reborn in the very end times.
The 12 gifts of the spirit have nothing to do with eschatology.
And if it is clear, why have you not yet told us who it is?

Having this conversation with you reminds me of when my 15 year old daughter wanted to go on her first date. After several minutes of berating my parenting skills when it comes to her going on dates...she asks if she can go on a date.

Unlike my subsequent conversation with my daughter on her approach to me...I have nothing to say to you.
Don't fall for that Army, it will push people away from the Gospel for no reason. Look at the thread on here about Creation, I show how the word YOWM is used for 50 different things in the bible, not just day. Via the universe as mapped out with Radar, we can see the first 400 million years was total darkness, just like Gen. 1:2 says, Darkness was on the face of the deep. I explain creation in Gen. via how God sees it, YOWM always means a Period of time, the author has to insert the DESCRIPTION, so I can show where YOWM is used for day, month, year, season, evermore, X Whole etc. etc. etc.
Actually, your theory has pushed away a lot more people than mine. Why? If the world works the way you say it does, then there is nothing special. No reason to care about God, since we weren't created, but found and the spirit put into us. That completely takes away the possibility of our offending God, because God isn't our God, nature is. God kidnapped Adam and Eve, and forced Himself upon them, and then, instead of allowing them to live happy lives as animals, He made them slaves of sin and told them that they will have to work every day of their lives for next to nothing in return. This is before we get to the understanding that when a language does not have many words, then words are used to define words. So here, there is a morning and an evening, the first day. YOM has just been defined as a 24 hour period.

God's creation was good. Death is not good. There was no death and dying before Adam sinned, for God through Paul said that sin entered the world through one man, and by sin, DEATH. So death was unheard of before sin. That is how young the creation was. It wasn't a problem that nothing died. Animals live for years... by the time of Adam and Eve, it had only been six days. In fact, Adam and Eve had been told to be fruitful and multiply, but these frisky teenagers didn't fall apart by not, um, taking care of business over the one or two days they were in the garden. Those frisky kids didn't even have time to be fruitful and multiply.
Mankind was created on the 6th Day (Period of time) which started about 300-350 million years ago, 70 million years ago the Dinos were killed off by an asteroid. Then 6000 years or so ago God created Mankind by placing His Spirit in us, making us immortal Human Beings with a vast intellect. Any man like animal before that was not a human being. I always shut the atheists down on that one, because they can not measure when God placed His Spirit in us, old bones mean nothing in that instance. The laws of nature or constants (speed of Light etc.) do not change, thus we know exactly how old the universe is. God created the Space Time Continuum for us, He is not restrained by time, therefore there is NO REASON for God to change the Laws of Nature He created for us in order to HURRY UP Creation, He lives in the past, present and future already, so as soon as He put forth the command God was already living in this universes completion. So, from the first YOWM (time period) to the 2nd YOWM that time period lasted 9.2 billion years because our Sun & Moon were created 4.5 billion years ago. God did not lie, but He also DID NOT call it a day, its a YOWM (time period). I agree Creation is not a myth, but God never stated He created the universe in 6 days, He said 6 YOWMS.
Yes, mankind was created on the 6th day. Not enough time for animals not dying to have any affect on creation. Not enough time for animals to have populated the whole earth yet. That would take at least 10 days for the rabbits, right? Consider this, a double blind test was done for radioactive dating, where a sample of known age was sent to the lab for testing. The date given was off by MILLIONS of years. What was the response given by the lab? The reason why science gets away with so much of these lies, is because there is no one alive today who existed at those times, who could call them on the phone and yell at the tope of their lungs, YOU ARE WRONG. They take silence as to mean they are right, but silence is all they are going to get. They assume much, and when no one tells them they are wrong, it becomes record. If someone says they are wrong, they say, how do you know, you weren't there.

There are A LOT of issues with your belief. Too many to handle in even a long period of time. But, in answer to the question about the flood as to where two atmospheres of water came from? They have finally (not sure why they hid it for decades) come out to say that in the rock below the surface of the earth, there is three times as much water as there is on the surface of earth, stored in compressed form in rock formations. The Bible is trustworthy. Why do you bow to man's science? There are scientists out there who are showing how the Earth can be young, and how impossible it is for the Earth to be old. There are so many things that man has no clue about, yet you assume it.

