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External Confirmation That a Preeminent Intelligence Exists

Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
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External Confirmation That a Preeminent
Intelligence Exists

Buff Scott, Jr.

PART 1 of 2 Parts

There's an interesting premise called Cause/Effect. I'll demonstrate. At the back side of my Condo Unit is a large, proudly-looking tree whose height reaches into the sky. The tree casts a shadow. The shadow is the Effect, the tree is the Cause. Without the Cause there would be no Effect.

I can raise my hand and see a shadow or refection on the wall of my living room. Something or someone naturally generates the reflection. There can be no reflection without the generator—impossible. The generator is the Cause, the image is the Effect.

As none of these Effects are born within themselves or produce themselves without assistance, we conclude that something or someone is responsible for them. We have the producer or creator on one side of the equation and the product or creation on the other side. To think otherwise is to think unrealistically. If we apply this principle to everything in our solar system and beyond, the summation follows that there must be a source or Preeminent Intelligence behind it all. But what or who is it?

And now the atheist, agnostic, and evolutionist enter. One major school of thought among atheists and evolutionists is that the so-called "Big Bang" is responsible for our solar system and beyond. Therefore, Cause and Effect. Assuming the possibility of such, who or what caused the "Big Bang"? Did the Results or Effects of the "Big Bang" have no Cause? To answer negatively is to stretch the mind beyond reality—yes, even beyond Michael Jackson's "Never-Never Land!"

The pronouncements—and suppositions—of "Big Bang" advocates would not fill the smallest of potholes with facts and/or evidence. "Scientific delusions" are not the answer to the genesis of our solar system and beyond. The following points and questions are elementary but factual observations, not encumbered with an array of humanistic rhetoric.

1] If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for the existence of the universe, such as the "Big Bang" conjecture, why are all planets or heavenly bodies visible to the human eye circular in form, as opposed to rectangular, square, or many-sided? Would not a "Big Bang" have created all shapes?

2] As far as space exploration can determine, "There is only one planet [Earth] where gaseous oxygen and life are found."—Google. Other scientists say only Earth has sufficient oxygen to sustain life. If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for this uniqueness, what or who is it?

3] Then there's the sun. It is approximately 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, almost unimaginable. Its function is unbroken and uninterrupted. This huge ball of fire equips Planet Earth with warmth and other life-sustaining elements, otherwise the Earth would freeze into a solid block of ice overnight.

Who or what manages this ball of fire? Who or what supplies the fuel to keep it ablaze continually, century after century? If left to its own existence, without any form of supernatural management, wide-spread chaos—a calamity beyond realization—would occur. I affirm without hesitation: There is nothing in our solar system and beyond that can or does oversee the sun's function. There is only one clean, concise answer—a Preeminent Intelligence called GOD is in total and absolute control.​

[Please don't miss Part 2]
External Confirmation That a Preeminent
Intelligence Exists

Buff Scott, Jr.

PART 1 of 2 Parts

There's an interesting premise called Cause/Effect. I'll demonstrate. At the back side of my Condo Unit is a large, proudly-looking tree whose height reaches into the sky. The tree casts a shadow. The shadow is the Effect, the tree is the Cause. Without the Cause there would be no Effect.

I can raise my hand and see a shadow or refection on the wall of my living room. Something or someone naturally generates the reflection. There can be no reflection without the generator—impossible. The generator is the Cause, the image is the Effect.

As none of these Effects are born within themselves or produce themselves without assistance, we conclude that something or someone is responsible for them. We have the producer or creator on one side of the equation and the product or creation on the other side. To think otherwise is to think unrealistically. If we apply this principle to everything in our solar system and beyond, the summation follows that there must be a source or Preeminent Intelligence behind it all. But what or who is it?

