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A Universal Dilemma. written a year ago.

Needs God

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Jul 13, 2023
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Skipperville Al.

A Universal Dilemma.​

When we wake up in the morning and brew that old familiar pick me up; even we as Christians come short of realizing the nature of that drink's origins. Its harmlessness promises a wide eye in the morning; Very many churches refuse to implement this sermon because of its nature so I thought I'd bring it up seeing it is a gospel parable even. There is a balance that we fail to see sometimes, if at all, and for those who stay away from caffeine; good for you. But the ones that know by heart of the results of coffee drinking has its origins as a potion, the kind that bring up that black smelly matter that is best served under ground. “Even though my metaphor was quite interesting, let’s keep my read classy shall we”.

When I Think about old queen Jessie, I think about the queen on Snow White. Yeah, those types. And this is where my first argument starts on my perspective of witchcraft. When you think about an apple being a metaphor for sin it’s just like that even. If you noticed the witch's stereotype in the storyline on the movie, most witches are egotistical and power hungry, reminds me of some Whitehouse officials I know by heart. And yes, that’s who those people are, basically. But what does this have to do with coffee and the Bible verse?

Sin lives where fear thrives; and yes, the universe. Jesus says we have all sinned and have fallen short. And I say we are ignorant of the world around us. I myself am guilty of practicing actual voodoo without realizing it and I won’t go into detail over it but here is another example. The man on the X-Files with the popcorn bag and the microwave; the episode was titled THEEF, He used simple everyday items to commit his act.

Matthew 15:11 says, we aren’t judged by what we consume, but by what we return onto others.

Let me utilize Psalms 23 for a moment; There are four sinful things in this world people want, Pleasures, Fame, Money, and Power. Sex has gone cold in this world for generations now, famous people turn away from their movie principles, and then there is left of money and power, but don’t get them confused.

Power: what is it, as a want? Ultimately God is all powerful, so powerful that one angel in God’s kingdom thought he could have some too, he later became our devil. And thus, what most things that witchcraft is, is all about power over people.

You want to do good in God’s name you better ask Him for direction because ultimately his way will give you the results you passion deeply. Passion is another word for want but it is a traverse of the meaning in that you want Godly things, “Not of the world” so to speak.

But what is power and why is too much bad for you? Because we have sin in our conscience, we can hardly do anything right. And as you can see by the results of ruling class, causes a gateway to your life that accepts all the basics taught against by the ten commandments themselves. Look at our politicians lying, and putting themselves as the master when they can’t even properly collude, Like the media.

Money is not power but a tool to use by those in power. And how you use it can put your name on the back of a person’s car, or feed a starving nation wherever your heart for God lies.

As for coffee, we all know what coffee is, and tea etc. When we drink a cup of joe in the morning, we are consuming the product of a group of apothecaries hundreds of years ago. I’m not at all saying you should practice shamanism or some other Juju idea. If you have been born gifted than use it while it last, because pretty soon you’ll have to give that talent away in the end. All I mean to proclaim is that indeed we are living in the universe. While we are here in it, we have a conflict between two entities that are fighting each other constantly, and when we realize we are to admonish that we have been grafted as part of the universe to join either side.

If you are a Christian like me then know what is happening, we cannot escape the fact that we are living a life of fear.

But at the same time, we are to overcome that fear with common sense. 1 john 4:18, all things of this world will pass, the Lord is not angry at us for living, he’d rather us live happily and “Responsibly”. My meaning for using the 15:11 is that while we take in what is great in life, we should also make sure our gifts aren’t hurting others and that we accomplish what God intends for our spiritual liberty.

And to close this message off, I will pray to the Lord this prayer.

Dear Lord: I would like to take the time at this moment not to ask for anything from you, but to thank you for all that you’ve already given to me. Amen...