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Bible Study 101

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The word of God has to be :

1.) Spiritually Discerned. (not read like a phone book)

2.) "" Study to show yourself approved"", (not read like a novel)

3.) "Rightly divide the word of God'

Notice the word tells you to "rightly divide" it..

That means you can "wrongly divide" it and that is why there are thousands of denominations and thousands of "christian cults".

This is why you find Christians who believe they can lose their Salvation, and they believe they have to sin and confess and repeat.

= "wrongly divided" the word of God.

Q.) How do you rightly divided the word. ???

A.) See above 1-3

AA.) Study Paul's epistles as they are the KEY to the NT both Theologically and Doctrinally.
When my son first started reading the Bible, he became very discouraged. When I
asked him why; my son said he was unable to discern its hidden messages. So I
told him to stop looking for hidden messages and just read the Bible like you'd read
a novel or an encyclopedia. He was greatly relieved and from then on did alright.

How many interested folk out there haven't even so much as read the stories of Ruth,
Esther, and Jonah because some armchair expert has led them to believe that the
entire Bible, cover to cover, is cryptic? As a result, the only knowledge they have of
the Bible is derived from Xmas cards, plays, movies, hearsay, folklore, media
comments, television specials, and bull sessions. In other words; they end up
getting their knowledge of the Bible from the world instead of from its own pages.