The people I know (except for maybe one) who followed this while I was growing up, have long since left the faith. Those I know who held to what I believe, are still here.
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Having this conversation with you reminds me of when my 15 year old daughter wanted to go on her first date. After several minutes of berating my parenting skills when it comes to her going on dates...she asks if she can go on a date.

Unlike my subsequent conversation with my daughter on her approach to me...I have nothing to say to you.
I know what you mean. I feel like I am listening to a Private, who thinks they know what they are talking about. And then all the Sergeants get together and laugh about it. I had a good laugh, thanks for reminding me. However, I'm retired now, so I don't get to see that too often anymore.
The 12 gifts of the spirit have nothing to do with eschatology.
Of course it does, you have the gift of discernment, because after all what are we trying to discern? God's Bible which is a very large percentage of Prophecy. Almost 1/3 of the bible is prophecy. Then again, Prophecy is also gift, the word of Knowledge, so all of these have to do with revelation from God, He doesn't just put us on earth and say go be happy and isolate yourselves, he says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" in Hosea.

Why can't Christians see what God is trying to tell us? In many cases they are fine tuned or tuned into the things of this world, football, basketball, or whatever, and thus they are not earing what God is saying, he will not pursue is if we ignore Him. Its like a guy who really likes a girl, she only likes him as a friend and tells him so, he should take the hint, but if you are one of those types who say, I just can't stop, I am goin to make you love me, well God is not going to make us love him, He sends flowers, He pursues us, He wants a relationship, but if we ignore Him God will not try to make us love Him, He will allow the unsaved man to live in eternity with Satan whom He loves, and the "saved man" who has no time for God is in danger of being told by Jess I never knew you, or gaining a shack in heaven as a just reward.

I truly do not get the "Oh it will al work out crowd". Do you know why Jesus spit out the lukewarm water? Because cold water or hot water was useful, for drinking, bathing in different fashions, but warm water was just no good for any purpose tbh. End Times is going to be End Times no matter what we do, granted, but God gives us biblical direction for a purpose, that is to preach what is going, to ready the masses ,to help build their FAITH for eventual CONVERSION unto becoming Christ like by accepting Jesus as their/our savior. Wow, here is a God that can tell all things unto us before they happen. So, yes, discernment is a gift, prophecy is a gift, the word of knowledge is a gift and all three have to do with Eschatology, as does the gift of Wisdom. Why can I see thins others can't? 1.) it is my calling 2.) While other 22 year old's were partying in the weekend I was in prayer and fasting mode. 3.) I ask for Wisdom and Discernment and pray for revelation by not accepting Men's Traditions like the 144,000 are super preachers when there is no proof of this, or by not getting off a subject until I get an ANSWER from God. So, answer this, WHY IS............The Beast in Dan. 7:11 killed, his body destroyed and he is then cast into hell, BUT.....In Rev. 19:20 the Beast and False Prophet are cast ALIVE into hell? Remember, God NEVER LIES nor contradicts Himself, there is an answer, and it becomes obvious, but we have to "STUDY TO SHOW OURSELVES APPROVED".

Have to run to the bank, will answer the other reply in a bit.
Actually, your theory has pushed away a lot more people than mine.
Mine is not a "THEORY" it is a fact, we can calculate all of the Constants (Laws of Nature like the Speed of Light, Gravitational pull etc.). You insisting that YOWM has to mean day is just not true, I have studied and proven this. So, all of your understanding is based off a BAD TRANSLATION, and it makes no sense to boot. It took the earth millions of year to cool down enough to be able to form a crust. God did not need to CHANGE the Laws of Nature to HURRY UP the Creation, this is what is so astounding to me, people can not understand God lived in His finished creation as soon as He said Come Forth to the creation of the universe, and He made us a universe with space time, When you can explain why God needed to change Hos Laws of Nature I might listen, until then it will not happen. Anything about God has to make sense, you can't just say, "Well God COULD HAVE done it that way"...WELL WHY? God lives in all time, He is eternal thus He never gets im

And you not telling what is facts to people will indeed push them away. I still have people telling me the earth is flat.
Why? If the world works the way you say it does, then there is nothing special. No reason to care about God, since we weren't created, but found and the spirit put into us.