And now the atheist, agnostic, and evolutionist enter. One major school of thought among atheists and evolutionists is that the so-called "Big Bang" is responsible for our solar system and beyond. Therefore, Cause and Effect. Assuming the possibility of such, who or what caused the "Big Bang"? Did the Results or Effects of the "Big Bang" have no Cause? To answer negatively is to stretch the mind beyond reality—yes, even beyond Michael Jackson's "Never-Never Land!"
The pronouncements—and suppositions—of "Big Bang" advocates would not fill the smallest of potholes with facts and/or evidence. "Scientific delusions" are not the answer to the genesis of our solar system and beyond. The following points and questions are elementary but factual observations, not encumbered with an array of humanistic rhetoric.

1] If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for the existence of the universe, such as the "Big Bang" conjecture, why are all planets or heavenly bodies visible to the human eye circular in form, as opposed to rectangular, square, or many-sided? Would not a "Big Bang" have created all shapes?

2] As far as space exploration can determine, "There is only one planet [Earth] where gaseous oxygen and life are found."—Google. Other scientists say only Earth has sufficient oxygen to sustain life. If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for this uniqueness, what or who is it?

3] Then there's the sun. It is approximately 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, almost unimaginable. Its function is unbroken and uninterrupted. This huge ball of fire equips Planet Earth with warmth and other life-sustaining elements, otherwise the Earth would freeze into a solid block of ice overnight.

Who or what manages this ball of fire? Who or what supplies the fuel to keep it ablaze continually, century after century? If left to its own existence, without any form of supernatural management, wide-spread chaos—a calamity beyond realization—would occur. I affirm without hesitation: There is nothing in our solar system and beyond that can or does oversee the sun's function. There is only one clean, concise answer—a Preeminent Intelligence called GOD is in total and absolute control.​

[Please don't miss Part 2]
1. I find your statement here, "If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for the existence of the universe, such as the "Big Bang" conjecture, why are all planets or heavenly bodies visible to the human eye circular in form, as opposed to rectangular, square, or many-sided? Would not a "Big Bang" have created all shapes?", too easily dismissed by the atheist. They don't claim that the BB results from nothing, nor from chaos, but only that they can have no vision past that point, and see no reason to pursue that question as it takes them nowhere. There is no reason for BB to have produced unnaturally shaped results. It is not miraculous.

You may have meant to touch on a fact that is not so easily dismissed, though, that there is no reason for anything to happen —and this to include the BB— if it is not caused to happen. Further, if something begins (such as the BB's expansion), but with no particularity, how does the specificity of what we see come about? Why not homogeneity, or at least gradual-ness of form in the density of what ejects from a single point (expansion), instead of waveform and motion of individual parts. As one writer rather poetically put it, something like, "all that we see now, [every particular thing], has its roots in the Big Bang." Thus, the BB, if that is the explanation for all the particulars we see now, had to have specificity, form, and not simple force. There should be no divergence from homogeneity. There should be no order via multiple principles, nor should there even be chaos, if the BB is not caused.

Rather ironically, there are many who have tried to go past the BB to figure out just how it could have happened. They are happy to conjecture, as long as they need not admit to intelligent cause. As for myself, I think the BB is possible, but that it necessarily was caused by something particular, whether by immediate intent (i.e. God being particular as to what resulted from the BB), or by some other earlier cause that itself is particular in form/ substance/ ability, and so itself being particularly causal, by our particular God.)

The only God that they think they must reason away is a God who is himself subject to the laws of reality, instead of the God who made ("invented") all things, to include very existence, and reality itself. They deny that God, the 'uncaused causer' is the one and only 'first cause', without even realizing they have done so.
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1. I find your statement here, "If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for the existence of the universe, such as the "Big Bang" conjecture, why are all planets or heavenly bodies visible to the human eye circular in form, as opposed to rectangular, square, or many-sided? Would not a "Big Bang" have created all shapes?", too easily dismissed by the atheist. They don't claim that the BB results from nothing, nor from chaos, but only that they can have no vision past that point, and see no reason to pursue that question as it takes them nowhere. There is no reason for BB to have produced unnaturally shaped results. It is not miraculous.

