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Reformation Rumblings

Jul 31, 2023
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The Evolution & Dumbing Down
Of America’s Music

In the main it is my conception there’s not a lot of difference between trashy TV shows and loud, gibberish jungle music. They are bed partners. The music America’s offspring has developed and become slaves to depicts the level of ignorance they’re being exposed to. A percentage of them grow up to be simpletons. Please bear with me as I speak bluntly.

If there’s anything in the music culture that needs to be outlawed, it’s the thunderous, satanic, unintelligible inharmonious garbage. It appeals to base emotions and brings out the animal behavior in those who are caught up in its sick web. It is no surprise, then, that its followers look and behave like animals—screaming and yelling to the top of their lungs. Like beasts of the field, they sacrifice social graces, demolishing and shattering that which was once the normal pattern of life.

I delight in distinct, proper vocabulary and pretty, captivating music. But time marches on and cultures change, whether to the good or to the bad. The drum-beating and ear-splitting jungle sounds might be music for the monkeys in the jungles of Africa, but it is not fitting for perceptive man. Given a choice, I’ll take the sounds of the wolf as he howls at the moon or the dog that barks at nothing.

In our modern world, anyone who has a good pair of lungs and can scream like a hyena can become a singing celebrity. Forget about the intelligible words of the song, because there aren’t any—just scream to the top of your voice and make up your own lyrics along the way. The deafening sounds of the drums and musical instruments will compensate for what you leave out.

This is the kind of trash young children and teenagers and young adults are lapping up. This rubbish invades and corrupts their minds, and the result is that they gradually embrace this “dumbing down” as though it were an integral part of life and growing up. Consequently, they develop a “foreign language”—an exotic dialect that is almost impossible to decipher. Careful, that they do not perish in their own musical vomit!

As a side note, and since we’re addressing music, in 1973 I composed a poem entitled, “Music & Moods.” In one verse, I remark:​

Soft music soothes the spirit,
Hard music arouses the passions;
Ballads stimulate the intellect,
There’s no end to the singers’ fashions.

Music, of course, is universal. Graceful and charming and intelligent music is good for the soul. Even the angels of glory sing sweetly. I cherish cheerful and/or spiritual music when I’m content. I even enjoy lonely music when I’m blue. The last stanza of my “Music & Moods” reads:
So sing on ye earthlings, nature and angels!
Sing on ye waters, wind and mountains!
Let there be moods of many colors,
Fill the heart with musical fountains.

As to our younger generation, the following admonition goes unheeded. “Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God” [Leviticus 19:32]. There will be no solution to the trend our younger generation is experiencing until morality and godliness become the centerpieces of American family life again. For when depravity replaces godliness and morality, as it is being done in America, the mortician may soon call for the corpse.

“In the same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority, and slander celestial beings...They speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals—these are the very things that destroy them” [Jude 1:8-10].​
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Music originates from two sources:
First, those that do not possess a human spirit and those that do.
Second, those that possess a human spirit would be a person who is born again.
Third, a person who is born again must be called of God to develop music for inclusion in corporate worship otherwise let the person keep it to himself. But it depends on their calling to develop music and for what purpose.
Fourth, a person who is born again with the call of God to develop music for corporate worship MUST do so from his human spirit which should be moved upon by the Holy Spirit to develop spiritual music for God who is Spirit.
Fifth, a person who does not possess a human spirit because they are not born again are only body and soul - no human spirit, and what music they develop originates from the soul, will be soulish, and when presented to born again believers or unsaved persons will minister to the soul of the individual having no spiritual qualities at all.
So, music will minster to the soul or the spirit.
And THAT is a great enormous difference.