● Rom 12:10b . . Honor others above yourselves.
Christians infected with narcissistic personality disorder will find that rule difficult, if
not impossible, to obey. NPD is a mental condition characterized by a grandiose
sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, exploitive behavior in
relationships, and a lack of empathy.
Narcissistic people are by nature insufferably arrogant, self-absorbed, indifferent,
and insensitive. They see nothing wrong with their behavior, nor are they attuned
to its impact on others. Were you to confront narcissistic folk with your concerns
about their attitude; be prepared for a counterattack because they'll no doubt
become indignant and defensive; possibly accusing you of selfishness, jealousy,
overreaction, hysteria, and unloving behavior. You see; they're never the problem:
you are.
As I was watching a recent series on the National Geographic channel about
geniuses; it became readily apparent to me that people in the genius category
crave recognition. Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso are two very good examples.
Their contributions to art and science were secondary to their ambitions for
greatness. I wouldn't say that all geniuses are like that of course, but apparently
the desire for greatness is not uncommon among the gifted genre.
I should think that most alpha achievers would have trouble complying with Rom
12:10b too. I mean; why be a winner if not to feel superior to everyone else? The
alpha achiever's motto is: It's not enough to succeed: everyone else must fail.
Feelings of value are important to everyone's sense of well being, but the narcissist
and the alpha achiever sincerely believe only themselves to be of any real value.
In their mind's eye, those inferior to themselves are of little worth, i.e. expendable
and/or a dime a dozen. (cf. Est 6:6, Matt 27:26, Mark 12:38 39, and 3John 1:9)