Wrong, no one says we Evolved, you take that leap yourself, I stated God created the Universe over a 13.7 billion year period, His last creation came during YOWM (time period) #6 and that was Creating man in His own image, meaning were are eternal souls with vast intellects. So, when new galaxies and stars form today (the universe is expanding) did God CREATE THAT since we know He says He is now RESTING on the "7th day/Time period"? Of course He did, He put forth His COMMAND to COME FORTH 13.7 billion years ago by our time, but God is not restrained by time, else He would have had to of been created Himself, instead He created the Space Time Continuum for us. So, when Galaxies come forth God created that, long ago, when we have children, God crested that long ago, we are his creation, every last person. We took on the Satan DNA however, Sin Stain, we must therefore purge ourselves by the blood of Jesus to regain our God like DNA therefore we become Christ like.

So, you trying to say I believe in Evolution is just you not understanding God's creation yourself.

That completely takes away the possibility of our offending God, because God isn't our God, nature is. God kidnapped Adam and Eve, and forced Himself upon them, and then, instead of allowing them to live happy lives as animals, He made them slaves of sin and told them that they will have to work every day of their lives for next to nothing in return. This is before we get to the understanding that when a language does not have many words, then words are used to define words. So here, there is a morning and an evening, the first day. YOM has just been defined as a 24 hour period.
Of course all of this is BOGUS conjecture because you assume something I never say. Listen again, God created the Universe and all things in it over a 13.7 Billion Year Time Span, got it now? You can disagree but please do not misquote me. Adam & Eve were tricked out of their Dominion God gave them, that is why Satan is now the god of this world. As per YOWM meaning day, no, you defined it as a day by believing the English translation over the Hebrew word YOWM, and I will prove in a separate post it doesn't mean Day, it means a TIME PERIOD. And then people reading have figure out the time period by looking at all the clues in the verse(s). So, God created just as He describes, you insist YOWM means day, that is on you, not God. We all know that these things had to happen over billions of year, we know the constants thus we can add it all up via simple math.

God's creation was good. Death is not good. There was no death and dying before Adam sinned, for God through Paul said that sin entered the world through one man, and by sin, DEATH. So death was unheard of before sin. That is how young the creation was. It wasn't a problem that nothing died. Animals live for years... by the time of Adam and Eve, it had only been six days. In fact, Adam and Eve had been told to be fruitful and multiply, but these frisky teenagers didn't fall apart by not, um, taking care of business over the one or two days they were in the garden. Those frisky kids didn't even have time to be fruitful and multiply.
Again, this is your conjecture, there was no dying of human beings God created in His own image, the Dinos died off 70 Million years ago. Animals can't "sin". They have no understanding of right and wrong per se. So, that is just you mixing up the truth, when you get to heaven and find out you were in error, you are going to understand how you took the simple and made it complex. We don't know what Adam and Eve did, their first 20 babies might have been girls, and girls were very rarely counted as per the lineage of descendants.

es, mankind was created on the 6th day. Not enough time for animals not dying to have any affect on creation. Not enough time for animals to have populated the whole earth yet.
The 6th "YOWM" (Time period) lasts for 300-350 million years, it ended with God creating mankind in his image by placing His Spirit into mankind.

That would take at least 10 days for the rabbits, right? Consider this, a double blind test was done for radioactive dating, where a sample of known age was sent to the lab for testing. The date given was off by MILLIONS of years. What was the response given by the lab? The reason why science gets away with so much of these lies, is because there is no one alive today who existed at those times, who could call them on the phone and yell at the tope of their lungs, YOU ARE WRONG. They take silence as to mean they are right, but silence is all they are going to get. They assume much, and when no one tells them they are wrong, it becomes record. If someone says they are wrong, they say, how do you know, you weren't there.
You are merely tricking yourself into believing a falsehood my friend. Scientists are bought and paid for in many situations like Climate Change which is of course bogus fakery, but the SCIENCE is not nor can be tricked out via the Constants, the Speed of Light is the Speed of Light etc. etc. I do not base anything on Carbon Dating, but instead by the Constants (Laws if Nature) which are immutable. All Evolutionists are wrong, but so are Young Earthers sadly. Two wrongs don't make a right.



