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Passover 2025


Well Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
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The Jews' liturgical days begin in the evening so Passover this year kicks off at
sunset Saturday April 12

Were 2025 the year of Jesus' crucifixion, he would be dying on the cross during
Saturday's daylight hours while at the same time the Jew's would be slaughtering
lambs and preparing them for that night's celebration. Coincidentally, while the
Jews would be eating their lambs, Jesus would be spending the first of his three
nights in the tomb.

NOTE: The Jews will be observing two consecutive sabbaths this year relative to
Passover, to wit: the routine sabbath that begins at sunset Friday April 11, and the
first night of the Feast Of Unleavened Bread which begins at sunset Saturday April 12.
Jesus and his men ate their Passover the night of his arrest.

Matt 26:17-20
Mark 14:12-17
Luke 22:7-15

The Jews ate theirs the following night after he was dead and buried.

John 13:1-2
John 18:28-29
John 19:13-14
John 19:31

FAQ: The law of the Passover per the 12th chapter of Exodus is very explicit about
the times and circumstances relative to Passover. How was it not wrong for Jesus to
dine early? (cf. Num 9:12)

REPLY: He, being a prophet in direct contact with God, would of course known the
precise moment that Passover that year was supposed to begin. So I think we can
assume the Jews' liturgical calendar was tardy the year that Christ was crucified.

Ironically, the Jews were careful to avoid going after Jesus during Passover.

Matt 26:3-5 . .Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in
the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they plotted to arrest
Jesus in some sly way and kill him. But not during the feast-- they said --or there
may be a riot among the people.

Due to their liturgical calendar's error, the Jews were a day late preparing their
lambs for dinner and thus inadvertently put Jesus to death during the very season
they wanted to avoid.

The Jews' mistake worked to Jesus' advantage. Had their calendar been correct,
then he would've lost an opportunity to share one last sacred event with his men;
something he really wanted to do

Luke 22:14-15 . .Then, at the proper time, Jesus and the twelve apostles sat
down together at the table. Jesus said: I have looked forward to this hour with
deep longing, anxious to eat this Passover meal with you before my suffering
When the Lord journeyed thru the land of Egypt during the original Passover
described in the 12th chapter of Exodus; He wasn't looking for piety, nor
repentance, nor charity, nor faith, nor religion, nor perseverance, nor courage, nor
confession, nor kindness, nor tithing, nor weeping, nor prayers, nor morality, nor
baptism, nor gender, nor age, nor ethnic identity, nor would it have mattered if
people inside some of the homes didn't taste their lamb because the Lord was
looking for only one thing: the blood.

Now as long as the blood was applied as directed; even the Wiccans, the Voodoo
priests, the mediums, the terrorists, the Hamas, the Hezbollah, the Syrians, the
Palestinians, the LGBT, and North Korea's Kim family dynasty would've been safe
inside those homes because the people's personal conduct was unimportant that