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Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
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The Inflationary Status of
Evicted Homeless

[Note the letter at the end on the LGBTQ movement]

A few years ago, I contrived a column on “The Homeless.” Since then our social and political cultures have undergone a change, which began in 2020. In the previous column on this topic, I stated:​

It is my persuasion that our society has become burdened with a self-made social monster that is not only growing by leaps and bounds, but is eating at the very fiber of our nation. And we continue to encourage this monster and nourish his appetite by equipping him with food, money, and shelter. He will never work and provide for himself as long as we supply his needs. Why should he surrender a slothful lifestyle when it is bolstered by working men and women? The longer we feed into this monster the longer he will come back for more. I guess I’m a little old fashioned, for I still cling to the apostle Paul’s words, “If a man will not work, he shall not eat” [2 Thess. 3:10].

I see three classes of Street people. I have compassion for the first two, but little sympathy for the third class. The first two classes of Street people are the mentally incompetent and those who have, for no fault of their own, lost everything—jobs, income, homes. Indeed, these people deserve help. The third class are those who are not interesting in providing a living for themselves and are addicted to living out of the pockets of hard-working Americans. Forty years ago we referred to them as “bums.”


It is discouraging that in our current culture a fourth class of homelessness has arrived and growing by leaps and bounds. It entails those who, because of our inflationary status for almost four years now, cannot afford high-priced mortgage rates and are therefore evicted. Others cannot afford the pumped up price of an apartment or the extravagant cost to lease a Condo Unit.

Although this fourth class has semi-attractive jobs with fairly good wages, yet they simply cannot compete with inflation. Consequently, many of them are forced to either move in with a relative, live in their automobile, or buy a tent and live on the Street. This class of homelessness has rapidly increased, and for one reason only—inflation, or the rising cost of everything since 2020. The greedy landlords are getting richer while the downtrodden are forced to live a life empty of the gratifications they once enjoyed.

In 2023 there were more evictions from homes, apartments, and Condo Units than in two decades. In Phoenix alone there were 83,172 evictions. That number is rapidly expanding in 2024. The same pitiful picture is displayed nationwide. The Greedy and the Power Hungry are not only Landlords but have also stepped into the shoes of Social and Financial czars.

I am of the conviction that if new political and social trailblazers are not ushered in come November of this year, we will be facing a financial disaster not seen since 1929—as well as multiplied crimes. If we think today’s number of homelessness and crimes are high, wait till 1929 resurfaces. We will be traumatized. My prayer to a faithful God is that it will never happen.

Last Week’s Column On “Heterosexual Month”
Buff, something “sort of” like this happened a few years ago, when I was living in Concord, NC. The Chick-fil-A Corporation had made a simple, unpretentious statement about its support for “Christian values.” it had to do with their being closed on Sundays so that “families could spend some time together”—or something like that.

The LGBTQ crowd declared that they were going to “boycott” Chick-fil-A by holding a “kiss-in” at the restaurant. It was to consist of all of their obviously mis-matched “couples” ordering the smallest menu items possible—ice cream cones, I think—and then “occupying” the outdoor seating area while engaging in what the school kids called “PDA” [public displays of affection].

But it backfired. Once the Christian community heard about it, the restaurant was mobbed with customers. The takeout line went completely around the block, and Christians were ordering huge takeout meals – so much so that the restaurant had to close early that day because they ran out of food.—John Roller - [email protected].​
Most states require unemployed people to document 3 job applications a week for benefits. The homeless should be on a similar system. They should be told that they must change all necessary personal manners and customs until there is are some unemployment benefits accrued in 2 years. Then if they are fired , they have something while they try again.

They are often clinging so hard to the thing that makes them unwanted in the job force.