You may have meant to touch on a fact that is not so easily dismissed, though, that there is no reason for anything to happen —and this to include the BB— if it is not caused to happen. Further, if something begins (such as the BB's expansion), but with no particularity, how does the specificity of what we see come about? Why not homogeneity, or at least gradual-ness of form in the density of what ejects from a single point (expansion), instead of waveform and motion of individual parts. As one writer rather poetically put it, something like, "all that we see now, [every particular thing], has its roots in the Big Bang." Thus, the BB, if that is the explanation for all the particulars we see now, had to have specificity, form, and not simple force. There should be no divergence from homogeneity. There should be no order via multiple principles, nor should there even be chaos, if the BB is not caused.

Rather ironically, there are many who have tried to go past the BB to figure out just how it could have happened. They are happy to conjecture, as long as they need not admit to intelligent cause. As for myself, I think the BB is possible, but that it necessarily was caused by something particular, whether by immediate intent (i.e. God being particular as to what resulted from the BB), or by some other earlier cause that itself is particular in form/ substance/ ability, and so itself being particularly causal, by our particular God.)

The only God that they think they must reason away is a God who is himself subject to the laws of reality, instead of the God who made ("invented") all things, to include very existence, and reality itself. They deny that God, the 'uncaused causer' is the one and only 'first cause', without even realizing they have done so.
Very well expressed, my brother. I think you will enjoy Part 2. I invite your comments and thoughts.

There's an interesting premise called Cause/Effect. I'll demonstrate. At the back side of my Condo Unit is a large, proudly-looking tree whose height reaches into the sky. The tree casts a shadow. The shadow is the Effect, the tree is the Cause. Without the Cause there would be no Effect.

I would offer.

In the end of the matter the "law of faith" is Christ's labor of love .The. . ."Let the be" (cause)and "it was God alone good"(effect).

Signs as metaphor spoken in parables not seen. . follow prophecy the cause .

Satan the king of lying sign to wonder after deceives "leads" (false prophecy )

They do not lead as some that make a noise slain in the spirit fall backward or drink poison and not die (Charismatics )

No sign gifts (I did it, it proves it). Spiritual eternal unseen yes

Mark 16:16-18King James VersionHe that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall "follow" them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;(the gospel)They shall take up serpents;(false doctrine) and if they drink any deadly thing,(false prophecy) it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands (form of prayer) on the sick, and they shall recover.

Christ's faith as a labor is a . . "let the be work". Faith the power of Christ cant be separate form works .It is all one in the same power of Christ's living faith .

He calls believers Ye of little faith ones. .freely giving believers plenty to please His Holy Spirit .Peter said increase that power .

Faith the unseen eternal power of Christ.

The food the disciples knew not of. Called hidden mana in Rev 2:17. The power of Christ that works within giving us a understanding of His word and the power to perform it according to his good purposes .

John 4:33-35King James Version33 Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat?Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, (cause) and to finish his work.(effect)
I would offer.

In the end of the matter the "law of faith" is Christ's labor of love .The. . ."Let the be" (cause)and "it was God alone good"(effect).

Signs as metaphor spoken in parables not seen. . follow prophecy the cause .

Satan the king of lying sign to wonder after deceives "leads" (false prophecy )

They do not lead as some that make a noise slain in the spirit fall backward or drink poison and not die (Charismatics )

No sign gifts (I did it, it proves it). Spiritual eternal unseen yes

Mark 16:16-18King James VersionHe that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall "follow" them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;(the gospel)They shall take up serpents;(false doctrine) and if they drink any deadly thing,(false prophecy) it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands (form of prayer) on the sick, and they shall recover.

Christ's faith as a labor is a . . "let the be work". Faith the power of Christ cant be separate form works .It is all one in the same power of Christ's living faith .

He calls believers Ye of little faith ones. .freely giving believers plenty to please His Holy Spirit .Peter said increase that power .

