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Entering the 1993rd year after Christ's resurrection


Endeavoring to interpret prophecy correctly.
Nov 25, 2023
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A proper understanding of the timing of the Crucifixion and Resurrection shows that we are entering the 1993rd year after those events. Should give you pause about exactly the possible significance of the next few years.
A proper understanding of the timing of the Crucifixion and Resurrection shows that we are entering the 1993rd year after those events.
That is according to the Hebrew calendar? My math may be wrong, but I make it more like 1901 years, according to the Hebrew calendar.
Should give you pause about exactly the possible significance of the next few years.
No. Nothing of eschatological import is likely to occur in the next few years.
That is according to the Hebrew calendar? My math may be wrong, but I make it more like 1901 years, according to the Hebrew calendar.

No. Nothing of eschatological import is likely to occur in the next few years.
So very typical. Yes, your math is wrong.
So very typical. Yes, your math is wrong.
I said it might be. I still say nothing will happen of eschatological import in the next few years. If you think otherwise, then I invite you to specify anything in particular you think might happen that is eschatologically relevant and salient. If the list is long, then just give me and the lurkers a handful of the specifics.
It's all in my videos. Always linked in my profile. For anyone to investigate for themselves if they are interested. Stop with the abusive language and buffoonary.
It's all in my videos. Always linked in my profile. For anyone to investigate for themselves if they are interested. Stop with the abusive language and buffoonary.
Thank you for your time. For the record: none of the content in the op-replies was addressed and none of the questions asked were answered. Unspecified and off topic accusations of abuse and attacks on the poster were received instead. On the rare occasion you answer op-relevant questions and stick to the topic we have fine conversations, but that hasn't happened here.

It is my belief nothing of eschatological import will happen in the next few years, but I am willing to consider any specific predictions anyone might offer as long as they discuss them in an op-relevant manner without ad hominem. There are many reasons why I hold the beliefs I hold but there are two main reasons. The first is that most of prophecy has already been fulfilled and nothing already fulfilled need be anticipated again. The second reason is that the signs the Bible gives us typically take many years to occur and come to relevance or completion and nothing in the world's current conditions comes even close. For example, many Christians believe another temple of stone will be built (even though scripture nowhere ever explicitly states any such thing). It took 40 years to build the second temple. It is conceivable that. using modern technology, another temple could be built in a shorter time, but given other factors (like the religious divisions in the Middle East, it could take much longer than forty years. While you, @eclipseEventSigns, may not personally hold to another stone temple's construction, it's not likely that particular event will occur in "the next few years," which is what the op specifies. The signs simply do not exist. Few, if any of the signs exist today. Israel's promised boundaries have not been restored, they do not have a theocracy or a monarchy, and the Mosaic Law is not the standard. None of those are likely to occur in the next few years and, therefore, neither are any of the eschatological events tied to any of those conditions.

The above has NOTHING to do with my particular view of prophecy or end times. I am accommodating others' views for the sake of conversation. So..... I again..... one last time.....

Invite you to list any particular events you think will occur in the next few years and explain how the 1993rd year is relevant. Otherwise, thank you for your time.