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There are A LOT of issues with your belief. Too many to handle in even a long period of time. But, in answer to the question about the flood as to where two atmospheres of water came from? They have finally (not sure why they hid it for decades) come out to say that in the rock below the surface of the earth, there is three times as much water as there is on the surface of earth, stored in compressed form in rock formations.
If you are speaking about the Waters ABOVE and BELOW, I know what that means. God created the Heavens and the earth, the first stars came 400 million years after the commandment, there was COMPLETE DARKNESS for 400 million years (VERY IMPORTANT, see below) our sun was formed around 4.5 billion years ago. If one travels just outside our atmosphere, it becomes MUCH DARKER, do you know why? Because sunlight travels in a direct beam, it has to be refracted/reflected in order to illuminate things broadly. Now understanding that let me explain the first 3-4 verses.

Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. {{ God gave the command for the Heavens and the Universe to come forth, His commands have a set Law of Nature or an ORDER of Creation unto them, God, of course, has a plan for everything !! Amen }}

2 And the earth was without form, and void; {{The Earth is not in existence yet, it can not be, theRe are NO STARS/SUNS YET}} and darkness was upon the face of the deep(LOOK at the WMAP map below, it PROVES God is correct, as usual). And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. {{ REMEMBER THIS, God moves on the Face of the Waters FIRST, then says Let there be light}}

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

So, God commands Creation to come forth, a burst of energy (Big Bang) happens. But the Earth is not in existence for another 9.2 billion years, heck there are not even any stars around for the next 400 million years, so God describes that by says this.......There was DARKNESS on the Face of the Deep.......the before Light comes God moves on the face of the waters, that is because Light has to be reflected in order to illuminate, this God gave us a unique bio-dome (Atmosphere) that holds in moisture, thus this moisture/water, reflects and thus illuminates our earth, allowing for the growth of plants and giving us the much needed vitamin D.

Now we can explain the "TWO WATERS" concisely, via hard study and prayer.

Genesis 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament(Heavens/Sky) in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters(Ground water vs. Moisture/Rain waters). 7 And God made the firmament(Sky/Atmosphere), and divided the waters which were under the firmament(Waters in the Oceans/Rivers) from the waters which were above the firmament(Rain/Moisture): and it was so.

This is why God said let there be LIGHT after the moved on the face of the Waters, Gid placed us in a world where our atmosphere traps in moisture, thereby that moisture illuminates our earth !!

As we can clearly see, a mapped out (by radar) universe shows us everything.

The DARK AGES lasts for 400 million years, God says there was DARKNESS on the face of the DEEP !! So, this affirms God word, yet you push it away all because you can't seemingly grasp the concept that a YOWM is a time period, which I can prove via scriptures.

wmap_0 (7).jpg

So we had the big bang, followed by inflation, followed by cosmic microwave background where after 375,000 years loose electrons cool enough to combine with protons. The universe becomes transparent to light. The microwave background begins to shine. Then the dark ages/clouds of dark hydrogen gas cool and coalesce.

The first stars appear….gas clouds collapse, the fusion of Stars begin, the first of which appears at about 400 million years after the big bang. So, when the bible says Darkness was on the face of the deep, God knew exactly what was happening in the very beginning !! The more we look for the answers, the more that science and the bible will converge, if both sides with differing viewpoints would only take their blinders off.

The people I know (except for maybe one) who followed this while I was growing up, have long since left the faith. Those I know who held to what I believe, are still here.

They are deceived by Satan, BUT.........also pushed away maybe by Young Earthers who by not coming up with a plausible answer makes them throw up their hands in frustration.

