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Let us consider the word "generation"~ in the scriptures, a very important word in light of 1st Peter 2:9 and Matthew 24:34 and many other scriptures.

Why did not our friend Josheb see this?
I did see it and you should not wrongly imagine I did not see it because of my silence. You will do better sticking to the topic and not inventing falsehoods about others.
Thank you for watching after him, he needs a little help. 🙏
What a snotty, other-impugning, self-aggrandizing thing to post. Please keep the posts about the posts, not the posters. Note the comments I can made were evidenced, and evidenced by content specifically and explicitly found in the posts. When you have proof I did not see something and need help then post it, and until them keep the comments about others to yourself. This is important because these posts do the exact same thing with scripture: things not in evidence are assumed, not evidenced and not proven. That, not the faculties of others or their lack thereof, will prove fatal to the op.
Btw, I, at one point back in the seventies, believed....
I do not care because anecdotal personal experience is worthless in the absence of objective proof.
I'm almost ready to put my sword and harness off ~ a well worn one at that ~ It is still good for a few more battles I'm sure, we shall see.
No, you are not. None of the fallacies have been addressed, and Post 20 was just wasted with ad hominem, subjective experience, and non sequiturs.

From beginning to end, the seven or eight posts have begged the question, not proven it, and treated the begged position as if it is the default setting and the given in all examples except for a possible minority. In doing so the first rule of exegesis has been violated over and over, again and again - ignored is if it is not the default position! Nothing else you post will make any difference if the problem of begging the question, assuming facts not in evidence and treating what needs to be proved as a given, is not solved. While you are at it, before putting away your "sword and harness," address the problem of missing categories, like temporal markers and dispositional markers.
1st Peter 2:9~"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: "

Matthew 24:34~Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

True Christians are a distinct race of men. They are of a peculiar descent or pedigree. This is implied in their being called a generation. There are three significations of the word generation in the Scriptures. Sometimes it means, as is its meaning in the common use, a class of persons among a people, or in the world, that are born together, or so nearly together, that the time of their being in the different stages of the age of man is the same. They shall be young persons, middle aged, and old together. Or they shall be together upon the stage of action. All that are together upon the face of the earth, or the stage of action, are very often accounted as one generation*.* Thus when God threatened that not one of the Israelites of that generation should see the good land, it is meant, all from twenty years old and upward. It is used around forty times in this sense throughout the scriptures. To just name a few. Exodus 17:16; Judges 2:10; Lamentations 5:19; Isaiah 34:10,17; 51:8; Jeremiah 50:39; and Luke 16:8, the only time used in this sense in the NT, if I'm not mistaken.

A second meaning is, those who are born of a common progenitor.

A third meaning of the word in Scripture, is, a certain race or type of mankind, whose generation and birth agree, "not as to time", but as to descent and pedigree, or as to those persons from whom they originally proceeded. So it is to be understood, Mat. 1:1, “This is the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the son of Abraham;” that is, this is the book that gives an account of his pedigree. And this meaning, viz. those who are of the same race and descent, must be given to the word in the text. The righteous are often spoken of in Scripture as being a distinct generation, Psa. 14:5, “There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous.” Psa. 24:6, “This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.” Psa. 73:15, “If I say, I will speak thus: behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children.”

That the godly are a distinct race appears evident, since they are descended from God. They are a heavenly race, and they are derived from above. The heathen were wont to feign that their heroes and great men were descended from the gods, but God’s people are descended from the true and living God, without any fiction, Psa. 22:30, “A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.” That is, a seed, a posterity, shall serve him, and it shall be accounted to the Lord for his posterity or offspring.

Just as they righteous are a distinct race, so are the wicked, they are called a "generation of serpents" by the two greatest prophets that ever lived~John the Baptist and Christ.

Matthew 3:7~"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 23:31-33~"Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

The truth is this: there are only two groups of people living in this world, one righteous, the other wicked, one are a chosen generation who can trace their pedigree back to God; the other generation are the reprobates, an evil, wicked generation whose father is the devil and the works of their father they do.

John 8:41-47~"Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."

It is used over fifty times in this sense throughout both testaments.

To be continue.....

How about the normal reading of a span of years? There was that generation at Marah in the desert that did not believe...

Let us continue in our search considering the word "generation"~ in the scriptures~D.W. "Red" Baker​


Now we will look at Matthew 24, 25, where we find the phrase this generation, where so many Christians, and others, divide over its meaning. We are convinced that the context of Matthew 24 will provide for us the biblical meaning that Jesus intended for us to understand when he spoke those words to his disciples ~ in what is referred to as the Olivet discourse. We included chapter 25, since it was one discourse and we should not divorce the two chapters from the message that Christ was teaching his people unto the end of the world.

First, the application of Matthew 24~Some approach this chapter totally literally regardless of the reckless handling of the scriptures that is require in order to do so. The premillennialist apply Matthew 24 literal, but many of them swing back and forth in this chapter, some even saying that this chapter has a twofold applications of pertaining to Jews in 70 A.D. and then it pertains the the end of this world and Christ's second coming. They truly do not know what they believe, but they do believe, which is important, So, we do not judge their salvation, only their understanding of the truth.