Faith the unseen eternal power of Christ.

The food the disciples knew not of. Called hidden mana in Rev 2:17. The power of Christ that works within giving us a understanding of His word and the power to perform it according to his good purposes .

John 4:33-35King James Version33 Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat?Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, (cause) and to finish his work.(effect)
Mr GLee:

Most of your post does not relate to the topic at hand. Try constructing most of your replies to coincide with the subject.

Part 2, "External Confirmation That a Preeminent Intelligence Exists," the final Part, will (hopefully) be posted tomorrow, Tuesday.

They don't claim that the BB results from nothing, nor from chaos, but only that they can have no vision past that point, and see no reason to pursue that question as it takes them nowhere.
I think they stop there because to go any further would force them to recognize God.
I think they stop there because to go any further would force them to recognize God.
Agreed. And that very fact, (if they dare admit it), implies submission to complete ownership.
Mr GLee:

Most of your post does not relate to the topic at hand. Try constructing most of your replies to coincide with the subject.

Part 2, "External Confirmation That a Preeminent Intelligence Exists," the final Part, will (hopefully) be posted tomorrow, Tuesday.

Thanks . What do you mean by Preeminent Intelligence as eternal confirmation ? Can you give a few examples?
I think I can......In the beginning, God.....
Not think.. . . actively do . faithfully as a powerful labor of Christ Love . . "Let there be" and the beginning was "God alone good" .His presence lit up the whole world as the stage the premiere showing .. . . .Light. . . open curtains. . . reveal the action of his performance . "Its not good for mankind to be alone " .
Not think.. . . actively do . faithfully as a powerful labor of Christ Love . . "Let there be" and the beginning was "God alone good" .His presence lit up the whole world as the stage the premiere showing .. . . .Light. . . open curtains. . . reveal the action of his performance . "Its not good for mankind to be alone " .
OK, I know that in the beginning...God.
Thanks slower learner. New words to me

Why external and not eternal ?
GLee, In other words, God can be proven to exist by the universe He created. If we lived in a part of the world and had zero access to the scriptures, we can still see and know a Superpower exists simply by looking and being part of what He created. Romans, chapter 1, testifies to this fact. We call this "external evidence." Therefore, "EXTERNAL CONFIRMATION THAT A PREEMINENT INTELLIGENCE EXISTS."​

Hope this clarifies.
GLee, In other words, God can be proven to exist by the universe He created. If we lived in a part of the world and had zero access to the scriptures, we can still see and know a Superpower exists simply by looking and being part of what He created. Romans, chapter 1, testifies to this fact. We call this "external evidence." Therefore, "EXTERNAL CONFIRMATION THAT A PREEMINENT INTELLIGENCE EXISTS."​

Hope this clarifies.
Yes The evidence Christ has spoken..
External Confirmation That a Preeminent
Intelligence Exists

Buff Scott, Jr.

PART 1 of 2 Parts

There's an interesting premise called Cause/Effect. I'll demonstrate. At the back side of my Condo Unit is a large, proudly-looking tree whose height reaches into the sky. The tree casts a shadow. The shadow is the Effect, the tree is the Cause. Without the Cause there would be no Effect.

I can raise my hand and see a shadow or refection on the wall of my living room. Something or someone naturally generates the reflection. There can be no reflection without the generator—impossible. The generator is the Cause, the image is the Effect.

As none of these Effects are born within themselves or produce themselves without assistance, we conclude that something or someone is responsible for them. We have the producer or creator on one side of the equation and the product or creation on the other side. To think otherwise is to think unrealistically. If we apply this principle to everything in our solar system and beyond, the summation follows that there must be a source or Preeminent Intelligence behind it all. But what or who is it?

