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The Skeptic vs. Reality

Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
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The Skeptic vs. Reality
Buff Scott, Jr.

[Part 1 of 3 Parts]

A Common Scenario
"Have you looked upon this man 'Jesus' with your bare eyes? Have you been in his personal presence? Have you touched him with your hands? Were you there when he taught the crowds and allegedly healed the blind? You say, 'No?' Then how can you be so sure he existed as a real person? Could he not have been a figurative celebrity in a fictional narrative, very much like the imaginary story of Adam and Eve?"From the Atheists' community.

Credible Logic Is Consistent With Credible Logic
I've never seen George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. I've never touched them. I've never been in their personal presence. I've never heard their messages. Nonetheless, I believe they did most of the things history attributes to them. I base my faith on external and internal evidence. Not only do we have their own testimony, but the testimony of numerous others who were contemporary to their time and who wrote about them.

We do not question the soundness of the witnesses who attested to their existence, or doubt their credibility. We accept what has been reported about them as honorable and credible. Therefore, who among us questions the former existence of Washington and Lincoln? Even if neither had ever written a word, we would still believe both men served as Chief Commanders of this once great Republic, based upon the testimony of eyewitnesses who wrote about them.

How's Your Vision?
Here is where I'm coming from: We have copious testimony about the man Jesus from numerous eyewitnesses—His birth by a young virgin, His life, His teachings, His compassion, His wisdom, His miraculous wonders, His rejection, His agonizing death on a Roman tree, and finally His resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven. Why is there a reluctance to accept the attestations of these eyewitnesses? I think the chief reason is because many have not examined their testimony painstakingly, thoughtfully, and deliberately.

Furthermore: We are forever exposed to the effects of His existence, both past and present. There is no effect or result without a cause, and no cause that does not produce an effect. My hand casts a shadow on the wall. The hand is the cause, the shadow is the effect or result. No hand, no shadow. To confirm that God exists, we need only look out upon our universe and its vast array. God is the Cause, the universe is the effect. Additionally, all of the moral and spiritual qualities in and around us are the result of a specific Cause—the God of creation.

So, where does all of this lead us? Simply, just as we have the effects of Washington's and Lincoln's existence, so too we have the effects of Jesus' existence. To deny the one is to deny the other.​

[See Part 2 soon].​
The Skeptic vs. Reality
Buff Scott, Jr.

[Part 1 of 3 Parts]

A Common Scenario
"Have you looked upon this man 'Jesus' with your bare eyes? Have you been in his personal presence? Have you touched him with your hands? Were you there when he taught the crowds and allegedly healed the blind? You say, 'No?' Then how can you be so sure he existed as a real person? Could he not have been a figurative celebrity in a fictional narrative, very much like the imaginary story of Adam and Eve?"From the Atheists' community.

Credible Logic Is Consistent With Credible Logic
I've never seen George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. I've never touched them. I've never been in their personal presence. I've never heard their messages. Nonetheless, I believe they did most of the things history attributes to them. I base my faith on external and internal evidence. Not only do we have their own testimony, but the testimony of numerous others who were contemporary to their time and who wrote about them.​
When it comes to Christ Jesus we have the testimony of several books gathered together and bound under one book. Books, letters, accounts written by eyewitnesses who were contemporary to the time of christ Jesus.

We do not question the soundness of the witnesses who attested to their existence, or doubt their credibility. We accept what has been reported about them as honorable and credible. Therefore, who among us questions the former existence of Washington and Lincoln? Even if neither had ever written a word, we would still believe both men served as Chief Commanders of this once great Republic, based upon the testimony of eyewitnesses who wrote about them.​
I agree, but things get complicated when we start to include the miracles.
Then again the atheist "models" often require miracles to overcome the enormous odds to create and then evolve life to the many form we see today.

How's Your Vision?
Here is where I'm coming from: We have copious testimony about the man Jesus from numerous eyewitnesses—His birth by a young virgin, His life, His teachings, His compassion, His wisdom, His miraculous wonders, His rejection, His agonizing death on a Roman tree, and finally His resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven. Why is there a reluctance to accept the attestations of these eyewitnesses? I think the chief reason is because many have not examined their testimony painstakingly, thoughtfully, and deliberately.​
One thing that is always left out is prophecy written years prior to the events happening. Isaiah 53 is one example concerning Christ Jesus.

Furthermore: We are forever exposed to the effects of His existence, both past and present. There is no effect or result without a cause, and no cause that does not produce an effect. My hand casts a shadow on the wall. The hand is the cause, the shadow is the effect or result. No hand, no shadow. To confirm that God exists, we need only look out upon our universe and its vast array. God is the Cause, the universe is the effect. Additionally, all of the moral and spiritual qualities in and around us are the result of a specific Cause—the God of creation.​
When one winds the clock back...one realizes there has to be an uncaused causer.

So, where does all of this lead us? Simply, just as we have the effects of Washington's and Lincoln's existence, so too we have the effects of Jesus' existence. To deny the one is to deny the other.​
We can know a person walked through our yard on a snowy morning by seeing the tracks they left behind....from the tracks we can also deduce they were also walking a dog. When one looks at nature they can often see where the hand of God was in the creation.
[See Part 2 soon].​
When it comes to Christ Jesus we have the testimony of several books gathered together and bound under one book. Books, letters, accounts written by eyewitnesses who were contemporary to the time of christ Jesus.

I agree, but things get complicated when we start to include the miracles.
Then again the atheist "models" often require miracles to overcome the enormous odds to create and then evolve life to the many form we see today.

One thing that is always left out is prophecy written years prior to the events happening. Isaiah 53 is one example concerning Christ Jesus.

When one winds the clock back...one realizes there has to be an uncaused causer.

We can know a person walked through our yard on a snowy morning by seeing the tracks they left behind....from the tracks we can also deduce they were also walking a dog. When one looks at nature they can often see where the hand of God was in the creation.
Interesting response, my brother. Thank you and God bless. Look for Part 2 tomorrow, Lord willing.​