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Christ revealed the name of God

  • Thread starter Thread starter CherubRam
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Your Name

John 17:6

6 “I have revealed your name to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.

And so, where in the New Testament do you see God's personal name revealed?
Your Name

John 17:6

6 “I have revealed your name to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.

And so, where in the New Testament do you see God's personal name revealed?
What makes you think John 17:6's "name" is "God's personal name"?

This "God's name" topic has come up in the forum a couple of times recently. Many seem to think YHWH or "I Am" is God's name even though that is not exactly what the Exodus 3 text states. All the text states is that Moses asked God His name and God answered, "ehyeh aser ehyeh" (I am who I am). That is not actually a name. I am who I am and you am who you am. When Psalm 118 says, "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD," do you think that means a person has to know the revealed personal name of God and come in that name before they'll be blessed? Out of reverence to God's name the Jews stopped pronouncing it out loud and at some point prior to or during the inter-Testamental period the proper pronunciation of the Tetragram was lost. No one knew how to pronounce it. Is John 17:6 read to say Jesus told the apostles how to pronounce the long forgotten proper pronunciation? Or is it read to mean some other name was revealed?

Just saying.

What makes you read John 17:6 to say Jesus told the apostles God's "personal name"?