And now the atheist, agnostic, and evolutionist enter. One major school of thought among atheists and evolutionists is that the so-called "Big Bang" is responsible for our solar system and beyond. Therefore, Cause and Effect. Assuming the possibility of such, who or what caused the "Big Bang"? Did the Results or Effects of the "Big Bang" have no Cause? To answer negatively is to stretch the mind beyond reality—yes, even beyond Michael Jackson's "Never-Never Land!"

The pronouncements—and suppositions—of "Big Bang" advocates would not fill the smallest of potholes with facts and/or evidence. "Scientific delusions" are not the answer to the genesis of our solar system and beyond. The following points and questions are elementary but factual observations, not encumbered with an array of humanistic rhetoric.

1] If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for the existence of the universe, such as the "Big Bang" conjecture, why are all planets or heavenly bodies visible to the human eye circular in form, as opposed to rectangular, square, or many-sided? Would not a "Big Bang" have created all shapes?

2] As far as space exploration can determine, "There is only one planet [Earth] where gaseous oxygen and life are found."—Google. Other scientists say only Earth has sufficient oxygen to sustain life. If another source other than a Preeminent Intelligence is responsible for this uniqueness, what or who is it?

3] Then there's the sun. It is approximately 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, almost unimaginable. Its function is unbroken and uninterrupted. This huge ball of fire equips Planet Earth with warmth and other life-sustaining elements, otherwise the Earth would freeze into a solid block of ice overnight.

Who or what manages this ball of fire? Who or what supplies the fuel to keep it ablaze continually, century after century? If left to its own existence, without any form of supernatural management, wide-spread chaos—a calamity beyond realization—would occur. I affirm without hesitation: There is nothing in our solar system and beyond that can or does oversee the sun's function. There is only one clean, concise answer—a Preeminent Intelligence called GOD is in total and absolute control.​

[Please don't miss Part 2]

All good questions that are often neglected.

I have one mechanical answer for you about sphericalism. There are other shapes, you know, fragments etc. But the spherical is in response to a molten splash from the explosion finding itself hurtled into space and cooling which would have to be equidistant from its center.

By the way, the Septuagint editors put 'submerged out of view' when first mentioning the earth (or the land portion of), which can suggest irregular shape of the land, while the water would of course take a spherical shape covering that. The molten core below land would follow fluid characteristics.

In my journal, which I cannot name here, I discuss how an explosion just before our creation week is the best answer about lifeless randomness. I don't think much time is needed, either, but some. That hinges on a celestial mechanical question, too.
GLee, In other words, God can be proven to exist by the universe He created. If we lived in a part of the world and had zero access to the scriptures, we can still see and know a Superpower exists simply by looking and being part of what He created. Romans, chapter 1, testifies to this fact. We call this "external evidence." Therefore, "EXTERNAL CONFIRMATION THAT A PREEMINENT INTELLIGENCE EXISTS."​

Hope this clarifies.
I would offer. it is impossible to know Christ after the rudiments of this world

That would seem to support. The pagan foundation "out of sight out of mind" God is in everything, trees, animals, rocks, clouds thunder .etc

Metaphorical signs follow the "Let there be" a loving commandments of Christ producing and "it was very good" .They do not lead as in paganism

It is shown in the parable below the gospel sign Born again believers speaking in the new gospel tongue Christ in us casting out demons (lying spirit entities) That will hear the false prophecy form false apostles called serpents. It will not affect those born again they have sola scriptura all things written in the law and prophets till the end of time

Mark 16.17-20 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

The Key. .two apposing followings of God not seen, as it is written and dying mankind seen lying signs and wonders

In the same way the faithless Jew tried to make Jesus in to a circus seal. Do a tricky trick work a miracle then when we see with our own eyes we will believe for 15 seconds.

The law "let there be"

John 4:48Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

And the witness they have violated . .it was God alone good

John 6:30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

Satan the king of lying sign to wonder after (false prophecy ) He will be destroyed on the last day under the Sun ..

Believers must be careful how we hear who we say we do .

Wondering is not prophesying, its wondering wondering, marveling like Limbo or purgatory no end in sight. . false gospel .