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May 27, 2023
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In the Old Testament, God orders the Jews to annihilate surrounding tribal groups by killing not only men and women, but youth, babies and animals all.

How do you square that illogical and unjust action with the God that regenerated you spiritually?

Is there ever any justification for murdering babies?
In the Old Testament, God orders the Jews to annihilate surrounding tribal groups by killing not only men and women, but youth, babies and animals all.

How do you square that illogical and unjust action with the God that regenerated you spiritually?

Is there ever any justification for murdering babies?
How is that any different from the flood which destroyed/killed all life on the planet except those on the Ark ?
Job 1:21
the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away;
blessed be the name of the LORD.
In the Old Testament, God orders the Jews to annihilate surrounding tribal groups by killing not only men and women, but youth, babies and animals all.

How do you square that illogical and unjust action with the God that regenerated you spiritually?

Is there ever any justification for murdering babies?
Depends oh how you look at it. Does not everyone deserve judgement and wrath? I say, yes, without a doubt.
So why can’t God judge some now? Who says he has to wait?
How do you square that illogical and unjust action with the God that regenerated you spiritually?
Unjust action? Not at all. That is righteous judgement, justice served.
Is there ever any justification for murdering babies?
Murder? What’s your definition of murder?

Do you know why murder is wrong?
Because God is not a murderer.

Or why lying is wrong?
Because God is not a liar.

Depends oh how you look at it. Does not everyone deserve judgement and wrath? I say, yes, without a doubt.
So why can’t God judge some now? Who says he has to wait?
Because man's finite rules and criteria placed upon God in order for Him to be fair is "I have to have a chance to vote either to reject or to receive first, then God can make His move fairly."

It's as if they cannot see that at that moment they are already fit for and deserving of destruction prior to "voting." This would be a just punishment since they are sinners.
In the Old Testament, God orders the Jews to annihilate surrounding tribal groups by killing not only men and women, but youth, babies and animals all.

How do you square that illogical and unjust action with the God that regenerated you spiritually?

Is there ever any justification for murdering babies?
First off, God has never commanded anyone to commit murder. The doctrine of imputation teaches that when mankind was imputed Adam's sin, all stood before Him guilty. Even from conception, all were guilty in His sight. Too much emotionalism today drives ppl's theology. Babies are no different in His sight than an 80 year old pagan bowing before Buddha is.