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The vote certification offices' makeup


Well Known Member
Jun 24, 2023
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In %s, the fake votes for Harris should be subtracted out during the verification period ending Dec. 11. The problem is many of these offices are intentionally not a reflection of their local district. I have read that some are 99% registered to one party. The MI state police, viewing the site trackmyvote.org, are saying there is so much fraud, 'they don't know where to begin.'

As a safeguard to fair elections, the offices political demography must match the district. In my state, this is already known, because a 'party of preference' is marked, and radio updates during the early period have been broadcasting how many of each party have been voting.
The communist inability to allow fair elections are from, well, communism.
In %s, the fake votes for Harris should be subtracted out during the verification period ending Dec. 11. The problem is many of these offices are intentionally not a reflection of their local district. I have read that some are 99% registered to one party. The MI state police, viewing the site trackmyvote.org, are saying there is so much fraud, 'they don't know where to begin.'
If you want an accurate reflection....check the Vegas odds. Trump is winning by a landslide there.

The question is, is it big enough to overcome the demoncrat cheating?
I got a note saying this was deleted for 'self-promotion'. Hello? What?
Well, I dont know what the what is about either but...

Fraud is finding new ways in this election.

First... After the primaries our county election office was sued by the ACLU, which is not known for their GOP leanings.

Seems there were a couple of voters who during their mail in ballots, their ballots were not counted.

Now we know for a fact that when a ballot is received we get an email saying it was received. And we assume that means on election day
they will be fed into the machines for counting. How anyone knew that some were not is beyond me but non the less the ACLU was called and the county was sued.

Enter something new for the Nov 5 election.

Again regarding the mail in ballots... When one is received then the outside envelope has a place for the signature and "todays" date. IF either are missing then they will not be counted, but the sender will be given an opportunity to go correct that.

No mail in is counted until 7AM of the election day.

Every mail in has a secret envelope, unmarked, that you slip your ballot in and seal it and then put that into the return envelope, that has your name.

And in some cases there was no secret envelope they just put the ballot into the outside one.

These folks were told they would have a provisional ballot


How do I vote a provisional ballot?

If you vote by provisional ballot, you will be asked to follow these instructions:

  1. Complete the sections on the provisional envelope labeled Voter Information, Voter Affidavit for Provisional Ballot, and Current Address in front of election officials.
  2. Mark your provisional ballot in an accessible and private area of the polling place.
  3. Seal your provisional ballot in the secrecy envelope.
  4. Seal the secrecy envelope in the provisional ballot affidavit envelope.
  5. Fill out the Voter Signature section on the provisional ballot envelope in front of polling place election officials.
  6. Return the sealed provisional ballot affidavit envelope to a polling place election official.
  7. Receive your provisional ballot identification receipt.)
So the GOP went to the state supreme court to stop provisional ballots.... There are always a lot more Dems then Reps who vote this way.

So now we hear that the state Supreme Court sided against the GOP so they got it moved to SCOTUS and we hear this week that
SCOTUS also said the provisional ballots will count.

To me this is blatant election interference in trying to deny some folks their voting rights

.As a proud card carrying " DEPLORABLE CLOWN" who is not trash.. I am sorely upset with the GOP, as I have been for years.....

Good for SCOTUS.