Except the Earth is younger than 10000 years. The creation story is not a myth. The reason the dinosaurs died is partly the flood, and partly/mostly the ice age that came up after the flood. Also the decrease in the amount of available food, and the kinds of plants/food available. (Not all survived the flood).
Don't fall for that Army, it will push people away from the Gospel for no reason. Look at the thread on here about Creation, I show how the word YOWM is used for 50 different things in the bible, not just day. Via the universe as mapped out with Radar,
we can see the first 400 million years was total darkness, just like Gen. 1:2 says, Darkness was on the face of the deep. I explain creation in Gen. via how God sees it, YOWM always means a Period of time, the author has to insert the DESCRIPTION, so I can show where YOWM is used for day, month, year, season, evermore, X Whole etc. etc. etc.
Mankind was created on the 6th Day (Period of time) which started about 300-350 million years ago, 70 million years ago the Dinos were killed off by an asteroid. Then 6000 years or so ago God created Mankind by placing His Spirit in us, making us immortal Human Beings with a vast intellect. Any man like animal before that was not a human being. I always shut the atheists down on that one, because they can not measure when God placed His Spirit in us, old bones mean nothing in that instance. The laws of nature or constants (speed of Light etc.) do not change, thus we know exactly how old the universe is. God created the Space Time Continuum for us, He is not restrained by time, therefore there is NO REASON for God to change the Laws of Nature He created for us in order to HURRY UP Creation, He lives in the past, present and future already, so as soon as He put forth the command God was already living in this universes completion. So, from the first YOWM (time period) to the 2nd YOWM that time period lasted 9.2 billion years because our Sun & Moon were created 4.5 billion years ago. God did not lie, but He also DID NOT call it a day, its a YOWM (time period). I agree Creation is not a myth, but God never stated He created the universe in 6 days, He said 6 YOWMS.
This, to me, is a case of going beyond what prophecy gives us. It is something we won't know until it happens, but, for those watching, they will realize what it is from prophecy. So be careful, that you don't do what Israel did with the prophecies of the Messiah. My image is having the prophecies on the table, and after events happening, going through prophecies to see if it lines up with what happened.
We can read it all in Revelation, its a Play by Play announcement unto us. Israel did nothing with the Prophesies, that was their problem, you feel me? They had a blind spot because their desire was a Conquering King that is all they could see they could not see the Suffering Messiah. So, its just the opposite, we need to dig down, not rest on our laurels and say, well it will all work out in the end.
Everything I am telling you will come to pass because I do not just put forth things I do not understand in the spiritual realm. I can explain the exact order of the book of Revelation, it is not in chronological order. Rev. 1 is Jesus as seen in all his Glory (Eternal Glory). Rev. 2 & 3 is the Church Age (7 = Divine Completion ), thus the THINGS WHICH ARE. Then in Rev. 4 and 5 we see the Raptured Church in heaven before the Seals are ever opened, Rev. 4:1 is the Rapture, Rev. 4:4 is The Church, look at the three things mentioned, all are seen in Rev. 2 and 3 as promises to those who OVERCOME in Rev. 2:10, Rev. 3:5 and Rev. 3:21, they sit at the THRONE of God, they have on Crowns of gold, and they have on White Raiment (Robes). In Rev. 5:9 they say the are Redeemed by God.
Rev. 6 is the Seals being opened, the seals DO NOTHING, Jesus is simply opening them in the presence of the Church and foretelling them (Prophesying) what is soon to come via the 7 Trumps. Seals 1-5 is the Anti-Christ and in each case actions we see the causations of his reign over a 42 month period of time, he 1.) Conquers 2.) Brings War for "42 months" 3.) Which bring Famines of course 4.) His rule will bring us Sickness/Death and the Grave or Hades. 5.) He Martyrs the Gentile Converts, God protects the Jewish converts. Seal number 6 is God's coming Wrath, it gets fulfilled via Trumps 1-7 but we see this in Trump #4, the Sun and Moon will turn dark, by the way, Joel 2:31 prophesies the exact same thing.