The Universe is not a young earth, that is just astounding people still put that forth tbh...
Mine is not a "THEORY" it is a fact, we can calculate all of the Constants (Laws of Nature like the Speed of Light, Gravitational pull etc.)
It is a theory, and it is not a fact. Part of the problem you have I can see hear in that you speak of constants. Did you know the speed of light is slowing down? Gravitational pull has so many variables, besides not knowing what gravity is. Does it push, does it pull. Who knows? All we have is the effect. If it pulls, then we can only go as fast as it pulls. If it pushes... the same. Only how fast as it can push. And I guess you are one of those who actually believes the Earth is round. I mean, what a silly belief it is to think its flat.
. You insisting that YOWM has to mean day is just not true, I have studied and proven this.
But you don't even know the rudiments of how language works. When you don't have a lot of words in a language, then you define words using other words. For instance, how is a Greek to understand our word love, when they have eight different words for it? How do we express their eight different words for love in english? We define the word love by adding other words. Brotherly love, universal love, etc. [I'm sorry, I spent a few years getting over a decades worth of college level language training, and find your explanation laughable at best. The way the actual schooling level is defined is, the training was every day 365 days a year, with only weekends, and the occasional federal holiday. My strength was vocabulary, and knowing what words meant, and what was being conveyed.
So, all of your understanding is based off a BAD TRANSLATION, and it makes no sense to boot. It took the earth millions of year to cool down enough to be able to form a crust.
Wow, apparently God didn't create at all in the first place. Understood.
God did not need to CHANGE the Laws of Nature to HURRY UP the Creation, this is what is so astounding to me, people can not understand God lived in His finished creation as soon as He said Come Forth to the creation of the universe, and He made us a universe with space time,
There are some things you do not seem to understand. God does not exist in time. He is like someone building a model in an open space, and in this case, the model is all of Creation. All of it. All the universes, and the galaxies... everything. The moment you say God exists in time, you kill God. God exists in eternity. God is eternal. There is something special about this. God has no beginning and no end. How does this differ from our term "immortal" used in stories forever? An immortal can die. Why? Because an immortal was born, or came into existence. If they have a beginning, then they can/do have an end. God has no beginning, therefore He can't have an end. There is no point where God did not exist. As such, if God ceased to exist for even a moment, then God never existed.
When you can explain why God needed to change Hos Laws of Nature I might listen, until then it will not happen. Anything about God has to make sense, you can't just say, "Well God COULD HAVE done it that way"...WELL WHY? God lives in all time, He is eternal thus He never gets im
I like how you at least understand that they are HIS laws of nature. However, you fall into the worst kind of scientific belief, which is uniformitarianism. It is the worst belief. It is what hurts children today more than anything. Just like my generation, we did not understand that what our parents had when we were growing up, took them decades to accumulate. To us, we believe they always had it, and therefore, we must have what they have for ourselves in life, and we need to have it NOW, or we have failed. So children force their parents to give them everything now. They don't understand what parents went through, before getting to where they are now. They don't believe things were different, or somehow worse than it is now.

Science has been starting to understand exactly how un-uniform things actually are, but they are unwilling to upgrade their belief system. For a little while, each week scientists were stating that they had to completely redo parts of science because the new telescope (Webb I believe) has shown them that their models are completely wrong. They now have something that provides them information that can stand there and say, "YOU ARE WRONG", and they can't sweep it under the rug anymore. They expected it to support them, but... not so much. It would be one thing if they had a thousand theories, and one was shown to be wrong, but when they have a thousand theories and half are wrong, that should tell you something. It should tell you that science is not settled, and science never was settled.
And you not telling what is facts to people will indeed push them away. I still have people telling me the earth is flat.
You probably wonder why they believe that? Because it is... according to the masterful manipulators found on youtube and social media, and algorithms that push these videos and misinformation to people constantly. (Watch "Our Social Dilemma" if you want to see how bad it is.) Scientists are also master manipulators. And the reason those who left, left, is because they could find no meaning in Christianity if creation isn't true. That means the Bible cannot be seen as true. Once that happens, there is no Christianity anymore.
Wrong, no one says we Evolved, you take that leap yourself, I stated God created the Universe over a 13.7 billion year period, His last creation came during YOWM (time period) #6 and that was Creating man in His own image, meaning were are eternal souls with vast intellects. So, when new galaxies and stars form today (the universe is expanding) did God CREATE THAT since we know He says He is now RESTING on the "7th day/Time period"? Of course He did, He put forth His COMMAND to COME FORTH 13.7 billion years ago by our time, but God is not restrained by time, else He would have had to of been created Himself, instead He created the Space Time Continuum for us. So, when Galaxies come forth God created that, long ago, when we have children, God crested that long ago, we are his creation, every last person. We took on the Satan DNA however, Sin Stain, we must therefore purge ourselves by the blood of Jesus to regain our God like DNA therefore we become Christ like.
There is no proof that galaxies are forming. You see, one of the things that they learned from the Webb telescope is that they actually don't have any idea how galaxies form. They have a great story, and then when they look at what the Webb telescope has to show... it doesn't match up at all. They have looked out further then ever before, and all they have found are fully formed galaxies that shouldn't be fully formed, given their models. And the have found that in places where galaxies should have formed, or should be forming... it isn't happening. And they don't know why.
So, you trying to say I believe in Evolution is just you not understanding God's creation yourself.
Then you don't understand creation. There were kinds formed (not species), and God gave each kind all the genetic material that genetic variation gives us all we have today. There is no natural selection. It is all genetic variation. You said the first humans were created millions of years ago, before God took humans on the sixth day and gave them a spirit. That is the same story I have heard from others, and they ARE pushing evolution. So why should I believe you are not?
Of course all of this is BOGUS conjecture because you assume something I never say. Listen again, God created the Universe and all things in it over a 13.7 Billion Year Time Span, got it now? You can disagree but please do not misquote me. Adam & Eve were tricked out of their Dominion God gave them, that is why Satan is now the god of this world. As per YOWM meaning day, no, you defined it as a day by believing the English translation over the Hebrew word YOWM, and I will prove in a separate post it doesn't mean Day, it means a TIME PERIOD. And then people reading have figure out the time period by looking at all the clues in the verse(s). So, God created just as He describes, you insist YOWM means day, that is on you, not God. We all know that these things had to happen over billions of year, we know the constants thus we can add it all up via simple math.
I do not assume, the Bible specifically states that God created in seven days. God specifically stated that the seven day work week is based off of the seven day creation week. Everyone is to rest on the seventh day, as God rested on the seventh day. Here is a question. SINCE God created plants before the sun, how were plants supposed to survive a couple billion years without the sun? I mean, 24 hours...too easy. A couple billion years is a little much. And no pollinators to help those plants that require help to reproduce? Just how much breaking of natural law did God have to do?

