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Non or Multi?

May 23, 2023
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Sometimes I think the label "Non-Denominational" is a misnomer. I mean consider the fact that however "it" distances itself from "established" denominations the folks in a Non-Denom, by and large, came out of a denomination. Unless, of course, one is saved while in a non-denom church as I was. A true mutt.

My history prior to being saved was vaguely RCC streaming into strict Lutheran faith...then running for the hills some 25+ years.

Mutt? Yes. You see once I was saved I was "raised" by a pastor and elders with the following backgrounds:

Reformed Baptist
Reformed Anglican
Reformed Dispensational

Every single one of these guys just wanted to be more like Christ. And, by and large, I think they succeeded. But they carried their roots with them and that flavored my experience of the church, the Bible, and how to approach both.

Now some of you here might remember when and why the Non-Denom movement started. I don't. I'm grateful for the perspective it's given me though. I can walk into just about any orthodox church and feel at home in some sense...but not beholden to the specific wackiness held out to define space. For the best possible reasons of course. Non-Denom is it's own crazy and I love them to this day for that.
Sometimes I think the label "Non-Denominational" is a misnomer. I mean consider the fact that however "it" distances itself from "established" denominations the folks in a Non-Denom, by and large, came out of a denomination. Unless, of course, one is saved while in a non-denom church as I was. A true mutt.

My history prior to being saved was vaguely RCC streaming into strict Lutheran faith...then running for the hills some 25+ years.

Mutt? Yes. You see once I was saved I was "raised" by a pastor and elders with the following backgrounds:

Reformed Baptist
Reformed Anglican
Reformed Dispensational

Every single one of these guys just wanted to be more like Christ. And, by and large, I think they succeeded. But they carried their roots with them and that flavored my experience of the church, the Bible, and how to approach both.

Now some of you here might remember when and why the Non-Denom movement started. I don't. I'm grateful for the perspective it's given me though. I can walk into just about any orthodox church and feel at home in some sense...but not beholden to the specific wackiness held out to define space. For the best possible reasons of course. Non-Denom is it's own crazy and I love them to this day for that.
Yes, we have a crazy loving God who loves to work with his crazy loving children of faith

The scriptures inform us there must be heresies as denomination among us. (differences in opinion) Therefore, when two or three (a family or tribe ) gather together under hearing of Faith as it is written. God is there working with them . . God's understanding revealed to us .

Out of one nation family Adam and Eve he made the whole body of born-again believers after Abel the second born used to represent a person must be born again from above.

New family to the world not in respect to their own dying selves. Families that gather together today are used a ceremonial law (shadow) a sign to all the nations not a sign unto themselves. Not like that of Aarons two sons they added strange fire (unauthorized) in false pride . They were consumed not a hint of smoke on the priestly attire. In that way not all are called to perform the ceremonies some are sent out two by two spreading the born again seed, Christ the building block of a new creation ,new family.