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Pre-Tribulation Rapture...and Jewish Wedding Parallel.


Well Known Member
Jun 16, 2023
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Not many people know the Jewish wedding of Jesus' time reflects pre-trib rapture. There is a parallelism as both reflect each other.

For instance the groom leaves the Father's house....Just as Jesus did when the Word became flesh.

The groom offers a marriage covenant.....Just as Jesus offers us an invitation to become saved.

Bread and wine are offered to seal the marriage offer.....At the last supper the disciples received the bread and wine.

The groom pays the price for his bride....Jesus paid the price for us on the cross with His blood.

The groom then departs to his Fathers house and builds a chamber for them....Jesus has ascended into heaven and is building a place for His bride.

The groom leaves his house and goes an retrieves his bride......Jesus returns in the clouds and retrieves His bride.

The wedding party announces the grooms coming....The Archangel shouts and blast the trumpet of God.

The groomsmen lift up the bride and carry her to the groom...Christians are resurrected and raptured up to Jesus at His appearing.

The Groom takes the bride to his father's house....Christians are taken to the 3rd heaven at the rapture.

The bride and groom consummate the wedding for 7 days....The Church is in heaven celebrating for 7 years.

The wedding party with invited guest occurs....The marriage supper of the Lamb occurs.

The bride and groom live together in their new home.....Jesus and his Christian bride live together in New Jerusalem
Or ......

The wedding party greets the coming bridegroom and escorts him to where the bride is and the wedding takes place there.
Or ......

The wedding party greets the coming bridegroom and escorts him to where the bride is and the wedding takes place there.
I don't see how/where that fits in with the order.
I don't see how/where that fits in with the order.
The wedding party meets Christ in the air and escorts Him back to where the bride is and the wedding takes place there, which all happens before the bridegroom takes his bride to the new home.
The wedding party meets Christ in the air and escorts Him back to where the bride is and the wedding takes place there, which all happens before the bridegroom takes his bride to the new home.
You'll need to adjust your OP to reflect that, otherwise you don't have a correct parallel for a Jewish wedding.
No, I'll have to adjust the Jewish wedding to accept that. In your "wedding chronology" Jesus returns to earth and doesn't take the bride to the new house.
No, I'll have to adjust the Jewish wedding to accept that. In your "wedding chronology" Jesus returns to earth and doesn't take the bride to the new house.
In a Jewish wedding, the bridegroom does not take the bride to the new house until AFTER the wedding.
The bridegroom is first greeted by the wedding party and then escorted to where the bride is and the wedding takes place there.
So Jesus is greeted in the air by the wedding party (not the bride), and then escorted back to where the bride is (which is on earth), and then the wedding takes place there, and then the husband & wife go to the new home.