Again, this is your conjecture, there was no dying of human beings God created in His own image, the Dinos died off 70 Million years ago. Animals can't "sin". They have no understanding of right and wrong per se. So, that is just you mixing up the truth, when you get to heaven and find out you were in error, you are going to understand how you took the simple and made it complex. We don't know what Adam and Eve did, their first 20 babies might have been girls, and girls were very rarely counted as per the lineage of descendants.
That is what you don't understand about Christianity. You seem to have forgotten that God gave dominion of all creation to Adam. ALL creation. Whatever Adam did affected all of creation. If he didn't sin, creation would have remained good, uncorrupt, and nothing would die. However, God had determined that this would not be, so it isn't even worth speculating what that would have been like. That is why the name of what Adam did is "The Fall". It wasn't simply the fall of man, it was the fall of all creation. When Adam sinned, all of creation was corrupted by sin, not just man. This is why Paul says that all of creation groans in pain waiting for redemption.
The 6th "YOWM" (Time period) lasts for 300-350 million years, it ended with God creating mankind in his image by placing His Spirit into mankind.
Consider that it was always Adam and Eve. TWO in the garden. There were no other humans around. Two frisky teenagers. You would think that they would have had one kid after the first one million years, wouldn't you? I mean, God had commanded them to be fruitful and multiply, and they were not capable of sin, right, outside of God's command not to eat of the tree.
You are merely tricking yourself into believing a falsehood my friend. Scientists are bought and paid for in many situations like Climate Change which is of course bogus fakery, but the SCIENCE is not nor can be tricked out via the Constants, the Speed of Light is the Speed of Light etc. etc. I do not base anything on Carbon Dating, but instead by the Constants (Laws if Nature) which are immutable. All Evolutionists are wrong, but so are Young Earthers sadly. Two wrongs don't make a right.
You do realize that science came from Christianity, and that the very first scientists, and later scientists, believed wholeheartedly in a seven day creation. They had no issue. And it is the same today. Christian scientists who have no issue with a seven day creation, because they understand that uniformitarianism is a lie. Things have not always been the same. For instance, you should look into Starlight and Time, where they show that not even time is constant, and could have been so different at the time of creation as to make things really interesting. Just the other day, some scientists stated that time is actually running slower then science believed. You talk about constants that aren't constants. They can vary. The thing that science doesn't want to delve into is... how much can it vary? We are at a very interesting point in time, because scientists can now see how things were, so there is now a standard that can look them plainly in the face and say "YOU ARE WRONG", and it is happening.