The truth is, nobody truly interprets this chapter from start to finished literally. The Preterist, and the Historic claims they do, until they reach Matthew 24:27-31, and then their imagination get the best of them, and they can no longer lean on their champion Josephus and his book ~ The Wars of the Jews. There are good men in this camp, yet, we strongly disagree with them and believe we can prove them to be in error, but more than that, we want to help them to see the truth, not so much prove any man to be in error, there's no profit in doing that, we all are out to know ( or, at least should be ) the truth and to defend it for the glory of our Saviour who spoke this discourse.

We will teach this discourse from a Amill idealist position ~which is, to read the scriptures literal, or words have no meaning if we do not do so ~ and then we seek to understand what we are reading by comparing scriptures with scriptures and causing them to give to give us their proper sense and spiritual meaning, ( spiritual meaning from the Spirit, not from men ) which sense is hidden from the natural eyes and from lazy students of the word, or from men who just want to be a rubber stamped Christians by allowing other men to do their studding for them. I have found that most believers on Christian forums are not rubber stamp believers, which is a good thing.

When I say I'm teaching this chapter from a Amill idealist position~that name tag is not something I like, but a name which is given to folks who understand the truth is hidden in the scriptures under seemly words that can only mean what it said~like the words.... all, world, Jews, Israel, Jerusalem, and a host of others, when the truth is, the bible is not written like the New York Times, or the Washington Post, etc. But was given by the Holy Ghost to reveal precious truths to God's elect, not to the reprobates who care nothing for God's words, so it is hidden from them as their just reward. But, we will add, not to all of the elect, but to whosoever God is please to reveal his truth to.

Matthew 13:17~" For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. "

If we want to least be among those that do hear, then we must do all we can to be there, and it may be, God will be pleased to open up his precious word to us.
Why then is there this attempt to persuade us to believe "generation" has only one meaning?
it does only have one meaning with nothing added to it .Generation "a beginning" .

Let us continue in our search considering the word "generation"~ in the scriptures~D.W. "Red" Baker​


Now we will look at Matthew 24, 25, where we find the phrase this generation, where so many Christians, and others, divide over its meaning. We are convinced that the context of Matthew 24 will provide for us the biblical meaning that Jesus intended for us to understand when he spoke those words to his disciples ~ in what is referred to as the Olivet discourse. We included chapter 25, since it was one discourse and we should not divorce the two chapters from the message that Christ was teaching his people unto the end of the world.

First, the application of Matthew 24~Some approach this chapter totally literally regardless of the reckless handling of the scriptures that is require in order to do so. The premillennialist apply Matthew 24 literal, but many of them swing back and forth in this chapter, some even saying that this chapter has a twofold applications of pertaining to Jews in 70 A.D. and then it pertains the the end of this world and Christ's second coming. They truly do not know what they believe, but they do believe, which is important, So, we do not judge their salvation, only their understanding of the truth.

The truth is, nobody truly interprets this chapter from start to finished literally. The Preterist, and the Historic claims they do, until they reach Matthew 24:27-31, and then their imagination get the best of them, and they can no longer lean on their champion Josephus and his book ~ The Wars of the Jews. There are good men in this camp, yet, we strongly disagree with them and believe we can prove them to be in error, but more than that, we want to help them to see the truth, not so much prove any man to be in error, there's no profit in doing that, we all are out to know ( or, at least should be ) the truth and to defend it for the glory of our Saviour who spoke this discourse.

We will teach this discourse from a Amill idealist position ~which is, to read the scriptures literal, or words have no meaning if we do not do so ~ and then we seek to understand what we are reading by comparing scriptures with scriptures and causing them to give to give us their proper sense and spiritual meaning, ( spiritual meaning from the Spirit, not from men ) which sense is hidden from the natural eyes and from lazy students of the word, or from men who just want to be a rubber stamped Christians by allowing other men to do their studding for them. I have found that most believers on Christian forums are not rubber stamp believers, which is a good thing.

When I say I'm teaching this chapter from a Amill idealist position~that name tag is not something I like, but a name which is given to folks who understand the truth is hidden in the scriptures under seemly words that can only mean what it said~like the words.... all, world, Jews, Israel, Jerusalem, and a host of others, when the truth is, the bible is not written like the New York Times, or the Washington Post, etc. But was given by the Holy Ghost to reveal precious truths to God's elect, not to the reprobates who care nothing for God's words, so it is hidden from them as their just reward. But, we will add, not to all of the elect, but to whosoever God is please to reveal his truth to.

Matthew 13:17~" For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. "

If we want to least be among those that do hear, then we must do all we can to be there, and it may be, God will be pleased to open up his precious word to us.

For even better communication, be sure to explain that there is a millenium, but it is not what the millenialists think is a millenium. You might, then, call yourself an a-D'ist-millenial (not believing in a D'ist millenium).
What is the normal biological meaning of a generation, as found in Lk 23:28?