Only when the 7th Seal is taken off can the Judgments fall, that is why they are in Rev. 8.
Rev. 7 is the Jews who repented fleeing Judea at the 1290, the 1260 brings God's Wrath AND the Anti-Christ is allowed to go forth conquering. Notice God says HOLD UP the four winds (Judgment) and HURT NOT the Earth, Sea nor Trees until the 144,000 (code for ALL Israel) have) been Sealed (Saved and Protected). So these Jews need protection, they are not Super Preachers, that is a bad teaching. Then we get a glance up to heaven at the Pre Trib Raptured church one last time in Rev. 7:9-17.
God's Wrath Falls via the 7 Trumps starting in Rev. 8
The number 7 is Divine Completion, the 7 Trumps will complete Gods Wrath in full. The first four are the asteroid Apophis as seen in different phases. Rev. 8:13 then tells us the last three trumps yet to sound are the Three Woes to come. Rev. 9 shows us two Woes, one is the Demon hordes of the pit being released, led by Apollyon. The 2nd Woe is 200 million Angels killing 1/3 of those who have taken the Mark of the Beast. It is not Demons, Satan can not cast out Satan. Then we SKIP to Rev. 16 (really 15&16 is one chapter) where we see the 3rd Woe, which is the 7 Vials which comes out of the 7th Trump. Read Rev. 11, it says the 2nd Woe is past the 3rd Woe will come quickly, and then the 7th Trump blows bringing victory. That ends everything, in Rev. 16:19 Jesus defeats the nations.
The Parenthetical Citation chapters
Rev. chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19 all happen (mostly, save 11, 14 and 19, more detail later) during the 42 months of God's Wrath as seen in Rev. 8, 9 and 16. (Looking at Rev. 8 the angels ready the Trumps to blow and deliver the Judgments, so, in Rev. 15 the angels ready the Vials to be poured out, so its one chapter, imho)
Rev. 10 is simply John being shown that the 7 Thunders (think Trumps) will end times as we know it [on earth]
Rev. 11 is the Two-witnesses Ministry which lass for 1260 days, since they die at the 2nd Woe, just before the 3rd Woe arrives via the 7th Trump, we understand they have to show up before the Beasts 1260 day rule starts, and they do, at the 1335 Blessing, which is 45 days before the 1290 and 75 days before the 1260. That is why they die before the Beast dies, and why both are given 1260 day ordained offices on earth by God, so we can juxtapose their timelines against each other. They pray down all of the plagues, just like Moses did in Egypt. So, this chapter mostly parallels with God's Wrath, but as Rev. 7 shows, Gid wans to SEAL or SAVE Israel before His Wrath falls, of course.
Rev. 12 starts with he Rev. 8 Asteroid Impact, Satan is cast down to earth and chases the Woman (Israel or the 144,000 Jews) for 1260 days, exactly how long God's Wrath lasts.
Rev. 13 is the Anti-Christ/Beast whose rule we know lasts for 42 months !! This thus starts via the Rev. 8 Impact also.
Rev. 14 is the Harvest Chapter, because of the FLASHBACK to the Pre Trib Rapture in vs.14 this chapter covers the full Seven (7) years of the 7th week. The Wheat and Wicked Grapes (Tares) are seen here also.
Rev. 17 is the Harlot (All False Religion of all time) and this starts via the Rev. 8 judgments, because the A.C. will forbid all worship of any god, save Beast Worship, in so doing he kills of the other Harlot Religions like Islam etc.
Rev. 18 is God judging Babylon (the whole world under Satan's Dark Rule of confusion) we see in vs. 2 Babylon has become the Habitation of devils, well yes, Apollyon and his hordes of demons are released, and Satan and his demons are cast down unto earth. Then in vs. 4 we see Gd saying COME OUT OF HER my People, well, that is God calling Israel to flee Judea.
Rev. 19 also covers the full 7 years, we go to heaven to marry the Lamb, then we return with Jesus 7 years later