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Concerning the Transcendence of God.


Staff member
May 21, 2023
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If I am right about the Transcendence of God, then, logically, no matter how true, accurate or reliable anything I have to say, nothing I say does the job, to put it nicely, and maybe more to the point, it will fall short of the glory of God.

Thank God for his grace, beyond comprehension.
If I am right about the Transcendence of God, then, logically, no matter how true, accurate or reliable anything I have to say, nothing I say does the job, to put it nicely, and maybe more to the point, it will fall short of the glory of God.

Thank God for his grace, beyond comprehension.
Nothing you say does the job?

Then why post?
If I am right about the Transcendence of God, then, logically, no matter how true, accurate or reliable anything I have to say, nothing I say does the job, to put it nicely, and maybe more to the point, it will fall short of the glory of God.

Thank God for his grace, beyond comprehension.
We see in our Bible's one who got about as close to knowing God as a finite human is able to, and that is David in his psalms.


God, I cannot fathom you
And yet I love you.
My mind can only kiss the surface
Of who you are and questions
How can that be? And yet, I believe.
It is a fountain of grace
And living water that flows
Into and out of my heart
And cannot let go
That cries "Abba Father," and knows
From whence I came;
Who I belong to.

I remember the night when
My heart took that turn but
I cannot explain it.
It is beyond my reach.
But it was not me.
It could not be.
This love I have for God
Within my heart.

You had to love me first.
And that night when my heart
Was turned towards you and
Not away, was not when
You began to love me.
You loved me before ever
You brought me into existence.
You brought me here for Christ
Who would purchase me for your kingdom
With his own blood.

Every cry I cried and
Every step I took,
Every twisted path I followed
Your eye was upon me
Faithfully leading me to your Son
In the most perfect and necessary ways.
And still you are with me.
I dwell beneath the shadow of your wings
Never was there a moment
When I did not
And there never will be.

I am so safe.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
May all your people come to know
This love with which they love you
Is poured into them from You,
Through Christ our Lord,
The fountain of grace.
Nothing you say does the job?

Then why post?
Are you going to tell me that you can post something about the Transcendence of God that does the job? I had actually hoped that you and others would have comments about the subject, if not about the OP, that would add to our thoughts on the subject, or even begin a better thread on the subject.

But I posted it because it introduces somewhat of a flavor concerning the subject, and because I love a good irony. I expect one or two others besides me found the irony a bit humorous. We are not all choleric teachers.
Are you going to tell me that you can post something about the Transcendence of God that does the job?
What is "the job"?

If the job is to post in a manner that accurately reflects God's revelation of Himself then the answer is, "Yes." If the job is to provide an exhaustive explanation of the infinite almighty God then the answer is, "No," but it is a fools errand to attempt what is knowingly impossible.... and it might even qualify as sin because God never asked anyone to attempt such an endeavor. Nor does He possess any such irrational expectation. What He does expect is that what He has revealed be understood. That is, after all, why it was revealed.
I had actually hoped that you and others would have comments about the subject, if not about the OP, that would add to our thoughts on the subject, or even begin a better thread on the subject.
Which I believe I have done. At least five ops pertaining to God's "transcendence have been authored recently and I've posted in a few of them. You and I have also discussed this at length in many other threads and, if I understand your posts correctly, the subject confounds you much more than it does me.
But I posted it because it introduces somewhat of a flavor concerning the subject, and because I love a good irony.
Me, too.
I expect one or two others besides me found the irony a bit humorous. We are not all choleric teachers.
I have, on occasion, replied in kind.

If you could summarize your overall concern(s) regarding divine ontology into a statement or three, what would be that thesis statement?
To transcend means “to exist above and independent from; to rise above, surpass, succeed.” By this definition, God is the only truly transcendent Being. The “LORD God Almighty” created all things on the earth, beneath the earth and in the heavens above, yet He exists above and independent from them. All things are upheld by His mighty power (see preservation, Acts 17:28a, Colossians 1:17, Hebrews 1:3, Romans 11:36, Job 34:14-15), yet He is upheld by Himself alone. The whole universe exists in Him and for Him that He may receive glory, honor and praise (see God’s Purpose).

Being transcendent, God is both the unknown and
unknowable, yet God continually seeks to reveal Himself to His creation, i.e., the unknown seeks to be known. Here is a paradox. Being transcendent, God is the incomprehensible Creator existing outside of space and outside of time and thus is unknowable and unsearchable. Neither by an act of our will nor by our own reasoning can we possibly come to understand God or experience Him personally. God wants us to seek to know Him, yet how can the finite possibly know and understand the infinite when our minds and thoughts are so far beneath His (Isaiah 55:8-9)? Romans 11:33-36 “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him is the glory forever!”

Another aspect of God’s transcendent nature that places Him beyond the reach of His creation is His
holiness and His righteousness. Because of man’s proclivity to sin and his desire for wickedness, he is denied the right to enter God’s presence. God has no choice but to turn His face away from us like He did with Moses when he asked to see God’s glory. God told Moses, "You cannot see my face, for no one may see my face and live" (Exodus 33:20). To see the fullness of the glory of God would be too much for any human to bear; it would break the earthen vessel in pieces. The full revelation of God is therefore reserved for the future, when all things will be seen as they are, and men will be in a condition to receive them. GotQuestions.org

... sometimes my wife is "transcendent" ... she claims that at times I can't comprehend her and by default I should realize she is ALWAYS RIGHT. I don't agree and thus the case for her transcendence ... :unsure: ........ (aside: J/K)